It’s Friday, October 1st, 2021…but before we begin, if this initiative is approved…

Minneapolis to Vote on Defunding the Police as Crime Soars


…who in their right mind is going to want to live in Minneapolis?!?

Meanwhile, The Reload‘s Stephen Gutkowski totally shreds a WaPo editorial on gun control with one Twitter thread:

It’s life once again imitating art, as the writer’s abysmal ignorance of his subject matter reminds us one of our favorites scenes from Seinfeld:

Now, here’s The Gouge!

Since we’re on the subject of incredibly bad ideas, Jim Geraghty asks and answers the question…

Does Firing New York Doctors and Nurses Really Help Us at This Moment?


I want everybody who is medically eligible to get vaccinated — although if someone has caught and fought off an infection from COVID-19, they can reasonably argue that their natural immunity from past infection will protect them from any severe reactions to reinfection for a while. (Getting vaccinated on top of natural immunity wouldn’t hurt, though!)

But proposals to fire those who refuse to get vaccinated strike me as penny-wise and pound-foolish, particularly if the concern is the pandemic’s strain on hospitals, nursing homes, and long-term-care facilities, now stretching well into its second year. Nurses, doctors, EMTs, those who care for the aged and disabled, and support staff have all been through an unparalleled ordeal since 2020.CDC survey of 26,174 health-care workers this spring found that 53 percent reported symptoms of at least one mental-health condition in the preceding two weeks, including depression (32 percent), anxiety (30 percent), PTSD (36.8 percent), or suicidal ideation (8.4 percent). New York City gave these workers a ticker-tape parade, and they deserved every minute of it. But now, the state is telling them that if they don’t get vaccinated, they’re fired.

Keep in mind, the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses surveyed 6,000 critical-care nurses and found that two-thirds have considered leaving their jobs because of the pandemic. The state is threatening to fire workers who are largely burned out, exhausted, and who were already thinking of doing something else with their lives. I am not sure that New York governor Kathy Hochul has nearly as much leverage as she thinks she does; a considerable segment of fired, unvaccinated health-care workers may just leave the profession.

It’s tough to argue that these remaining unvaccinated health-care workers are nutjobs who don’t know anything about human health; it is what they do for a living…”

This make about as much sense as preventing the deployment of SEALs who refuse to be vaccinated from duty.  Or an ardent advocate of unrestricted abortion purporting to know the mind of God on being vaccinated….or any other subject.

Here’s the juice: At this point in the scamdemic, odds are, the vast majority of the people unvaccinated healthcare professionals come in contact with are either vaccinated or undergoing treatment for the Wuhan virus, in some cases both.  Regardless, unvaccinated doctors, nurses, EMTs and others wearing masks and gloves pose little or no threat to either group; in fact, the only threat unvaccinated healthcare workers pose is to themselves.  And they certainly don’t deserve to be fired for refusing a vaccine the producers of which have no liability whatsoever for their product.

Next up, courtesy of the lovely Shannon, The American Conservative names…

The Most Dangerous Man In America

Gen. Mark Milley is ambitious, incompetent, progressive, and wildly self-assured. *

* Just like his boss!

Four-star General Mark A. Milley, 20th chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and highest-ranking officer in the United States Armed Forces, is a walking answer to the unasked question, “What if Jim Mattis were fat and dumb?” (We get the author’s point, but have a far less flattering opinion of the toothless Mad Dog Mattis.)

With his fellow four-star and President Trump’s first secretary of defense, Milley shares a powerful but muted arrogance, a strong but less than rabid hawkishness, a clear political ambition that nonetheless defies immediate identification, and the obvious desire to be seen as a 21st-century warrior-scholar. He does not share with Mattis the requisite intelligence to uphold these delusions of soldier-sagehood, nor the basic capacities required to competently lead men and fight wars.

Milley’s warfighting incompetence—shared by almost all the top military brass—was on full display in the chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal executed last month, and the chairman, along with CENTCOM commander General Kenneth McKenzie and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin (himself a retired four-star), was called yesterday before the United States Senate Armed Services Committee to answer for the failure.

While granting an equivocal admission that “it is clear, it is obvious, the war in Afghanistan did not end on the terms we wanted, with the Taliban now in power in Kabul,” Milley left it unclear whether he would have let the war end on any terms at all, if it were up to him. After suggesting that he had played a part in killing President Trump’s initial order to end the war by January 2021, Milley recounted:

On 17 November [2020], we received a new order to reduce levels to 2,500, plus enabling forces, no later than 15 January [2021]. When President Biden was inaugurated [on 20 January] there were approximately 3,500 U.S. troops, 5,400 NATO troops, and 6,300 contractors in Afghanistan with the specified task of train, advise, and assist, along with a small contingent of counterterrorism forces. The strategic situation at inauguration was stalemate.

In other words: Either deliberately or through a fundamental inability to carry out their basic responsibilities, the chairman and other military leaders had failed to meet the president’s ordered drawdown target by a full thousand troops. (It seems no senator noticed this discrepancy, as none pressed the general further on the matter.) Further, Milley, McKenzie, and Austin all testified repeatedly that they had continued to advise in favor of that residual force of 2,500—the reduction to which they had spectacularly failed to execute the first time it was ordered by their commander-in-chief—up to the bitter end, and apparently in perpetuity…”

That The Donald selected Milley as CJCS in the first place is yet another reason we fervently hope and pray he isn’t in the race in 2024.  For more on the subject of this disgrace to the uniform, we recommend this clip from Tucker Carlson:

Since we’re on the subject of clear and present dangers to the homeland, NRO‘s Andy McCarthy writes…

Biden’s Immigration Treachery Threatens the Nation, Not Just National Security

The president is telling Texas and other border states that the federal government will neither protect them nor allow them to protect themselves.


“…Over a quarter-million foreigners per month breaching our borders in blatant violation of our laws is an invasion by any sensible standard. (It may not be an armed invasion, but it’s more accurately branded as an invasion than the Capitol riot is an “insurrection.”) Biden and his handlers would tell you that, given the breadth of the influx, they have no choice but to parole even if they lack the legal authority to do so. That is laughably, though tragically, false. The administration’s legal duty is to detain whomever it catches trying to enter; to the extent that it lacks the confinement space to detain the massive influx of illegal aliens its policies have created, its duty is to prevent them from entering the country in the first place. Releasing them is illegal. Since the president is not above the law, his option is to follow the law and honor his constitutional duty, not abet law-breaking and imperil national security.

The peril, it must be stressed, is not just to national security but to the nation itself. The border is under siege. Biden has a choice to protect the states, as he is sworn to do, or align himself with foreign intruders, as he is doing. This is not a mere matter of the president’s intruding on rental leases to preclude eviction, as tyrannically lawless as that was. Biden is telling Texas and the other states that the national government will neither protect them nor allow them to protect themselves. As Justice Scalia had the wisdom to see, that is not the constitutional arrangement to which Texas or any other state agreed.

Biden is playing with fire.

We don’t know which is worse: That Biden continues to undermine the Constitution and our national security…or that John Roberts endorsed such lawlessness when it came before his court.

Moving on, the Journal‘s Kim Strassel highlights the hubris displayed by the Dimocratic leadership in moving forward with a massive reconciliation giveaway one specific senator had already warned he wouldn’t support, in what she terms…

The Joe Manchin Moment

Pelosi and Schumer’s big mistake was to think they could bully him into submission.


Credit Sen. Joe Manchin for this week solving a paradox. What happens when an irresistible progressive force meets an immovable senator? Physicists take note: The West Virginian is still standing.

Politico has now made public a July 28 document, signed by Mr. Manchin and Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, outlining what “agreement” it would take for Mr. Manchin to begin reconciliation. His topline: $1.5 trillion. His top corporate rate: 25%. No debate on the bill prior to Oct. 1. No reconciliation dollars to flow until after Covid funds were disbursed. Only “needs based” programs, with “means testing.” And conditions on climate provisions. “Senator Manchin does not guarantee that he will vote for the final reconciliation legislation if it exceeds the conditions outlined in this agreement,” reads the paper, in bold. This was two weeks before the Senate voted to begin the reconciliation process.

Mr. Manchin broadcast the same to his colleagues in public. On Aug. 11, he issued a statement declaring the $3.5 trillion “irresponsible,” and in a Sept. 2 op-ed in these pages reiterated he would never support that number. He later noted the bill should be at most “1, 1.5” trillion, and laid out his corporate-tax marker. He said he’d reject any process that set an “artificial” topline and “reverse-engineer[ed]” priorities. He said there was “no way” he’d have any answers by Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s deadline of Sept. 27. He also voiced opposition to expanding Medicare and to certain climate provisions, and he noted his means-testing requirement.

Democrats’ response? Mr. Schumer bulled through a $3.5 trillion resolution, disemboweling the Manchin agreement. (Mr. Manchin voted to begin the process, even as he warned he wouldn’t support that as a final number.) Mrs. Pelosi ordered committee chairmen to mark up by Sept. 27 an artificial $3.5 trillion topline that reverse-engineered priorities and included a Medicare expansion, climate provisions, a 26.5% corporate tax, and giveaways to everyone—with nary a means-test in sight. And Democrats suggest Mr. Manchin isn’t operating in “good faith”?

Mr. Manchin’s vote is essential in a 50-50 Senate; nothing happens without him. The Democratic decision to plow ahead with this resolution—knowing that nearly every policy element and some $2 trillion in additional spending had already been rejected by a senator whose support was indispensable—would at any other time be described as mind-boggling ineptitude. Today, it is progressives’ standard operating procedure.

Is reconciliation still possible? Yes. Might Mr. Manchin be moved to a higher number? Maybe. What is clear is that Bernie Sanders’s wild-eyed $3.5 trillion free-for-all is dead. It’s a black eye to the Biden administration, Mrs. Pelosi and Mr. Schumer, and it’s their own fault.

Mr. Manchin has reminded his colleagues all year that he expects the congressional process to remain one of negotiation, collegiality, order and norms. They should have taken him at his word.

As Charlie Cooke notes at NRO, the likes of Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema are a feature, not a bug.  Though the fact Progressives are already preparing to oppose Sinema in the 2024 primary indicates they view her more as an invasive species in need of eradication.  On the other hand, they can kiss Joe Manchin’s backside for all he…and far more importantly…West Virginia voters care.

Then there’s this octet of carefully culled articles certain to pique the interest of inquiring Conservative minds: 

(1). Courtesy of White House DossierThe Hill tells us how Ivermectin disinformation leads to new kinds of chaos.  Actually, it’s precisely the kind of chaos to be expected when the public loses trust in every branch and level of government.

(2). Case in point, as, in a forward from Breeze Gould, The Defender relates how a Dr. Danice Hertz claims people like her who have been seriously injured by COVID vaccines are being dismissed or ignored, and because health officials won’t research their injuries and potential treatments, they have nowhere to turn.

(3). NRO‘s Michael Brendan Dougherty relates the reality of New York’s new, incredibly disconcerting governor, correctly concluding Kathy Hochul is one weird duck!

(4). Best of the Web recalls why Democrats liked the 1990s.  Hint: It’s the same reason NON-Democrats did.

(5). If you’ve ever wondered what President would nominate a Communist…yes, a real card-carrying Communist awarded the Lenin Personal Academic Scholarship while matriculating at Moscow University…for any post in their Administration, let alone Comptroller of the Currency, after reading this item from the Journal courtesy of Keith Calcote you’ll wonder no longer:

(6). Speaking of crazed incompetents, the Journal‘s Dan Henninger finds this week’s legislative agenda in the House of Representatives sounds like the to-do list of a madhouse.

(7). In response to proposed legislation which would have prevented the company from manufacturing products which account for more than 60% of its revenue, legendary firearms manufacturer Smith & Wesson will relocate from the only home it’s known since 1852, moving next year from in Springfield, Massachusetts to Tennessee.

(8). Matt Vespa sagely suggests if Democrats think THIS woman

is their secret weapon for the midterms, then they’re TOTALLY screwed.

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s these from Ed Hickey…


…and Breeze Gould:

For the record, the verse from Revelation is accurate, the quote attributed to Nostradamus…not so much.  Yet, it still should give you the chills!

Finally, we’ll call an end to the opening edition of the month with The Babylon Bee‘s list of…

9 Exciting Careers For Gender Studies Graduates


Gender Studies is a growing field with many fulfilling career opportunities! We find more and more genders every day, and we need professionals to sort through them all with their gender sorting machines so they can be placed on the correct gender shelf. That’s where you come in! If you think gender studies is for you, here are nine exciting jobs you can get once you graduate:

1) Burger flipper at McDonald’s, but a socially conscious one: You can spread the gospel of gender identity to your coworkers!

2) Sign spinner in front of Little Ceasars, but a socially conscious one: Your manager might let you listen to your favorite gender studies podcast while you do it.

3) Foreman at the gender factory: You know, where they manufacture all the genders. Good pay and benefits, especially if you join the gender union.

4) Portland Citizen: Portland is a paradise for gender studies experts. If you play your cards right, they might let you become a professional stabber for Antifa!

5) Professional toxic coworker: As an expert in gender studies, you can become a cancer in a large corporation, slowly wreaking havoc on all relationships and infrastructure from within. Cool!

6) Alyssa Milano: Unfortunately, this position is currently filled.

7) Screenwriter for the next big Marvel or Disney movie: No actual writing skills required, as long as you are really good at gender stuff.

8) Army General and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: General Milley did it, so can you!

9) Unitarian pastor: Unitarian pastors are pretty much gender studies professors with fancy collars, so this should be easy for you.

And good luck paying off your student debt on what you earn with your degree, you useless wankers!


Video of the Day

Listen as this educated idiot refuses to connect the dots which would reveal the real reason behind the surge in murders in America is the polar opposite of what he claims.  And CNN propagandist Erica Hill is either too ignorant or too in the tank to question his obviously incorrect conclusions.

Tales of The Darkside

Tucker details the Dimocrats’ truly warped priorities.

On the Lighter Side

Courtesy of Rick Page, proof positive sex can kill.
