It’s Wednesday, July 13th, 2021…but before we begin, check out the disclaimer plastered across the screen during The Donald’s CPAC speech, then picture…
…FOX or any other MSM outlet placing similar disclaimers under Biden when he claimed to have been instrumental in taking out bin Laden, or Kommielaa claiming rural Americans can’t access photocopiers or scanners.
One more note: we happened to watch an episode of a Netflix series on tyrants highlighting the depredations of Idi Amin Dada. Though Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Qaddafi, Saddam and the Kims received repeated mention, there was, curiously enough no mention whatsoever of the greatest mass murderer in history…
…or his contemporary counterpart, nor any reference to the fact mainland China has been under Communist rule for some 72 years, a duration of despotism exceeded only by that inflicted upon the long-suffering Russian people prior to the fall of the Evil Empire.
It must be pure oversight rather than an indication of the inroads made by the ChiCom influence machine.
Now, here’s The Gouge!
First up, courtesy of, Kevin McCullough calls our attention to…
“You could see it written all over Soledad O’Brien’s face. In her interview with the sitting Vice President she asks a simple question about the efficacy of IDs for voters. The word salad that came back from Kamala Harris was so inane, lacking in general coherency and mortifyingly insulting, the BET cameras caught a glimpse of an expression on the interviewer’s face that screamed, “why me?”
This revelation from Harris’ sit down with BET capped off a bizarre weekend in which it was also revealed that she’s “far too busy” to deal with all the areas of focus she’s taken on. She also famously uttered that perhaps she just needs to “tell Joe ‘no’” more often.
I’m pretty sure all of that is the opposite of how it’s supposed to happen.
Yet this is the new standard from the Jello Commander in chief and his number two “Cackles” the clown. Brazen hubris, jaw dropping incompetence, and a complete inability to even explain their simplest ideas...”
As well as an amazing level of ignorance, considering urban dwellers can’t access a Kinkos either, as the chain was purchased by FedEx in 2004, and in 2008 all its locations were converted to the FedEx Office format.
This brings to mind the disparate treatment accorded Bush I upon the occasion of his infamous bar code scanner fable, created to cause the impression H.W. couldn’t relate to the common man (That was Jeb!). Any question had The Donald committed such an enforced error, it would have been the lead story on every nightly news broadcast?!?
In a related item highlighting Kommielaa’s incompetence, NRO‘s Dan McLaughlin wonders…
“…To understand why the California AG’s office has been spared Democrats’ ire, we need only look at who managed the office into this cul-de-sac of bad strategy and administrative incompetence in the first place. The policy at issue in the case began under Jerry Brown before he was elected governor in 2010, but it was mainly administered, aggressively enforced, and defended in court under his successors, Kamala Harris and Xavier Becerra. It was Harris who went after the plaintiffs who brought the case, and it was Becerra who defended the suit all the way to the Supreme Court. Somehow, however, Democrats and the progressive commentariat have spared Harris and Becerra much criticism for their parade of mistakes.
…When conservatives say that Harris and Becerra are both authoritarian and incompetent, this is the sort of thing we mean. Democratic commentators seem publicly unable to admit that Harris might be unpopular for reasons other than her race and gender. Yet, there were reasons why her presidential campaign crashed and burned. An ongoing series of anonymous internal leaks damaging to Harris has made clear that Democrats on the inside are well aware of her problems. The question is when progressive commentators and Democratic politicians will start saying out loud that she is hurting their cause.“
Just as soon as they’re certain she’ll neither be running for President nor on Biden’s reelection ticket in 2024.
For more on criminal activity in the once-Golden State, we turn to FOX News, which informs us…
“…Walgreens has closed 17 locations in San Francisco over the last five years citing this sort of theft, the San Francisco Chronicle reported in May. Jason Cunningham, regional vice president for pharmacy and retail operations in California and Hawaii, said at a hearing at the time that theft in Walgreens stores in San Francisco is four times the average of stores elsewhere in the country.
Walgreens spends 35 times more on security in San Francisco than other areas where their stores are in operation…”
One has to admire the Socialists’ scam: they pander to the criminal class by raising the threshold for grand theft (a felony) to $950 per incident, forcing many merchants to close their doors or be shoplifted out of business, then complain their constituents don’t have access to pharmacies, grocery stores or other retail options.
Moving on, we offer another septet of specially selected items certain to pique the interest of inquiring Conservative minds:
(2). Since we’re on the subject of The Groper, the Morning Jolt details his nonsensical claim the Afghan Army can handle the Taliban from here. Yeah,…like the French handled the Germans…or, perhaps more appropriately, the South Vietnamese handled the North after the U.S. withdrawal.
(4). In yet another Profile in Progressive Political Pusillanimity, Texas Democrats walked out on a special legislative session and fled the state in order to kill a voting bill…you know, ’cause Blacks are too stupid to figure out how to obtain a photo ID. This prompted Governor Abbott to promise he’d keep calling special session after special session until the cows come home…and arrest each and every house member upon their return, though the power to do so appears to rest with the Republican Speaker of the House, who curiously declined to do so when the Dimocrats pulled a similar trick back in May. Further proof Republicans are the party of stupid, no matter where they reside.
(6). Courtesy of James Nichols, Zero Hedge‘s Tyler Durden reports on the instructions the Big Guy issued to his vaccination police: “Ignore no-soliciting signs, use your script“.
Meanwhile, as Matt Vespa records at, those in power and their MSM sycophants can’t let this particular “crisis” go, as they’re NOW trying to suggest even the vaccinated continue to wear masks because headaches, sore throats and runny noses MIGHT…MIGHT, mind you…be symptomatic of the dreaded DELTA VARIANT…which is of course no more lethal than the original Wuhan virus released from a lab in Wuhan, China…CHINA…nor any more resistant to the various available vaccines.
(7). Speed suggests…
…as 46*nominates ex-GOP Sen. Jeff Flake as ambassador to Turkey. Which brings to mind a line from A Man for All Seasons, in which Sir Thomas More questions the price for which an acquaintance sold his soul to Henry VIII: “For Wales? Why Richard, it profit a man nothing to give his soul for the whole world…but for Wales?” Since he once represented Arizona, we hope Jeff enjoys heat…’cause it’s VERY hot where HE’S headed.
Or as Speed observed, the Court of St. James, Switzerland and Venezuela must have been taken!
Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:
Then there’s these from James Patrick…
…Brenda Berry…
…Balls Cotton…
…Ed Hickey…
…and last, but certainly never least, our youngest son Travis:
Finally, we’ll call it a wrap with an item from FOX informing us an…
“…The intrepid gal had frequently posted pics of herself posing on the edges of steep cliffs to her Instagram account, where she included the tagline, “Life should be fun not dumb.”…”
With no disrespect whatsoever intended towards the departed, we don’t know who is worse: an individual who doesn’t live by their own words, or those who allow themselves to be “influenced” by them. Here’s the juice: Life is hard; its even harder…and often shorter…when you’re stupid.
Video of the Day
Ami Horowitz goes inside Black Lies Matter to reveal the corrosively divisive Marxist reality behind its fabricated facade so many in America have bought into, lock, stock and barrel. It’s a bit lengthy, but WELL worth your time.
Tales of The Darkside
Listen as The Left obfuscates, dissimulates and prevaricates about the true nature of Critical Race Theory.
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