“A New York City teenager who posted bail last week after he allegedly shot a police officer is back in jail on a probation violation, officials said.
Camrin Williams, a 16-year-old rapper who goes by the name C Blu, was ordered back to the Crossroads Juvenile Center in Brooklyn on Thursday after he allegedly violated the terms of a probation agreement, the New York Post reported. The arrest comes just one week after he posted a $250,000 bail on Jan. 27 for allegedly shooting of an NYPD officer, officials said.
The paper said the cause of the alleged probation violation is not known.
Williams, who has reportedly signed a recording contract with Interscope Records, was on probation for a 2020 gun charge when he allegedly shot 27-year-old Officer Kaseem Pennant on Jan. 18, officials said.
“We’re glad that a cop-shooter is back off the street, but this revolving door for a repeat gun offender makes no sense whatsoever,” PBA President Patrick J. Lynch told the New York Post following the arrest. He added: “It should be clear to every New Yorker that our justice system is broken in many places. Our lawmakers need to prioritize fixing it above everything else.”…”
Sorry, but what DOES one have to do to be held without bail…other than of course have the temerity to sit…
…in Nancy Pelosi’s chair?!?
Which ties in perfectly with the latest from NRO‘s Andy McCarthy, who insightfully observes…
“In his much-hyped visit to New York City this past week to meet with new mayor Eric Adams just after the funerals of two police officers murdered in Harlem, President Biden vowed to go after the guns. As if the guns were spontaneously shooting themselves — the same way the Left told us that the crowd at a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wis., was attacked “by an SUV,” as if it had not been driven by a violent career criminal, Darrell Brooks.
Biden’s mantra is guns. He’d be better off acquainting himself with a different g-word: gangs. The surge in urban crime, very much including violent crime, has long been driven by gangs.
Biden doesn’t want to talk about gangs for the same reason “progressive prosecutors,” whose rise to big-city power is underwritten by hard-left funding streams, don’t want to prosecute them — they overflow with young African-American males. Other ethnic groups, too, of course, but gangs and what passes for their “culture” influence the black community like no other, to the point that progressives long ago gave up confronting them, then gave up ignoring them, and finally settled on mainstreaming them.
Consistent with that approach, Biden and his party, which controls the Big Apple and other major cities across the nation with an iron political fist, pretend that the real peril is not gangs but guns — unless, of course, the “gang” in question is a police department.
…There are always guns, whether crime is rising or falling. Today, crime is rising because Democrats and their radical-left allies — such as Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and way too much of academe — hew to a delusional, racialist narrative that young black men are being hunted down by America’s police departments. Their theory is laughably juvenile. Alas, the laughably juvenile can take hold when a society cedes the institutions of learning and opinion to revolutionaries who gradually supplant reason with demagogy about an intersectional “us” forever victimized by “them” — the white power structure.
Having suppressed dissenting speech and rationality, the demagogues inculcated their “disparate impact” theory into the law, the curriculum, the popular culture, and the political sacred cows that may not be questioned on pain of that modern ostracism, cancellation. Disparate-impact theory holds that if members of a specific group — indeed, a very specific group, young black men — are arrested, prosecuted, and incarcerated at rates significantly higher than their percentage of the population, it can only be because of systemic racism. From that kooky premise, it follows that the police, not the lawbreakers, need reforming.
…Overwhelmingly, police do not witness crime. Crime is instead reported to police, generally by victims and witnesses, who identify or otherwise describe their assailants. Our knowledge of who commits crime is not based on racist police planting incriminating evidence and coercing confessions. We know who commits it because of accounts from the communities that are preyed upon. And crime being essentially local, those crime-ravaged communities are disproportionately African American. That is another fact never to be mentioned: The Left chooses to champion the rights of criminals, while the plight of the communities is exploited to demand ever more redistribution of wealth, which is duly funneled to political insiders. That is what the radical Left’s “defund the police” scam is about.
…Three things we can say with confidence, though. Police cannot be effective unless the political class has their back. Effective policing would place the spotlight on gangs, not guns. And you can have the rule of law or you can have disparate-impact theory, but you can’t have both.“
Fact is, since the Dimocrats are diametrically opposed to the former, and the latter is a myth, as long as Biden and his Socialist supporters control the country, America will have neither.
Moving on, also courtesy of NRO, Jim Geraghty reaffirms, Dr. Faux Chi’s lies and disinformation notwithstanding, the Wuhan virus was…
“…To paraphrase Ebright, in the autumn of 2019, there were three institutions in the entire world that were doing gain-of-function research on novel coronaviruses found in bats. One was in Galveston, Texas, one was in Chapel Hill, N.C., and the third was in Wuhan, China.
In theory, the pandemic could have started with some random Chinese person who didn’t have any connection to the bat coronavirus research conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology or the Wuhan CDC. This person would have a spectacularly unlucky run-in with a bat or other animal, and that random Chinese person caught the exceptionally rare naturally occurring animal virus that infects, sickens, and spreads among human beings like wildfire. This same hyper-contagious bat virus would have the exceptionally unusual trait of being extremely difficult to find in bats.
This extraordinarily unlucky person would then travel to the metaphorical doorstep of one of the three labs in the world doing gain-of-function research on novel coronaviruses found in bats and start infecting other people in the city of Wuhan. Under the natural-origin theory, the Wuhan laboratories just happen to be mind-bogglingly unlucky that events played out in a way that so closely mimics the consequences of a lab accident.
That would be a remarkable series of coincidences.
Or, within the walls of an institution that weknow was doing gain-of-function research on coronaviruses found in bats, aiming to make them more contagious and virulent, at an institution that we know was insufficiently staffed to operate safely, a single employee may have not worn his personal protective equipment correctly one day in late 2019. A single employee may have been scratched or bitten by a bat, or inhaled a virus shed by a bat undergoing the stress of an anal swab, or just carelessly wiped his eyes or nose or mouth. After that employee left the lab and returned home for the evening, he would have been shedding viruses once the infection took hold — in his home, through the public-transportation system and streets and sidewalks, and perhaps he or a family member visited a seafood market.
As of this writing, more than 5.6 million people around the world have perished from Covid, and 354 million have been infected.
The first great mystery of this pandemic is how it got started — a question that must be answered to adequately prepare us for another pandemic in the future.
The second great mystery of this pandemic is why so many powerful people don’t seem to feel any sense of urgency about solving the first great mystery.“
Follow the money, people, follow the money. The ChiComs have been spreading theirs like Johnny Appleseed sowed his seeds.
In a related item at The Epoch Times, Joe Wang recalls…
“…As a vaccine research scientist in Canada, I realized my dream of advancing fact-based science to reduce the child mortality rate. Also, unlike in China, where information the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP) deems harmful is censored, I had access to uncensored information in Canada. That’s how I discovered a phenomenon that could be more deadly than any infectious disease: Subjective Science.
I learned that my sister Zhen did not have to die; she would have lived if it wasn’t for Mao’s insane Great Leap Forward campaign. Many families in our village died with no survivors, while my family was one of the luckiest with only one dead.
And it was a good harvest year! After the start of the Great Leap Forward in 1958, in order to please their superiors, local communist officials exaggerated the reporting of their agricultural output, sometimes 10 times or more than the real output. They then had to collect the harvest in its entirety as tax, leaving nothing for the farmers. The Great Famine was largely man-made.
There were scientists and scholars who voiced their disbelief about the reported figures. However, they were labelled as rightists and anti-revolutionists and silenced. Some were executed.
As a direct result of the communist propaganda and the controlled narratives based on political campaigns that ignored common sense and scientific findings, millions of people like Zhen died. The agricultural experts who verified and praised the fake reports, representing the science as Mao wanted them to, were practising Subjective Science.
…In June 2021, after the contents of redacted emails from Dr. Fauci on the origins of COVID-19 were published, some things that had puzzled me from the beginning of the pandemic started to make sense.
I was a true believer in science and devoted my career to vaccine development for two decades, the second of which was with the largest vaccine company in the world at that time. I always believed in my fellow scientists as being noble, trustworthy, honest, and humble. So I almost fell out of my chair when I read a research paper in February 2020 on Nature Medicine’s website titled “The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2.” It was written by Kristian Andersen (Scripps Institute), Andrew Rambaut (University of Edinburgh), Ian Lipkin (Columbia University), Edward Holmes (University of Sydney), and Robert Garry (Tulane University).
The authors showed that SARS-CoV-2 binds to human ACE2 much better than any computer programs predicted. “Thus, the high-affinity binding of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein to human ACE2 is most likely the result of natural selection on a human or human-like ACE2 that permits another optimal binding solution to arise. This is strong evidence that SARS-CoV-2 is not the product of purposeful manipulation,” they wrote.
Excuse me? If SARS-CoV-2 infects people better than your computer predicts, then the only conclusion you can draw is that your computer sucks. How did these world-renowned scientists get the basic logic so wrong? And how did the prestigious publication Nature Medicine not catch that? Did anyone even read the paper before publishing it, not to mention peer review it?
This paper, as bad as it is, has been read 5.64 million times, referenced by 2,123 other papers, and used by authority figures such as Dr. Fauci to conclude that the debate on COVID-19’s origin is over, and label the possibility of a non-natural origin for SARS-CoV-2 as a conspiracy theory.
It seemed that the SARS-CoV-2 origin narrative had been decided upon—even when the existing facts did not support the narrative. The scientists took the existing facts and forced them to fit the preferred narrative, and also forced the general public to accept it, while silencing all other opinions and essentially banning scientific debate on the issue.
These scientists remind me of the agricultural experts in China in 1958.
Seeing what was happening in the science world, and the controlled narrative of the authorities on scientific matters, as a former proud scientist I was dismayed and distressed. I couldn’t believe prominent scientists like Kristian Andersen and publications like Nature Medicine could betray the very principle of science: telling the truth. Instead, they used people’s trust in science to silence scientific debate and advance their own narrative. This is Subjective Science, the Mao-style totalitarian science, at work in the free world!
I decided to write to Nature Medicine to complain about the paper and demand a retraction or at least an explanation. I sent my letter, titled “It is Premature to Conclude that SARS-CoV-2 Did not Have a Lab Origin,” by email on April 15 but did not receive a reply. Then I forwarded my email to Andersen, the paper’s lead author, with no response either.
Maybe I was being naive to question their science. It might have actually been their intention to use the facts to draw conclusions that are opposite to the facts, and drive the narrative directed by their masters—just like the so-called agricultural experts praising the fake reports in China during the Great Leap Forward.
It would take a corrupt system to do that. Is this really happening in America, I wondered?
Well, the Fauci emails accessed via Freedom of Information Act requests made public in June 2021 revealed what happened. On Jan. 31, 2020, Andersen emailed Fauci about the coronavirus, saying, “some of the features (potentially) look engineered.” The next day, a group of people, including Fauci and Andersen, held a secret teleconference. The Nature Medicine article concluding that “Our analyses clearly show that SARS-CoV-2 is not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus” was published online a few days later (and finalized on March 17, 2020).
We now know that in early February 2020, something happened to change Andersen’s opinion from “some of the features (potentially) look engineered” to “SARS-CoV-2 is not a laboratory construct or a purposefully manipulated virus.” Sounds exactly like what Subjective Scientists would do.
Interestingly, after the publication of the paper—which was used by Fauci to silence all other voices—the main authors, Andersen and Garry, received an $8.9 million grant from Fauci’s NIAID on Aug. 17, 2020.
A win-win-win all around. But the taxpayers are the losers, the public are the losers, and potentially millions of lives are at risk due to this Mao-style Subjective Science…”
So, here’s to you, Dr. Anthony Faux Chi…
And an incredibly overpaid, useless douchebag at that. Not to mention…
Next, a trio of items specially selected for inquiring Conservative minds:
Which brings us, inappropriately enough, particularly following an item related to Fat Stacey, to The Lighter Side:
Then there’s these from the lovely Shannon…
…and Ed Hickey:
Finally, we’ll call it a wrap with the Everything’s Relative segment, courtesy today of James Patrick and some very put-upon members of our Military residing on the grounds of the Naval Support Activity Bethesda, as we learn…
“Hundreds of junior-enlisted sailors and soldiers have gone for years without hot water in their barrack rooms aboard the Maryland Navy base that is home to the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.
Others have been left to broil in barracks with broken air conditioning during humid mid-Atlantic summers, or been assigned rooms without working fridges, thermostats or even locking doors, according to sailors who spoke with Navy Times and who voiced concerns to base leadership during a townhall meeting Thursday…”
Wow! We never knew we were so deprived during our four years at the Naval Academy without the benefit of air conditioning (or screens in the windows), refrigerators (working or not), thermostats OR locking doors. And while we did have hot water, who the hell needed it when showering in Annapolis nearly six months out of the year.
And imagine our surprise upon deploying on the U.S.S. Kitty Hawk (CV-63), we discovered the existence “water hours”, when, in the interest of flight operations, there was, during certain times of the day and night, no water for showers at all. Which wasn’t a big problem…unless you were airborne whenever they were allowed…for six straight days.
Our travails (now that we’re aware of them) pale in comparison with the plight of the Marines who fought their way across the Pacific, beginning with the steamy hell of Guadalcanal, which lasted a mere six months, without any respite.
Somehow we think those who endured the Battle of the Atlantic, Tarawa, 25 daylight raids over Germany, D-Day, Bastogne, Peleliu, Saipan, Iwo Jima or Okinawa would have traded their travails for those experienced by these stateside cupcakes in a heartbeat.
But we must observe, in the spirit of the Progressive-inspired “everyone deserves a trophy”, everything’s relative…if not accurate.
P.S. In a shameless plea for increased no-cost subscriptions, we humbly ask each of you pass The Gouge along to ten similarly-minded Conservative friends and/or acquaintances. Muchas gracias, mi amigos!
Video of the Day
Steve Turley details what happens when men don’t hold back against women. Serena Williams’ statement to David Letterman at the 6:08 mark says it all. Sorry, but you have to hit the YouTube link to view the video.
Tales of The Darkside
John Stossel explains why bad government has brought on on bad inflation.
On the Lighter Side
SNL takes on the ridiculous nature of airport security from a different angle.
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