It’s Friday, December 11th, 2020…but before we begin, Stilton Jarslberg’s encore exhibition of this cartoon reminded us…

…just how slavish the Dimocrats’ devotion to the unrestricted slaughter of the unborn is, and how unwilling they are to brook any dissent from the murderous directives and dictates of the abortion lobby.

And just when you thought the depths of human depravity had finally been plumbed, this item from Live Action via Conservative Playlist forces you to think again, as an…

Abortion worker tops Christmas tree with clamps used to dismember preborn babies


For those unfamiliar with the instruments featured as a topper by one Michael Saenz (both of whose tweet and Twitter account have since been deleted), it’s…

…a pair of Sopher clamps, steel clamps with rows of sharp teeth designed for tearing and crushing.  The article, which can be linked through the headline above, gives you all the truly gory details, but we won’t further darken your day with the truth of what every Dimocrat doggedly defends.

So for those trying to deny complicity in the carnage after casting your ballot for Biden, your whimpering protestations to the contrary notwithstanding…

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, as just reported by the WSJ

FDA Panel Endorses Covid-19 Vaccine

The favorable recommendation paves the way for regulatory agency to grant emergency authorization as early as Friday



Given the MSM’s recent retreat from their unforgivable pre-election cover-up of Hunter’s hijinks, we’re of the mind when the Groper inevitably tries to claim credit for the vaccine, certain elements of the Fourth Estate may well call him on his calumny.  After all, it’s high time they moved out the old…and undependable…

…to make room for the new…

…and completely Communist!

Next, we continue our coverage of the Great Election Heist of 2020 with this intriguing item from NOQ Report via Conservative Playlist, as we learn an MIT PhD involved in the Texas lawsuit estimates the…

Odds of Biden winning all four contested states ‘less than one in a quadrillion to the fourth power

I’m no math wiz, but that’s a whole lot of zeroes.


Rutgers Professor Charles J. Cicchetti, Ph.D., worked out the numbers based on the lead President Trump had before vote counting was suddenly and inexplicably halted in the late hours on Election Day, only to be resumed in some cases without observers present. His calculations were based on historical data, most prevalently voting patterns in the 2016 election, and concluded that it is essentially impossible.

Put another way, that puts Joe Biden’s odds at 1 in 1060. Anything beyond 1051 is considered absolutely impossible by quantum physicists. There are somewhere between 1078 to 1082 atoms in the known universe. In other words, Joe Biden did not miraculously win Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin the morning after the election. Either he cheated or someone orchestrated massive cheating on his behalf…”

Or, perhaps both?!?

It’s just as this meme from Ed Hickey suggests:

Here’s the juice: anyone who would not only lie about his scholastic record…no, not simply shield it from scrutiny

…but lie about it…on camera…while at the same time impugning the intelligence of the person with the temerity to question him…

…AND, by way of example, not limitation: (i) repeatedly misstate the facts of his first wife’s death; (ii) the circumstances of meeting his second; (iii) every facet of his upbringing, including having attended a Black Protestant church when he’s otherwise professed a steadfast faith in a religion whose Bible books he can’t even pronounce; (iv) spent time in jail in South Africa; (v) repeatedly plagiarized the words; (vi) create a Black adversary-turned-friend named Corn Pop; (vii) oversee an on-going family corruption scheme of monumental proportions; as well as, most importantly (viii) participate in the cover-up of the death of four Americans in Benghazi, is capable of anythingMere election fraud would be a walk in the park.

In two related items, despite the fact seventeen states have joined with Trump in the Texas SCOTUS suit to toss Biden electors, NRO‘s Andy McCarthy assumes the role of contrarian as he opines there’s no way the Supreme Court is going to entertain Texas’s lawsuit.

Only time will tell.  But if Andy’s right, we’re greatly afeared, after that…

And we sure as shootin’ should be concentratin’ on Georgia!!!

Moving on, writing at NRO, the great Victor Davis Hanson records what may well be the Huxley-esque nature of…

Our Brave New Biden World

In which the past is rewritten and the present is molded to burnish the commander in chief


That is, if Groper Joe makes it to January 20th.

For more on the world in which Biden would willingly have us abide, consider Tucker Carlson’s conclusions as to the consequences of Hunter’s daddy’s subservience to…

Since we’re on the subject of those who would surrender their fellow citizens to the tender mercies of those with no capacity for either, we again turn to Tucker, as he details what we’d have once deemed fanciful:

That is, at least up until we learned a sitting President, Vice President, Attorney General and the Directors of the FBI, CIA and NIA…along with a host of lesser Executive Branch bureaucrats…had conspired to illegally unseat a duly elected President.

As the great Daniel Francis Feeney has so often observed, if you want to know what the Dimocrats are up to, just note what they’re accusing Republicans of doing.

Meanwhile, as the Daily Mail relates…

Democrat congressman Eric Swalwell REFUSES to say if he had sex with China honeytrap spy because it is ‘classified’ as he blames the president for the revelations and Trump Jr calls him a risk to the country


Which, of course, means he did it.

Pay no attention to the fact this is happening at the same time Biden, who’s BEEN referring to the “Indo-Pacific” region as just that for the past two years, suddenly decided to term it the “Asia-Pacific” area, in accordance with the preferences of the CPP.

Speaking of the increasingly-imperiled current Dimocratic control of the House, as these tweets forwarded by George Lawlor clearly indicate…

…if Nancy Pelosi’s status as Speaker were a stock…

…we’d be shorting it.

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s these instant classics from Speed Mach…

…and Robert Mark…

…along with these from Balls Cotton…

…this string of 2020-inspired humor from Ed Hickey…

…as well as two more from Brendan Clark…

…the second of which highlights what so many have become in the past year:

Or, perhaps more accurately, what the grossly-overblown threat of the Wuhan virus has revealed them to have always been.

Finally, we’ll call it a day with the latest offering from Michael Brown at The Stream, as he correctly confirms…

Claiming to be a Pro-Choice Pastor is Like Claiming to be a Moloch-Worshiping Christian


To mangle a phrase from Everett Dirksen, “A million here, ten million there, and pretty soon you’re talking real genocide.”

