It’s Wednesday, May 19th, 2021…but before we begin, Dr. Faux Chi continues to opine on issues far removed from his area of even supposed expertise, as…

Fauci says pandemic exposed ‘undeniable effects of racism’ in US


Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, said Sunday the coronavirus outbreak in the U.S. “shone a bright light on our own society’s failings” in how the virus impacted minority communities. Fauci stated that “the undeniable effects of racism” have led to unacceptable health disparities that especially hurt African Americans, Latinos and Native Americans during the pandemic.

He told the graduates in Atlanta that many members of minority groups work in essential jobs where they might be exposed to the novel coronavirus. He noted they are more likely to become infected if exposed because of medical conditions such as hypertension, chronic lung disease, diabetes, or obesity.

“Now, very few of these comorbidities have racial determinants,” Fauci said. “Almost all relate to the social determinants of health dating back to disadvantageous conditions that some people of color find themselves in from birth regarding the availability of an adequate diet, access to health care, and the undeniable effects of racism in our society,” he continued…”

Here’s the juice: What does it tell you about the state of America’s health bureaucracy when its supposed “top infectious disease expert” is either ignorant of the facts or playing politics with The Mob?!?  As we’ve REPEATEDLY stated in this column, any disproportionate impact the Wuhan virus has had on populations of color is because Black Americans have a dramatically higher rate of obesity…

…than White Americans

…along with a significantly higher rate of all the associated comorbidities.   And if you’ve been into a Walmart of late, THAT is SAYIN’ SOMETHING!!!  Sorry, Tony, but obesity is a life-style choice, and not attributable to a lack of access to health care or healthy food choices.  The only “lack” in the Black community to which its presence can be attributed cannot be mentioned: the absence of Black fathers.

In a related item, another top “expert” in the nation’s health bureaucracy peddles more prevarications, as the…

CDC’s Walensky Explains Dramatic Reversal on Mask Guidance for Vaccinated Individuals


We now have science that has really just evolved even in the last two weeks that demonstrates that these vaccines are safe, they are effective, they are working in the population, just as they did in the clinical trials,” she said, “that they are working against our variants that we have here circulating in the United States, and that, if you were to develop an infection, while — even if you got vaccinated, that you can’t transmit that infection to other people.” (?!?)

She continued: “Some of that science was really evolving as late as last Thursday. And one of the published — one of the papers, the largest paper, was published from the CDC just the day before yesterday.”

The developments were continuing to happen as she was testifying, Walensky said. “So, we were actively reviewing that science during the past week. We were making decisions and moving — moving, and our subject matter experts while working just as I was testifying in front of Congress.” “I told the American people I would deliver the science as soon as we have it,” she added.

Walensky was also sure to note that the new guidance is “not permission for widespread removal of masks.” “For those who are vaccinated, it may take some time for them to feel comfortable removing their masks, but also that these decisions have to be made at the jurisdictional level, at the community level. Some communities have been hit harder than others, have lowered vaccination rates than others,” she said…”

We think not; rather it’s because some communities…and some states…have politicians and bureaucrats loathe to surrender the control they’ve gained through the baseless fears created by the scamdemic.

In yet another related item, FOX informs us, while applauding the CDC’s guidance as “an important step, signifying our capability to eventually end the pandemic,” the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) emphasized the recommendations “make no change to mask-wearing guidance in health care settings, schools and public high-traffic areas including airports, as well as on airplanes, buses and other forms of public transportation.”  The IDSA…composed of epidemiologists.  You know, the group which saw, as we noted in our last edition, some 80% of its members vote to maintain masking at least a year, 25% more than that and 26% indefinitely

In other words…

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, courtesy of James Nichols, FOX informs us of the curious case of a…

Spanish politician temporarily suspended by Twitter after saying ‘a man cannot get pregnant

Twitter told Contreras his comments violated the platform’s policies on “hate speech


Francisco José Contreras, deputy to Spain’s far-right Vox Party, was locked out of his Twitter account for 12 hours last week after saying “a man cannot get pregnant” because they have “no uterus or eggs.” Contreras’ comments were in response to an article he shared on the social media platform about a transgender male who announced they were a father after giving birth to a baby girl. 

Contreras said in a Facebook post on May 11 that he had received a message from Twitter which informed him that he had violated its policies on “hate speech” for the remarks.” “The hateful tweet (which I was forced to delete) was one that said: ′′A man cannot get pregnant. A man has no womb or eggs”,” Contreras wrote in response to the move. “You can see this is already fascist biology. Next time I’ll try 2 + 2 = 4.”

A spokesperson for Twitter declined to comment.

“We will not yield to Twitter imposing a twisted (and anthropologically wrong) worldview,” Contreras told LifeSite News. “We will continue to speak the truth about human nature. Biological truth should not be regarded as ‘hate speech’. It’s biology, not bigotry.”

This is not the first time that content from the Vox Party has been flagged. According to Spanish publication Counting Stars, Twitter disabled the official Vox party account for 24 hours during the country’s election in January, after the group claimed that high crime rates were tied to North African immigrants.

Next,‘s Kurt Schlichter correctly concludes…

The Media Hates You And Is Shocked That You Hate It Back


I guess we’ll be told we’re unseemly if we giggle at the cancellation of useless stooge Don Lemon’s low-rated airport lounge video muzak, or at how the Israelis leveled the Gaza high-rise housing the AP and Al-Jazeera. Well, color us unseemly, because when the media suffers, we celebrate

And we’re not going to apologize for it. Half of America, at least, now cares about the media precisely as much as the media cares about us – that is, not at all. In fact, we actively wish it ill. We cheer when some trash website or paper folds. The frequent layoff announcements make us giddy. Sad journalists whining about how people on Twitter dare criticize them cause us to howl in delight.

Our contempt for them is a result of their contempt for us. And as individuals and collectively, we should do whatever we lawfully can to hasten the collapse of the mainstream media as an institution.

Harsh? Nah

See, the media hates us and actively sides with our enemies. It’s always amusing how these hacks do not even bother to hide their full-throated collaboration with the people who want us silenced, disenfranchised, and/or dead, yet get all huffy when we refuse to treat them as the neutral truthtellers they aren’t. The most active supporters of censorship in our culture are members of the news media itself, bar none. They cover up Democrat perfidy and invent Republican scandals. They try to police our language. They condescend to us. They dox innocent citizens. They lie all the time. They carry water for liberal leakers. They try to get our own (real) reporters, like Townhall’s Julio Rosas, killed for refusing to follow the narrative.

Yet, we’re supposed to pretend they deserve our respect and deference, that they are courageous heroes battling for truth. Pfffft. They are a joke. The media is garbage, and we must treat it as such…”

Listen and understand: The MSM is out there…

Along with everything the Constitution represents…and you hold dear!

Case in point, courtesy of The Washington Free Beacon, as Joseph Simonson recounts…

How the AP Slanted Border Coverage to Hide the Crisis

Wire service ditched ‘border surge’ after facing activist pressure


Typically, news organizations rush to cover crises, real or perceived. The Associated Press has taken a different tack, using its influential style guide to play down the human drama unfolding at the southern border.
While internal Customs and Border Protection documents repeatedly refer to an immigration “surge” at the border, according to records reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon, the AP recommends journalists no longer use such descriptions to avoid offense and maintain supposed “neutrality.” Other documents, circulated internally throughout Customs and Border Protection in May, instruct officials on processing “the surge of undocumented individuals as efficiently as possible.”

The move by AP, a response to left-wing activists who demanded gentler language from reporters when covering immigration, fundamentally changed how newsrooms across the country covered the Biden administration’s response to a historical influx of migrants in the president’s first 100 days in office. A range of outlets, from local newspapers to national publications like the Washington Post, look to the AP for language guidance.

The AP pressed news outlets in March to “avoid imagery conjuring war or natural disaster, which could portray migrants as a negative, harmful influence. Avoid emotive words like onslaught, tidal wave, flood, inundation, surge, invasion, army, march, sneak, and stealth.” But Customs and Border Protection officials told the Free Beacon that they hold weekly meetings they call “surge meetings” to discuss ways to process the thousands of migrants flooding into the country.

The use of the word “surge” in immigration-related stories was commonplace across a multitude of publications, including the AP itself, in the early days of the border crisis but drew criticism from activists as the Biden administration sought to dispel the idea that it is grappling with a full-blown crisis. America’s largest wire service—and the standard-bearer for journalistic style through the AP Stylebook—bowed to the pressure campaign…”

As we’ve consistently maintained, this isn’t reporting, it’s propaganda which would make either Joseph Goebbels or Stalin proud!

Then there’s this decade of items specially selected for the discriminating tastes of inquiring Conservative minds:

(1). If you thought Marjorie Taylor Greene was bonkers, The Washington Free Beacon introduces you to Rep. Cori Bush and her fellow faith healers, as the Missouri Dim claims to have been cured of COVID over the phone

(2). The Conservative Playlist tells us Border Patrol agents are so frustrated with Biden’s open border policies they’ve given themselves a new name: The “U.S. Welcome Patrol.

(3). The Daily CallerSpace Force Commander Relieved From Duty Over Comments Criticizing Marxism, Critical Race Theory In US Military.

(4). NRO‘s Dan McLaughlin provides a thorough summary of what to expect when the Supreme Court hears arguments on the Mississippi law banning, with limited but meaningful exceptions, abortions after 15 weeks, a decision which immediately prompted the Infanticide-in-Chief to immediately pledge fealty to the abortion-on-demand lobby.

Suddenly, the old Socialist saying, “If it could save just one child’s life!” won’t matter as much.

(5). Again courtesy of NRO, Brittany Bernstein reports the Tulsa Race-Massacre Commission ousted Oklahoma’s GOP governor after he signed a bill banning the teaching of critical-race-theory.  Hey, if you can’t win an honest debate, why have one in the first place?!?  It’s as Kevin Williamson noted in another excellent commentaries:

Apple just got rid of an employee who wrote a book that some other Apple employees didn’t like, arguing — this is by now tediously familiar — that its commitment to diversity requires it to exclude people whothink different.

(6). The great VDH shows us how to ensure a Middle East war in five easy steps, noting 46*’s new incendiary Middle East policies are simply extensions of his destructive new domestic policies.  Spoiler Alert: The Groper’s already on step #5.

(7). Jim Freeman relates the new political rules of MLB mean voting in Georgia is much easier than volunteering at the Denver All-Star Game, which requires, among other onerous conditions, a background check, liability release, waiver of claims and…wait for it…a valid driver’s license or other state identification.  Oh, the hypocrisy!

(8). Since we’re on the subject of dissimulating hypocrites, state officials have valued Sonny Cuomo’s book deal at over $5 million.  The author of Mein Kampf may not have made as much, but at least his book was honest. 

(10). The Morning Jolt observes oh, sure, NOW it’s okay to speculate about a lab leak in Wuhan, as the MSM lifted its ban on discussing one of China’s virology labs as the source of COVID as suddenly as the CDC reversed itself on the vaccinated needing to wear masks.

The column noted, “Some of us are COVID-origin hipsters, I guess; we were into the lab-leak theory before it went mainstream.”  We’d like to point out, like many of you, we were never in doubt as to the source of the Wuhan virus.  The only question we have is whether the release was accidental or deliberate; and if the latter, whether certain domestic parties had a hand in it.

Which brings us to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s this from Ed Hickey…

…and these from Balls Cotton:

Finally, we’ll call it a wrap with this friendly reminder from Breeze Gould via Paul Harrison we neglected to recognize a rather important milestone earlier this month:


Video of the Day

THIS is going to present a bit of the problem to the Prosecution.

Tales of The Darkside

We don’t know which is worse: Cenk Uygur lying about Dinesh having gone to prison (he DIDN’T), or his mischaracterization of what D’Souza said. Either way, it demonstrates Progressives prevaricate every time they open their pie holes.

On the Lighter Side

For those of you too young…or too OLD…to remember, this was late-night comedy worth staying up to watch. Sure, they weren’t perfect, but they were funny without slighting the greatest nation God ever chose to grace the surface of His planet.
