On September 21, 2021,
in Uncategorized,
by magoo1310
It’s Monday, September 20th 2021…and as we write we’re winging our way home from the greatest golf tournament in the world, the Bob Hope Invitational at Lakeside Golf Club in Toluca Lake, CA. We frankly didn’t anticipate we’d have the opportunity to publish, but an unexpected 4-1/2 hour layover at DFW gave us the time, so thought we’d make use of our talent, though not in the usual manner.
Thus, without further ado, here’s a somewhat truncated installment of The Gouge, as we offer seven items specially selected for savvy Conservative minds!
(1). Though our thoughts on the subject of the thoroughly dishonorable Milley are somewhat belated…
…Captain James Tiberius Kirk speak for us:
All of which fairly screams the question with which other of America’s most implacable foes has Milley been in contact?!?
Here’s the juice: Had Milley committed his subversive act of sedition in concert with a nation with which America was technically at war…the NoKos for example…he’d deserve a particularly unquiet retirement ceremony in front of a firing squad, an event in which we’d happily participate. That he hasn’t resigned in disgrace or been fired tells you all you need to know about the parlous, perilous state of our modern Military, misled as it is by a cabal of thoroughly corrupt, woke political generals, admirals and even senior enlisted personnel.
(2). Since we’re on the subject of malignant organisms requiring removal from the body politic, writing at his Morning Jolt, Jim Geraghty paints a picture of a fraudulent, failing, flailing President.
(4). In this item from FOX News, Jason Whitlock recalls a chat with Isiah Thomas about the consequences of racial division as he relates why two national anthems are ‘unhealthy’ for any effort at unifying America. Here’s a second shot of the juice: That should be the REunification of America, as prior to the reign of The Great Divider, the country, by and large, WAS unified. Any and all racial divisions which exist today are purely the result of Progressive policies purposefully intended to bring about precisely what we’re experiencing today.
Had the wholly inaccurate claims put forth by these fellow travelers dedicated to the breakdown of the moral and social fabric of the nation simply been put to the Sam Kinison test…
…this whole falsified kerfuffle would have been nipped in the bud. Not that there’s anything wrong with Japanese florists.
Seriously, these are middle school kids. They barely know a penis from a pencil or a vagina from a V-8, yet these paddy-whacking, politically-correct putzes expect us to believe these kids are offended by the presence of a plumbing fixture?!? Okay, t’was a rhetorical question to which we offer a three-part response composed of some of our favorite movie lines:
Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:
We’ve been radio silent for nearly a week, so you’ll forgive us if we haven’t the faintest clue who Gabby Petito is, let alone what makes her particular murder/disappearance any more noteworthy than the other uncounted women who are killed or go missing each day.
With no disrespect intended to the departed, two thoughts immediately come to mind: First, even were we aware Gabby Petito was missing and presumed murdered, we certainly wouldn’t have been holding our breath waiting word from the FBI as to her fate. We’re thinking such appeals more to the Honey Boo-Boo fan club.
Second, if the rest of the MSM’s coverage of this story is the same as FOX‘s, something tells us this is another Natalie Holloway, a sordid story given almost unending front page headlines so as to bolster sagging ratings.
Regardless, we’re not holding our breath.
We’ll close with a couple personal prayer requests. First, two of our three brothers, as well as one of their wives, are all in various stages of COVID, so we’d greatly appreciate prayers for their recoveries. Rob is on the mend, but Tim and his wife Jeri are by no means in the clear. Second, Mrs. Jarlsberg, the wife of the esteemed Stilton of Stilton’s Place fame, is encountering some health issues, and we know Stilt would likewise cherish your prayers for her; wisdom for her doctors as they diagnose her condition, and healing and a speedy recovery for her. Lastly, we wanted to recognize the return of Balls Cotton, a number of whose contributions are contained in today’s installment of On The Lighter Side above. He’s still got some recovery ahead of him, but he’s gaining altitude and airspeed every day.
P.S. TLJ will be undergoing a surgical procedure on Tuesday the 21st. Nothing serious but it could preclude us from publishing on Wednesday.
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