It’s Monday, January 11th, 2021…but before we begin, words have meaning, a fact seemingly lost on so many in the MSM today, including, unfortunately, the staff at National Review Online, as while a recent headline accompanying a story from Brittany Bernstein read…
“The Federal Bureau of Investigation said Friday that there was “no indication” that members of Antifa had gone undercover as pro-Trump supporters to spark chaos during Wednesday’s storming of the U.S. Capitol by defenders of the president.
In response to a question about whether such an effort had taken place, as some Republican lawmakers had suggested, Assistant Director Steven D’Antuono told reporters, “We have no indication of that, at this time.”…”
One of two things is true: (A) Ms. Bernstein didn’t recognize the significant distinction between the FBI…yes, THAT FBI, the guys who perpetrated the greatest fraud ever played upon the American people…absolving Antifa of any involvement or having no information regarding their participation at this stage of their…”investigation”, or (B) she deliberately didn’t include Mr. D’Antuono’s full statement in her headline. Either answer gives us grave cause for concern, particularly when the source is NRO.
One other quick point, if we may: most if not all of those comparing last Wednesday’s breaching of the all-too-penetrable defenses of the Capitol by a largely unarmed mob to the attack by some 44 artillery pieces and mortars on Fort Sumter describe the participants as “Trump supporters” or “defenders of the president” (Ms. Bernstein’s phraseology “pro-Trump supporters” being redundant, as an “anti-Trump supporter” or “pro-Trump adversary” would both be oxymorons). Which we can only assume includes us, though we only voted for The Donald in the general elections. We cast our ballot for Ted Cruz in the 2016 Republican primary, and didn’t bother to vote in the 2020 primary, as Trump was a lock for the Republican nomination. Fact is, we likely wouldn’t EVER have voted for him if the absolute a*sclowns heading both parties and the MSM hadn’t forced us to do so.
They say a drowning man will clutch at anything to stay afloat, and Trump’s the only life ring these despicable, duplicitous degenerates offered us.
Here’s the juice: Bush I begat Clinton and Bush II begat Obama; but it was a combination of Obama’s Socialism, the MSM’s sycophancy and the sophistry of the craven capitulator desirous of being Bush III (Jeb “Illegal immigration is often an act of love!” Bush) who begat The Donald. And if Biden miraculously manages to hang around long enough for a shot at reelection, or, as is far more likely, Kamalaa is the 2024 Dimocratic candidate, if Trump’s running against them, we’ll vote for him a third time. Which is why they fear him still, and will possibly seek to impeach him even after he leaves office.
P.S. We invite you to participate in our latest poll concerning the odds Joe Manchin will uphold his oath to support and defend the Constitution. With no intention whatsoever to influence your vote, we’re of the opinion Joe’s patriotic impulses will prove, unlike the Capitol’s defenses, impenetrable…right up until he’s given tens of millions under the table and can take home $10,000 and a lifetime supply of Oxycontin for every one of his West Virginia constituents. Along with employment as a…
Now, here’s The Gouge!
First up, Biden, Kamalaa and their MSM shills…along with every other Libtard frequenting Facebook and/or Twitter…are all indignant over the supposed disparity in treatment accorded the Black Lie Matters rioters following George Floyd’s death-by-fentanyl and those who assaulted the Capitol last Wednesday:
Not one report we read, including the CNN article which provided the graphic above, bothered to record important figures needed to give those numbers any meaningful context, including, but not limited to: (1) the total number of respective rioters; (2) the ethnicity of those arrested; and, (3) the nature of the charges filed against them.
More importantly, we recommend they voice their concerns with D.C.’s mayor…
…who is Black. Along with the District’s chief of police…
…who is also Black. Or the more than 60% of D.C. law enforcement officers who are…
…you guessed it…likewise Black! D*mned racists!
This comparison forwarded by Balls Cotton speaks volumes:
Next, as‘s Matt Vespa relates, a Liberal reporter predicts…
As recounted by Tucker Carlson, CNN‘s own coverageclearly indicates what threat level Conservatives should be recording:
Friends, it’s not 1984, it’s 1933…and we’re in Germany…und Conservatives sind der Juden. Yet there’s one enormous unterschied: dieses Juden sind bis an die zähnebewaffnet. And we’re not going to go gently into Joe or Kamalaa’s good night.
Seriously friends, if it happened to this guy, though on somewhat understandable grounds…
…in the not-too-distant future, it can happen to any of us. At which point, we wondered, why weren’t the Black Lies Matter and Antifa rioters fired? Then it struck us: they would have been…if any of them had jobs!
Then there’s these five fabulous offerings courtesy of, in no particular order:
(i) the lovely Shannon, as Inside Scoop Politics wonders…
“Kamala Harris has lived an unbelievable life. The aspiring vice president has detailed, in books and interviews, moments from her childhood and early adolescence that inspired her to pursue a career in politics by dating Willie Brown in the mid-1990s. Here are some of the most heartwarming examples…”
Kamalaa: she’s nothing if not inauthentic!
Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:
Then there’s these from Balls Cotton…
…another from the lovely Shannon…
…and finally, this instant classic from Brendan Clark:
‘Til next time, praise the Lord…but pass…and amass…the ammunition.
Video of the Day
Tucker NAILS Anderson Cooper’s haughty hide to the wall!
Tales From the Darkside
Michael Knowles highlights the hypocrisy of our soon-to-be 46th* President.
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