It’s Wednesday, July 7th, 2021…but before we begin, this meme forwarded by Balls Cotton deserves some clarification.

Critical Race Theory is NOT a Marxist ideology.  Rather, like Black Lies Matter, it’s a massive Marxist LIE fabricated for the sole purpose of fomenting division and hate in order to bring about revolution.   The carnage, destruction and economic upheaval from two world wars hadn’t created the class divisions Socialists thought would lead the workers of the world to unite and overthrow their bourgeois overlords, so they hit upon race as a means of creating social strife.  It’s that simple.

And anyone, and we mean anyone

who supports its continued dissemination is either actively acting against the Constitution or a complete and utter tool of totalitarianism, willing or otherwise.  That the National Education Association finds it “reasonable and appropriate” for use in the classroom and General Mark Milley of value to America’s Military tells you all you need to know about their respective goals and motivation.  Two quick points: (i) As the WSJ notes, since when has the focus of the NEA been about education?!?; and (ii) That Milley was a favorite of The Donald speaks volumes about Trump’s judgement.

For those interested, the Heritage Foundation offers a complete history of this deliberately divisive means to the Socialists’ end, while a more concise but far less detailed primer from Prager U. can be viewed here.  

In a related item, our mother-in-law Ann forwarded the following which details the personal experience and enlightenment of one Manning Johnson, a Black Communist who learned the way Marxism really works:

Here’s the juice: CRT isn’t an ideology, it’s an incredibly destructive scam designed for the benefit of those animals who believe themselves to be more equal than others, such as Stacey Abrams, as detailed in a forward from FOX via George Lawlor.

Turns out claiming to be a champion of the proletariat can very profitable, as the well-fed Abrams is well on her way to becoming a real estate magnate on the order of the infamously more-equal-than-others Marxist Patrisse…

…Cullors, as Fat Stacey now owns two homes worth an estimated $1.4M, DESPITE starting her 2018 gubernatorial campaign in massive debt, and having no discernible meaningful means of support since.  Hey, it pays to be a Marxist…just ask the Obamas and the Bidens!

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, since we’re on the subject of the Dimocrats’ deliberate divisiveness, courtesy of Ed Hickey, Lewis Patrice wonders… 

The Left has succeeded in dividing the nation – now what?


The left and its avatars (feminism, Antifa, BLM, Marxism, socialism, communism, environmentalism, etc.) is very effectively dividing America. Having taken over education, entertainment and social media, it is now endlessly engaged in pitting groups against each other. Blacks against whites. Haves against have nots. Rich against poor. Elite against plebeian. Religious against atheists. Gays against straights. Victims against oppressors. Women against men. Even the vaccinated against the unvaccinated. Have I missed anything?

As enemies of leftism, conservatives are – they must be – painted in the worst possible light: intolerant, racist, sexist, white supremacist, neo-Nazi, patriarchal and every other epithet you can dream up. But if you were to ask the common conservative on the street what his or her true bias is, it comes down to this: left against right.

Take racism, for example. The accusation of racism has become the default go-to allegation for anything and everything the left doesn’t like. But Dennis Prager once wrote a column explaining how to tell whether or not someone is a racist in three easy questions:

1. Do you have more in common with, and are you personally more comfortable in the company of, a white leftist or a black conservative?

2. Would you rather have nine white leftists or nine black conservatives on the U.S. Supreme Court?

3. Would you rather your child marry a black Christian conservative or a white non-Christian liberal?

Conservatives aren’t biased against people who are black, brown, green, purple, or any other skin color. We’re biased against people who are liberal. It’s not skin color, it’s attitude. It’s not sexual orientation, it’s character. Why is this so hard for the left to understand?…”

Oh, they understand it alright; it’s one of the reason’s they hate us so much.

We should note our three boys were instructed there was red line they crossed at their own risk.  They clearly understood we’d love them whatever they did, lie, cheat, steal, kill, switch-hit, etc., etc., etc., ad nauseam, ad infinitum; just don’t plan on us celebrating everyone of your choices, particularly that last one!  But just don’t ever, EVER vote Dimocratic!  THAT will cost you your inheritance.

Speaking of decisions which, though they may have felt good at the time may well end of costing you, as this item from the U.K.’s Daily Mail via James Nichols details…

China could SEIZE LAND from tiny Montenegro for failing to repay $1 billion ‘Belt and Road’ loan for 270-mile road to nowhere – of which only a handful of miles was ever built


Perched atop massive cement pillars that tower above Montenegro’s picturesque Moraca river canyon is an incomplete highway that threatens to bankrupt the little Balkan nation. China Road and Bridge Corporation, the state-owned company which is building the bridge with imported Chinese workers, has not yet finished constructing the first section of the 270-mile highway to the Serbian capital Belgrade. 

The first installment on a $1 billion loan from China’s state bank is due this month but it’s unclear whether Montenegro, whose debt has soared to more than double its GDP because of the project, will be able to pay it back. A copy of the loan contract reviewed by NPR shows that if Montenegro misses the deadline, Beijing has the right to seize land inside the country – as long as it doesn’t belong to the military or is used for diplomatic purposes.

Furthermore, the country’s former government green-lighted for a Chinese court of arbitration to have the final say on any contractual disputes. Deputy Prime Minister Abazovic said in May that the terms are ludicrous. ‘This is not normal,’ he told Euronews. ‘This is out of any kind of logic of national interest.’…”

Reports the consultant who negotiated the Chinese arbitration provision, hired by the “former government” at the urging of a “former Vice President”…

…has refused repeated opportunities for comment remain unconfirmed. 

In a related example of refused cooperation, Just the News via White House Dossier tells us the

Major funder of Wuhan lab refuses House request for docs as Democrats fail to subpoena

Peter Daszak has been at the center of SARS-Cov-2 controversy since last year.


A major conduit of federal research funding to the Chinese coronavirus lab at the center of ongoing speculation over the origins of the SARS-Cov-2 virus is not complying with a months-old request from House Republicans for documentation related to his work with that lab, while Democrats in the House have failed to issue a subpoena to compel that evidence.

Peter Daszak, the president of the U.S. nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance, has been the subject of growing scrutiny over the last several months regarding his role in the funding of the Wuhan Institute of Virology. For several years leading up to the pandemic, EcoHealth Alliance funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars in federal research grants to the WIV for the study of potential pandemic coronaviruses at the Wuhan lab. 

As government investigators and journalists dig to uncover the full scope of Daszak’s links to the WIV, Daszak is continuing to spurn a congressional request for that information…”

Think about it, who’s the bigger traitor: (a) Peter Daszak, or (b) General Mark Milley?  Hells bells, let’s just make it easy and shoot ’em both!

Next, we offer a sextet of specially selected items sure to pique the interest of inquiring Conservative minds:

(1). As the Wuhan scamdemic seemingly allowed him to get away with, at least for now, killing thousands of elderly Republican voters, something tells us Sonny Cuomo believes declaring gun violence a public health crisis will somehow enable him to take out Conservative gun owners in similar fashion…while at the same time distracting attention from his numerous other scandals. 

(2). Since we’re on the subject of those making an awful lot of money with no discernible talent or skills of any kind, in another forward from George Lawlor, the New York Post informs us Hunter’s laptop shows Joe Biden not only ATTENDED meetings between Hunter and his Mexican business partners, he HOSTED them at his official Veep residence.  Buy hey,…

Which translates as, “Nothing to see here, folks…please move along.”  Unfortunately for 46*…

One cannot begin to imagine the speed with which this story would have been reported had it involved The Donald and his son.

(3). In a related item…

It’s as if Tommy were talking to 46* rather than Spider when he observed…

(4). Courtesy of James Nichols, we learn the commanding officer of Construction Battalion Maintenance Unit 303 Mainbody forced all of its members on a gay pride hike last weekAccording to a woman whose husband is active duty Navy attendance on the hike was mandatory.

(5). In a move which evokes memories of United Airlines expressing a commitment to hire pilots based on their skin color rather than their ability to fly, Heather Mac Donald details how the NIH is now requiring neurologists, molecular biologists and nanophysicists seeking funding to submit a plan showing how they will “enhance diverse perspectives” throughout their research, with their scores on the “plan for enhancing diverse perspectives” determining funding decisions.

(6). The Gateway Pundit wonders whether Claire McCaskill is simply lying or exhibiting early signs of Alzheimer’s after the former Missouri senator stated the Capitol riots were worse than Benghazi.  Claire, please, go away…just go away!!!

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s this string of memes…

…as well as these pearls of wisdom from the great Thomas Sowell, all courtesy of Balls Cotton…

…as well as these three instant classics from the lovely Shannon:

Finally, we’ll call it a wrap with another titillating tale torn from the pages of The Crime Blotter, courtesy today of George Lawlor, FOX News and a rather randy young Californian:

Correctional officer sentenced for ‘depraved’ sex with inmate in view of other prisoners


A California correctional officer has been sentenced to jail time after having sex with an inmate while she was on the job – and in front of other prisoners, according to local reports. Tina Gonzalez, 27, was busted after Fresno County Sheriff’s Office workers received a tip about her relationship with a prisoner who was caught with a cellphone behind bars in 2019.

Her behavior was “something only a depraved mind can come up with,” Fresno’s Assistant Sheriff Steve McComas told the judge, according to the Fresno Bee…”

Which begs the question what on earth could be considered a sex act born of a “depraved mind” in California?!?


Video of the Day

In a brilliant installment of Prager U. sent to us by Bill Jarnagin, The Manhattan Institute’s Chris Rufo gets to the heart of the “homeless” problem. This should be required viewing for anyone aspiring to public office. Here’s the juice: the vast majority of the “homeless” are that way because they WANT TO BE, ‘cuz they’re NOT INCLINED TO FOLLOW THE RULES!!!

Tales of The Darkside

In a clip related to our Video of the Day, Fielding Cocke forwarded the following facts and statistics regarding the impact of uncontrolled illegal immigration on one particular state.

On the Lighter Side

The lighter side of Ami Horowitz as he embarrasses Liberal America by asking “Who Said That?”
