It’s Tuesday, March 16th…but before we begin, having happened upon this video over the weekend…

…two thoughts came immediately to mind: (1). If the country was as brimming with systemic racism, sexism and general hatred back in 2015 as those featured would have us believe, why didn’t The Missiah do anything about it during his eight years in office?  (2). The views expressed therein highlight the difficulty we as Conservatives face in countering their decades of indoctrination.  They know neither what they don’t know, nor how much of what they believe they know which just isn’t so.  Expecting such to understand truths of which they’re utterly ignorant is akin to counting on a blind midget to accurately draw an entire elephant on the basis of what he can touch from his own hands.

It’s the same reason the Russian people haven’t overthrown their kleptocratic Kremlin kontrollers: they may be oppressed, but it’s oppression with they’re intimately familiar; Capitalism, on the other hand, requires effort, initiative and most of all risk, along with its associated fear of the unknown.

John Paul Jones had it right when he observed, “It seems to be a law of nature, inflexible and inexorable, that those who will not risk cannot win.”  Smart man, that JPJ.  Certainly smarter than his undeserving heirs currently in control of the Navy.

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, the leading…

…in fact, all 57 of Obama’s states…once again contradicts himself by changing his position on a Wuhan-related restriction:

Which begs the question neither Jake Tapper nor any other MSM lapdog will ask: Why, after over one year, aren’t these supposed “experts” better able to separate fact from fiction?!?  Hells bells, Operation Warp Speed accomplished the incredibly difficult task of developing effective vaccines in a far shorter period of time than it’s taken these witch doctors to determine 6′ of social distancing was gross overkill.  What’s next: Dr. Faux Chi once again maintaining masks are unnecessary?!?

Here are two shots of the juice, courtesy of Balls Cotton:

In a related issuance of pure Progressive propaganda, with a wave of his pen…and a relatively insignificant portion of the roughly two trillion of your hard-earned dollars he just appropriated…

…46* claims to have miraculously halved child poverty in America, a problem the Dimocrats’ own Great Society giveaways largely created back in 1964-65, and the $22 trillion spent on them since have failed to even minimally diminish.


Next, we proudly present another series of thought-provoking items for the inquiring mind:

(1). Riots in Portland continue unabated, with participants alternatively claiming as grounds for their mayhem (i) plans to replace/expand an oil pipeline running between Superior, WI and the adjacent Canadian province of Alberta, and (ii) jury selection in the Derek Chauvin trial.  In other words, they just want to riot and burn…

…and will use any excuse as long as authorities tolerate their actions. 

(2). In a related item, Milwaukee pays the family of a drug-addicted, career criminal who committed suicide by fentanyl and wasn’t worth $27, $27,000,000, most if not all of which will come from YOUR pocket!  Not to mention…

(3). Courtesy of White House Dossier, the WSJ informs us how Amazon won’t sell books framing LGBTQ+ identities as mental illnesses.

As Mrs. Koffler so eloquently observed, “Plurality of views – that has been the cornerstone of American democracy, stabilizing force in our society, and a distinct feature of the American culture that differs us from totalitarian states like China and Russia – is being rapidly erased by the progressives. America has officially arrived to the point where – just like in the totalitarian socialist USSR – there’s a “correct” opinion and an “incorrect” one. There’s literally a phrase in the Russian language that reflects this phenomenon – “incorrect opinion” (”nekorrektnoye mneniye’ – некорректное мнение). In other words, there can only be ONE opinion – the ‘Party Line.’  Do we really want to have a USSR 2.0 here in America?

Some certainly do!

(4). Georgetown Law fires professor who made ‘reprehensible statements’ about Black students on viral video.  Her crime?  Having simply remarked in a conversation with a colleague the preponderance of her poor performers were “students of color”.

(5). Jim Geraghty relates the now, oh-so-familiar Progressive/MSM (as if there’s a difference!) red state-blue state vaccine narrative.

(6). In another item highlighting the Fourth Estate’s role as the primary promoter of Progressive propaganda, Mr. Geraghty records how the Media has rebranded ‘Kids in Cages.

(7.) Since we’re on the subject of the Lone Star State, FOX informs us how a body-cam shows a 65-year-old Texas woman taken down and arrested after refusing to mask up or leave a Galveston Bank of America branch:

Can you imagine the hue and cry were a “person of color” or homeless individual accorded similar treatment?  If you didn’t take your banking business away from B of A after they helped the FBI spy on their customers in the wake of the Capitol protests, this might finally incline you to do so.

(8). Turns out Sonny Cuomo, Gretched Witmer and Mayhem Murphy  weren’t the only Progressive potentates of states which declared their seniors citizens expendable.

(9). The Biden administration ordered the Federal Emergency Management Agency to prepare to house child migrants amid an influx of unaccompanied minors entering the U.S. via the southern border.

Meanwhile, in Los Angeles…

(10). Derek Hunter wonders, where are all the GIRLS In BOYS’ Sports?


Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s these from the lovely Shannon…

…along with two from George Lawlor…

…three from G. Trevor, the birthday boy…

…four from Ed Hickey…

…four more from Balls Cotton…

…and last, but most decidedly never least, one each from Speed…

…and Major Jon:

Finally, we’ll call it a wrap with the DWE Memorial Don’t You Know Who I Am?!? segment, courtesy today of FOX News and an over-sized man with a super-sized ego, as we learn…

Patrick Ewing is furious after getting stopped by MSG security: ‘Is my number in the rafters or what?’


Sorry, but this reminds us of our old nemesis Dick Naughton, who was relieved as Superintendent of the U.S. Naval Academy after manhandling a Marine who had the temerity to request his ID as he returned to The Yard New Year’s Eve 2002 in civvies with a gaggle of friends.  Instead of complimenting the Marine on his attention to duty, DWE (“Dick with Ears” as we proudly named him) became incensed and grabbed the sentry’s wrist.

The thought the security guard in question might not have been out of diapers when Ewing retired in 2000 seems never to have occurred to this self-important prick.

So here’s to you, Patrick:

And a decidedly arrogant douchebag at that!


Video of the Day

We’d go beyond what Tucker says and suggest those behind the premeditated emasculation of our Military, as well as those who’ve cooperated in its evisceration, are antithetically opposed to the very concept of America and freedom…in other words, traitors.

Tales of The Darkside

Ami Horowitz’s visit to Yale takes the term “Educated Idiot” to an entirely new level.

On the Lighter Side

We don’t know what’s scarier: This dizzy bimbo being only two bullets away from the presidency, or Kommielaa only one!
