It’s Wednesday, April 28th, 2021…but before we begin, consider Tucker’s thoughts on the incredibly similar responses of a number of nominally disconnected analysts to the Chauvin verdict: 

Why should so many expectedly disparate reactions so resemble each other?  Because, as an obscure Nazi general…who might have been commenting on the joint narrative promulgated by the contemporary MSM and DNC, with a sprinkling of spineless Republicans thrown in for seasoning…once so accurately observed, “It matters not what is true or false, but exclusively what is believed“!

So no matter how false your side of the story might be, this is #Woke America:

Thus, whatever evil you may be pursuing or perpetuating in the name of good, you can justify it because…

On the advice of our conscience Marcus Aurelius, we’ll forego inserting the usual clip of Colonel Slade’s shout out to Harry, Jimmy and Trent and go with the word of God as revealed in Isaiah 5:20: “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness…”

Speaking of the personification of evil and darkness, Speed just forwarded information on a GoFundMe page we can finally, enthusiastically endorse:

Here’s hoping, once fully funded, LeBron takes lessons…then always flies soloalone…because his high school education and over-sized physique qualify him for ANY endeavor.

Now, here’s The Gouge!

Since someone mentioned not-so-uncanny similarities, we lead off the mid-week edition with two like-takes on the same subject.

First, writing at the New York Post, Michael Goodwin is confounded by the contrast between the…

Old Joe Biden vs. New Joe Biden


Writer Salena Zito best described the Rorschach test that Donald Trump represented. As she put it in 2016, “The press takes him literally, but not seriously; his supporters take him seriously, but not literally.” 

Now comes another presidential dilemma: What to make of the new and radical Joe Biden? On the surface, it seems an odd question about a 78-year-old man who has spent nearly 50 years in Washington. But the new Biden, the President Biden, doesn’t sound and act like the former senator and vice president. 

In fact, this Biden is so dramatically different that it’s not clear if we should take him either seriously or literallyThe old Biden was a windbag who wouldn’t shut up, the new Biden is a silent Sam, especially when it comes to answering press questions. He ducks, dodges, hides and mumbles

Who the hell is this guy?…”

Second, as NRO‘s Kevin Williamson relates, whoever he is, and regardless of which version of The Groper ends up on top, America’s the clear loser…and Xi Jinping the unquestioned winner…in any contest pitting…

Biden vs. Biden


“…That the Biden administration should be incoherent is the least surprising development so far of 2021 — Joe Biden himself is generally incoherent on a personal level. Biden’s incoherence is not (contra the popular right-wing talking point) (a conclusion with which we respectfully…and vehemently…disagree!) mainly the result of his advanced age or the state of his mental acuity — he has been a little bit dim and a little bit all over the place for the entirety of his very, very long career in public office, since he was a young man, because he is a creature of pure self-serving opportunism without a moral center or real principles.

It would be easy to call him a weathervane, but a weathervane is anchored on something and centered. President Biden is more like that plastic bag blowing around in American Beauty — empty, lightweight, subject to the moment’s prevailing wind.

What is remarkable is that while Lincoln, Roosevelt, and Reagan were able to exercise leadership on genuinely controversial issues, Joe Biden is overmatched by an issue about which there is an effectively universal consensus regarding outcome: Nobody wants the coronavirus epidemic to continue, and, aside for a few kooks in the “voluntary human extinction” movement, there is no pro-coronavirus faction. But on such practical matters as workplace rules relating to COVID-19, the administration is unable to move forward in a direct and timely way. Faced with the thorny cultural politics of vaccine refusal, President Biden’s big, bold idea is…paid time off. It is remarkable how many social problems Biden and Biden-style Democrats believe can be addressed with paid time off or higher wages for government workers — paid time off is now, according to the Biden administration, “infrastructure,” of all ridiculous things.

Perhaps President Biden can free-stuff his way through the rest of the coronavirus epidemic. He stepped into a situation that was about as encouraging as could be expected — the vaccines were good-to-go and the economic recovery already was under waybut, even with that great advantage, his administration acts as though it is in a constant state of low-level panic.

And so expectations should be modest indeed for the Biden administration’s work on the much more difficult issue of China. The epidemic has been awful (not really, at least not here.), but the virus does not have 350 nuclear warheads and something north of $1 trillion of U.S. public debt in its portfolio.

And Xi Jinping is not looking for paid time off.

Which makes the timing of the Air Farce’s latest capitulation to the forces of social engineering and political correctness all the more

…provided your last name starts with “Jinping”.  As we detail in item (4). below, the Navy’s more than willing to match the Air Farce move for move, all in the name of “diversity and inclusion”, NOT readiness or force effectiveness.  Hat tip to George Lawlor for this lead.

Next, writing at his Private Papers, the great Victor Davis Hanson offers his insight into…

Eeyore’s Cabinet: The Racial Golden Calf


A multiracial democracy of the 21st century has abruptly begun worshiping superficial appearances, as it announces that everything from the order of vaccinations and farm aid to cash vouchers for the poor and dorm selections will be determined by race, in utter violation of the U.S. Constitution that is increasingly despised, especially its Bill of Rights. (Have you noticed that the Left now feels about the First Amendment the same way it always despised the Second?)

The ultimate premise of disparate impact is not proof of ongoing systemic racism and discrimination, but rather the fumes of racism from the pre-Civil rights era: a white generation, which grew up during affirmative action, supposedly exercises unearned privilege, as a non-white generation claims the prejudices shown its parents, but more likely its grandparents, justify reparatory action for themselves—as class vanishes entirely in the matrix.

The result is predictable: multi-millionaires like Oprah and Megan Markel nurse their hurts on air, presumably and indirectly, inflicted by the culture of those devious deplorable mechanics in Elko and car salesmen of York.

I suggest we end the term “white people.” Better is: “certain” white people—given those of the middle and lower classes have little in common with white elites. In a reductionist sense, so much of the hatred of the Left is a thinly disguised attack not on “white people”, but on supposedly less hip, not cool and hardly “successful” white people whom the left brands as deplorables, irredeemables, chumps, clingers, Neanderthals, and dregs, to quote our three illustrious and tolerant wise men and women, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden.

In a related item at, Kurt Schlichter correctly concludes…

A Rigged System Can’t Last


“…Take the whole imbroglio about Stabby Girl, the teen psycho in Ohio who decided to filet a girl in front of a cop. Not surprisingly, to people who aren’t idiots, the officer ventilated her, saving the life of the innocent victim. But then, of course, the establishment and the media – including America’s #1 Matlock superfan – weighed in on how stopping this future felon was racist racism of racismness. Normal people were baffled, but then, it’s only if you haven’t been paying attention that you might think that non-criminal black lives matter to Black Lives Matter.

Now, let me put on my lawyer hat – no, I’m not your lawyer and consult one in your jurisdiction before you do stuff. There’s this basic Anglo-American premise in law – I know we’re supposed to pretend that our political and legal culture didn’t come down to us the British Isles but it did – that you can use deadly force in the defense of yourself or another when some bad actor is trying to cause death or great bodily harm. This is not subject to rational or honest dispute. With some minor tweaks, this is generally the rule and has been for over a thousand years. So, leaving aside that this is not only morally proper but a moral imperative, we have a clear law saying you can shoot someone to stop him, her, or xir from killing someone else.

Now, we take the facts (as revealed by the evidence) and apply them to the law. And here we have some pretty remarkable facts, all documented by unimpeachable evidence. Ma’Khia the Knife was caught on candid body camera in mid-slash when the officer, after calling out for her to stop, made his incredible four shots. So, there’s no meaningful dispute about how the evidence applies to the law. The facts and evidence disclose that he acted completely within well-established law.

Now, you might think this would present a problem for the fascists, but if you do you need to get woke. There’s no law anymore. Reason is a bourgeois conceit. They have figured out that you can simply deny the existence of law, evidence, and facts. And they figured out that Democrats like Grandpa Badfinger and the slobbering media hacks who engage in a perpetual media tongue bath of their lefty overlords will back them up.

See the problem? If you can’t rely on the law or the evidence, then you are at the mercy of the whims of the liberal elite. Sure, the cop did the right thing, and the evidence is indisputable that he did the right thing, but it doesn’t matter at all. The cop is wrong and subject to all sorts of sanctions not because he violated any rule but purely because it is useful for him to be guilty of something.

The Rule of Law has become the Rule of Power, which the bad guys possess for the moment. And they are so arrogant about it that they do not even bother to make a straight-faced argument against cops saving black children’s lives. Hey, it’s just a routine kid knife fight – no biggie. We all remember back in the day, hacking up other suburban teens with machetes and scimitars, and how the cops never bothered us. Not allowing black teens to be gutted is worse than Jim Crow – it’s Jim Eagle…heck, it’s Jim Rodan.

And we all know if that punk planted a shiv in the other girl’s gut on the bodycam tape, the cop would be lynched for not stopping her. You can’t win, which is the idea.

You can’t have a society where normal people can’t possibly prevail by obeying well-established rules. You’re not wrong because you did something wrong but because you’re being wrong is handy for the people who hate you…”

Yeats had it right in The Second Coming:

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Why?  Because…

Moving on, submitted for your perusal, eight items specifically selected for inquiring Conservative minds: 

(1). Writing at Hot Air, Ed Morrissey relates how a leaked audio tape features Iran’s foreign minister revealing John Kerry informed his government about hundreds of covert actions by the Israelis.  Which should come as a shock to no one familiar with Kerry’s treasonous past.

Again, any question a significant portion of the Dimocratic Party isn’t playing for our team?!?

(2). Another event which is pure Michigan, baby!  Did he mention he knows Wretched Whitmer?

(3). We found the claim by one Sacheen Littlefeather she was blacklisted by Hollywood AFTER appearing at the Academy Awards ceremony in 1973 in lieu of Marlon Brando to refuse his Best Actor Oscar for The Godfather rather curious, and even more so when we looked her up on IMDB:

As it’s rather difficult to complete almost all your work after being blacklisted, something tells us either…

Whichever’s the case, that this was ever covered as a legitimate story begs the question why wasn’t her story confirmed prior to publishing it?  Is it any wonder viewership for the Oscars just hit a new low…or that hardly anyone believes a thing they read or hear?!?

(4). Though the politically-correct myrmidons commanding a certain Navy helo wing may take pride in touting another fabricated all-female first emphasizing diversity and inclusion… 

…such insanity only echoes a scene from The Dirty Dozen:

Meanwhile, the ChiComs and Russkies are laughing their asses off…and licking their chops.

(5). After mulling a run for the Senate or governor in Georgia next year, former GOP congressman Doug Collins has decided to sit on the sidelines during the 2022 election cycle…likely concluding, having already inflicted incalculable damage to the country by splitting the Republican vote and handing Kelly Loeffler’s seat to Raphael Warnock, he’s wreaked more than enough of havoc for one political career.

(6). Not content being just a day late and a dollar short, Portland mayor Ted Wheeler is nine months and tens of millions of dollars in damage short.

(7). Meanwhile, just a few hours to the north, given the narrative the MSM has been pushing ever since George Floyd’s suicide by fentanyl, whooda ever thunk a new public-safety survey would reveal Blacks in Seattle trust the police more than Whites, let alone a significant majority of both want MORE of a police presence in their neighborhoods.  It’s also worth noting when the survey asked for specific comments, criticism of the Seattle’s City Council was the most common, and “selective enforcement/racial bias” by law enforcement 29th.  Socialist physicians, heal thyselves! 

(8). As The Washington Free Beacon relates, while Philly D.A. Larry Krasner enjoyed an all-expense paid European excursion courtesy of a dark money group

…the city’s homicide rate skyrocketed.

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s these from the lovely Shannon…

…and Balls Cotton…

…along with this string from Fielding…

…the last of which provides the perfect segue for this last entry from The Boss depicting our demented, would-be despot during his coveted climate summit…on a Zoom call…by himself…having been vaccinated…wearing a mask: 

For more on 46*’s performance at said event, check out our Video of the Day, accessible via link #2 immediately below the Quote of the Day at the top of the page.

Finally, as we’ll be playing our first round of golf with our new clubs Thursday afternoon followed by dinner, it’s doubtful we’ll be publishing before Monday.  So ’til then…

Then again, we may surprise you.


Video of the Day

Andrew Bolt relates how, when given the chance to present any science to support his Environazism, 46* went deep on ancient indigenous cultural pseudo-religious babble, primarily because the science isn’t there.

Tales of The Darkside

FOX‘s Greg Gutfeld takes CNN’s Can’t Standz Ya impersonator to task for his health hypocrisy.

On the Lighter Side

Law enforcement, LeBron style; what a JOKE! Any question were one of LeBron’s family members, let alone Lebron HIMSELF, the subject of a schoolyard knife encounter he wouldn’t hesitate to have his armed security detail drop them like a rabid dog?!?
