Post-Georgia editor’s note: Meet the most powerful person in Washington:

More on that come Friday!

It’s Wednesday, January 6th, 2021…but before we begin, a brief thought on this Notable & Quotable entry at the WSJ taken from the December 9, 1876 edition of the Saturday Evening Post concerning the disputed election of that year:

The madman who would recklessly scatter matches in a powder magazine would soon be placed where his freaks would be harmless. There are crazy heads of the press just now…who for sensational purposes are appealing to partisan spirit already raised to the highest pitch by the exciting political contest through which the country has just passed…[T]hreats of violence, bloodshed, and civil war are covertly or openly uttered apparently with the hope of influencing the result, or at least of keeping up an excitement and profiting by it.

Unfortunately, there is too much powder lying around loosely to permit such firebrands to be scattered harmlessly. Disappointed office-seekers, men wrought up by party feeling, gamblers who have large sums staked upon the issue, desperate speculators mindful of fortunes rapidly acquired during the recent war and ready again to peril the nation to fill their pockets, and that large class of thoughtless men who are ready to rush into any tumult, are not slow to catch at such incendiary utterances.

Such words, whether thoughtlessly or maliciously uttered, should be met with the sternest indignation…No wrong would be so monstrous as the kindling of civil war, and those who even indirectly lead their followers to its contemplation are guilty of a higher crime than the worst of election frauds.

As Daniel Francis noted, having just experienced four years of bloody civil war, the Post‘s aversion to an encore performance is understandable.  But the horrors of the War Between the States are history.  The America which today questions the justifiability of even the lightest KIA figures could not begin to imagine the casualty lists which confronted their ancestors 160 years ago.  But more on that later.

Unfortunately, the Dimocratic Party’s earnestly engaged in duplicating the same circumstances which prompted an earlier generation to draft not calls to preserve the Union, but rather the Declaration of Independence which justified its creation. 

As Kurt Schlichter noted at

One need not believe in either unicorns or krakens to understand that what happened in November 2020 was a mammoth scam and disgrace, and our naïve Constitution, with courts demanding standing and a presumption of regularity and all that old-fashioned stuff, was unable to deal with the outright, blatant steal. The establishment leveraged the way we designed our system, assuming the good faith of both sides, into a cheat that will cause untold damage to our country. Now the cabal may wish to put behind us the whole unpleasantness about destroying all the norms in order to barely thieve back what the voters took from them as recompense in 2016, but that’s not happening.

Fletcher had it right in The Outlaw Josey Wales:

Such people were unknown in the latter half of the 19th century and wholly unforeseen by the Founders: anti-American Socialists who gain and maintain power through massive election fraud, legislate from the bench and destroy lives and businesses through the almost unlimited power of government, be it closing churches and snatching liquor licenses from restaurants who ignore their arbitrary coronavirus restrictions or bringing the full weight of the IRS, FBI, DOJ and every other alphabet bureaucracy to bear on political opponents.

Some might say the solution is to win elections, but how does one win elections when the other side is perpetrating fraud on a heretofore unimaginable scale?

Consider this quote at Best of the Web from an individual who believes, defying all the odds, electoral history, probabilities and statistics, Biden won, fair and square:

The Left needs to accept the fact that too many of the things they told us could not possibly be true turned out to be true—right up to calling him a liar for saying there would be a vaccine. And now they expect normal people, who don’t follow politics 24/7…to simply believe them that everything is on the up and up. You know, just like the FISA investigation.

Everyday people are expected to be able to understand that, even though they see a bag of votes discovered here, and an irregularity there, that these are isolated incidents and don’t define the entire system. And journalists look down on these people and their cognitive biases. And then these same journalists see a George Floyd video and are ready to dismantle police departments!

We do follow politics 24/7, and, if not in our own mind terribly extraordinary, certainly a titch north of simple normality.  And it’s our considered opinion this entire election, the Dimocratic Party as a whole and most of Washington STINKS…

Perhaps irredeemably so.

So here’s the juice: We’re fast approaching a tipping point, when yet another long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce us under absolute despotism.  And, just as in 1776, it becomes our right, indeed our duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for our future security.

The mainstream church, MSM, academia, Wall Street, corporate America and Big Tech have all either sold out or demonstrated they’re not up to the task, so forget the 1st Amendment.  It’s thus going to fall to gun owners to form the nucleus of another revolution when Progressives come after the 2nd.

Secession will be the preferred alternative, peacefully if possible, but also probable given the willingness of most on The Left to see us go, the inability of the average resident of red or blue states to stomach the inevitable bloodshed and, perhaps most importantly, the likely unwillingness of modern-day line soldiers, seamen and airmen to take up arms against their fellows.  Then again, if we’re wrong, life will once more imitate art, as…

And good luck when one side of the divide owns the vast majority of the weapons and ammunition.

To be clear, we are in no way, shape or form advocating revolution or violence.  But we will state for the record our unwillingness to sit back and have the Constitution eviscerated by its domestic enemies and law-abiding, taxpaying citizens reduced to nothing more than indentured servants of a Socialist state run by the likes of serial groper, an octogenarian consumer of incredibly expensive ice cream and a former bartender from Queens with the IQ of a Pomeranian.

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, if it’s even possible, Georgia just got a lot more important, as Jim Freeman details in his account of…

The Pelosi Rules

The Speaker changes House procedures to increase spending and stifle dissent.


“…The new rules package for the 117th Congress unveiled by House Democrats on Friday would grant a sweeping new exemption from deficit controls for legislation related to the coronavirus pandemic or efforts to curb climate change.

The text of the resolution, which House leaders expect to take up Monday, would provide House Budget Chairman John Yarmuth, D-Ky., broad authority to “adjust” cost estimates for certain bills so that their budgetary impacts don’t count as increasing deficits under House rules.

In practice, the new section means legislation that fits within the two broad new categories doesn’t need to comply with appropriations limits affecting discretionary programs, or pay-as-you-go rules for measures affecting tax revenues and “direct spending,” otherwise known as mandatory programs.

Taxpayers will either laugh or cry at the notion that appropriations of their money have been limited to this point—and that now the really big spending can occur…”

It’s highly doubtful the outcomes of the Georgia run-offs will be known by press time, but Nancy the Red’s opening salvo in her assault on the Founders’ Republic certainly confirms their importance.

Next, courtesy of Speed Mach, Red State presents…

The President’s Call With the Georgia Sec. of State — a Case Study in the Media Duplicity That Pres. Trump Has Battled From Day One


A cautionary note — grab yourself a fresh cup of coffee and take a “comfort break” before you go further because reading this might take a while. I have a ton of preparatory remarks that I want to make before I get to the lying sacks of sh!t in the media who covered this story on Sunday.

On numerous occasions over the course of the hour, the President would jump into exchanges to make the same points over and over about his beliefs as to the outcome of the election.  In a couple of instances, the phrasing he used referred to “finding” votes in comments he directed to Raffensperger.  But the context for the comment was that he was referring to “finding” invalid votes.  Rather than have Georgia fight his campaign on the allegations of invalid votes having been cast as set forth in the Complaint, Trump was urging Raffensperger to do his job — one part of which is to identify fraudulent voters who were ineligible to vote but did so anyway.

While identifying such invalid votes is one basis under Georgia law under which the losing candidate can file an election contest, Raffensperger has a separate and independent duty to identify such invalid or illegal votes himself as part of the official responsibility of his officeThe President’s comments were not about “finding” more votes for him, but rather were about identifying invalid votes cast for Joe Biden. The Trump Campaign’s complaint identifies numerous categories of such votes and Pres. Trump was pressing the Secretary of State to do his job and confirm the same facts that the Campaign has found.

Every idiot journalist, legal pundit, and Democrat Party propagandist trotted out by the mainstream media now to claiming the President was doing anything else is lying about the substance and context of the call…”

As this clip from a recent Project Veritas video confirms, Brad Raffensperger hasn’t exactly been zealous in meeting the duties and obligations of his office, being that the fraud is as obvious as the ears on Barry’s head: 

Meanwhile, Arthur Seeligson notes…

Of course this is what happened–it’s Trump being Trump. And, just like with his Charlottesville comments, they’ve decided to pick and choose the words and exclude any context. Juxtapose this with the Hunter emails, which require no picking or choosing of words, and, clearly in context, unambiguously shows 10% of the pay-off for access was going to “the Big Guy”.

Yes, it was Trump being Trump; and was perhaps, at this point, a fruitless and somewhat unseemly exercise in futility.  Yet it in no way threatened to bring down the Republic or overturn the Constitution, and what truly fuels our outrage is the number of Conservative outlets that echoed the MSM narrative.

And in the EnvironMental Moment, brought to us today by Oil Price via Jeff Foutch, we learn…

Cambodia Is Preparing To Produce Its First Oil


In a related item also courtesy of Mr. Foutch, Nikkei Asia informs us…

Cambodia’s shift to coal power riles global brands

Move is out of step with Vietnam’s enthusiastic embrace of renewables


Cambodia’s embrace of new coal power projects is making the Southeast Asian state “less attractive” to international brands producing in the country. In a letter addressed to the Cambodian government and seen by the Nikkei Asian Review, several major companies expressed concern about the country’s plans to nearly triple the amount of power it generates from coal in coming years.

The planned surge follows years of drought which have exposed limits to the hydropower on which the country relies.

But the move has drawn concern from prominent brands including clothing giants H&M, Adidas, Puma and Gap, as well as U.S. bicycle manufacturer Specialized and Cambodian-Thai concrete firm Chip Mong Insee.

In the letter — set to be delivered to authorities this month — the companies warned that Cambodia’s pursuit of new fossil-fuel power projects, instead of embracing renewables like solar and wind, clashed with their corporate targets to reduce carbon emissions“Electricity decisions made today will lock Cambodia into a future that appears to be the opposite of global and regional trends and less attractive to our industry,” the letter read…”

It’s high time these corporate hypocrites were hit where it hurts: in their wallets!

As contributor Foutch recorded:

So while Progressives in the U.S. and Europe attempt to destroy the oil and gas industry and reduce our standard of living, the reality is the rest of the world continues to seek untapped sources of oil and construct new, inexpensive coal-fired power plants. These countries are not going to be denied their right to develop their resources and lift their people out of poverty because a bunch of Western elites are worried about naturally-occurring climate fluctuations which may increase or decrease temperatures in 80 years.

Not to mention allowing said elites a superior, self-satisfied night’s slumber.  Which is of no value whatsoever to us!

Which brings us to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s this from the lovely Shannon…

…along with two from Ed Hickey…

…and last, but certainly not least, this picture from Speed Mach worth far more than a mere thousand words:

Finally, we’ll call it a wrap with an update on a sordid story previously featured on the pages of The Crime Blotter, and a kick in the nuts to advocates of the myth Blacks are purposefully targeted by police:

No Charges against Wisconsin Officer Who Shot Jacob Blake, Prosecutor Says


Consequently…case dismissed!

So goeth Kenosha; expect Milwaukee to eventually go the same.


P.S.  Our buddy Doug’s surgery went as well as could be hoped, and while he’ll spend the next three days in ICU, the surgeon said the margins around the tumor he removed were clear and his prognosis good.  We very much appreciate your prayers.

Now, continue to pray for our country!

Video of the Day

Unless he’s got some skeleton in his closet, Florida governor Ron DeSantis needs to be thinking about moving up to higher office.

Tales From the Darkside

This video constitutes the only proper response to Emanuel Cleaver’s utter idiocy. We should add Cleaver’s his theology regarding the nature of God is as abysmally misguided as his pandering political correctness.

On the Lighter Side

Michael Knowles highlights the fragile nature of Millennial snowflakes, as well as the real danger posed by the Socialist spawned scamdemic.

