It’s Monday, October 26th, 2020…but before we begin, a brief thought occasioned by a stream of Conservative consciousness emanating from the penumbra surrounding this cartoon courtesy of Balls Cotton:

In all seriousness, what HAS Trump DONE that would terrify anyone?!?  Controlling the nation’s borders and enforcing immigration law?  Preserving the Constitution (including the 1st and 2nd Amendments) and the rule of law?  Preventing the enactment of single-payer healthcare, thus destroying the medical system which is the envy of the world?  Forestalling the destruction of the national economy by the Green New Deal?  Opposing the confiscation of wealth through reparations from those never owned slaves to those who never were?  Reducing onerous taxes?  Preserving the lives of both the unborn and recently born?  A foreign policy based on Americanot China…first?  Restoring the might of the nation’s Military?  Standing firmly against the Socialization of America?

The answer’s as obvious as the ears on Obama’s head: Trump’s done nothing to terrify anyone…other than, of course, Communists and anarchists.

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, Geoff Griffith and James Nichols forwarded three of the following which should be aired continually by Team Trump in every battleground state…

…between now and November 3rd…

…even if it means The Donald…

…reaching into his own wallet:

No wonder Dr. Faux Chi is all in for Biden:

Frauds of a feather, as it were!

Next, just when you thought the stench from The Swamp couldn’t get any more rank and repulsive, FOX News is reporting a Senate report has confirmed the…

FBI & Mueller received Trump transition records from GSA in secret

This conduct undermines the GSA’s role as a neutral provider of services to presidential transition teams,” the GOP report said


“...The report, titled, “Don’t Brief the Trump Team: How the GSA and the FBI Secretly Shared Trump Transition Team Records,” said the “presumption of good faith” in the transition “was called into question in 2016. This majority staff report tells an important, yet overlooked, story about how the” FBI and special counsel “secretly sought and received access to the private records of Donald J. Trump’s presidential transition team, Trump for America, Inc.”

It noted that Obama appointee Denise Turner Roth was administrator of the GSA until Timothy Horne was appointed as acting administrator on Inauguration Day in 2017. 

The report said even after the transition team learned about the secret preservation request the GSA refused to give the Trump team a copy of its own records. “Instead, after denying the Trump transition team its basic legal rights to control its own information, including the opportunity to protect privileged or confidential information, the GSA turned those same records over to the Special Counsel without requiring any legal process, such as a subpoena or warrant,” it said…”

Which certainly provides a more specific answer to the question we posed in our opening as to who would be terrified by Trump restoring the rule of law. 

Since we’re on the subject of what should be considered criminal misconduct and corruption, the WSJ‘s Kim Strassel relates…

The Biden ‘Family Legacy

What we learned from the text messages of Hunter’s partner Tony Bobulinski.


Joe Biden has a problem, and his name is Hunter. Because the former vice president hasn’t had to answer any questions on this topic—and continued to refuse to do so in Thursday’s debate—that problem could soon become America’s.

That’s the reality now that a former business partner of Hunter Biden’s has come forward to provide the ugly details of the “family brand.” Tony Bobulinski, a Navy veteran and institutional investor, has provided the Journal emails and text messages associated with his time as CEO of Sinohawk Holdings, a venture between the Bidens and CEFC China Energy, a Shanghai-based conglomerate. That correspondence corroborates and expands on emails recently published by the New York Post, which says they come from a Hunter laptop.

All of this is news. The press corps that is ignoring it spent four years writing about Donald Trump’s Moscow business. The correspondence meanwhile blows up Rep. Adam Schiff’s claim that the Hunter story is Russian “disinformation.” It raises real concerns about what security risks Hunter might pose for a Biden administration. And it raises questions about Joe Biden’s involvement.

The former vice president is running on trust and good judgment. The Hunter tale is at best the story of a wayward son and indulgent father. At worst, it is an example of the entire Biden clan cashing in on its name with a U.S. rival. As Mr. Biden refuses to answer questions about this case, voters will have to make up their own minds. But given Hunter’s exploits in China, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and elsewhere, much more is yet to come—in the next week and a half and potentially in a Biden presidency.

ICYMI, here’s Tony Bobulinski’s full statement immediately prior to last Thursday’s debate:

Speaking of Thursday’s debate, writing at NROAndy McCarthy opines on what he considered…

A Big Night — and a Better Day After — for Trump

If the president can stick to this script in a disciplined way, that’s going to be a big problem for the former vice president.


President Trump would be in much better shape right now if he’d campaigned and debated like the guy who showed up at last night’s debate. To use a boxing analogy, I think he won the match on points, but the margin gets better for him in the post-mortem. Former vice president Biden said some truly indefensible things. Starting this morning and continuing for the next ten days, Republicans will be whistling through the groove-yard of forgotten favorite video clips…or, better, GOP favorites that Biden would like to forget.

In fact, the president wasted no time: He had a killer montage up on Twitter before midnight.

Worst for Biden are the energy issues.

First, there is the true thing Biden said that his camp is now desperately trying to walk back or restate: He wants to get rid of fossil fuels, in particular oil. I would transition from the oil industry, yes,” he said. To put an exclamation point on it, he agreed with Trump that this “is a big statement.” Shortly after the debate, just how big this statement was began to sink in, so Biden went into damage control mode. He insisted he had just been talking about “getting rid of subsidies for fossil fuels.” But that was not true. As the several Biden and Kamala Harris statements in Trump’s tweet demonstrate, the Democratic ticket made their jihad against fossil fuels clear and unqualified, time and again.

Second, and relatedly, there is the false thing that Biden said: He claimed he had never indicated he would ban fracking. To the contrary, he has said he’d get rid of fracking several times; and Kamala Harris — before she started insisting, with a straight face, that Biden had been “very clear” that he would not ban fracking — was herself emphatic in proclaiming the dogmatic Democratic Party position: “There’s no question, I’m in favor of banning fracking.”

If you check out that brief clip of Senator Harris that I just linked, notice — it’s impossible not to notice — the cheering crowd at the gleefully progressive CNN town hall. It will zero you in on the problem Biden-Harris faces: To get to the general election, they had to win the nomination of a party whose verve and lots of whose money is on the far left.

That unavoidably involves the advocacy of lunatic positions that cannot be defended before the country writ large. They must now lie about what they’ve previously endorsed, making them seem even worse to the people who already opposed them and untrustworthy to the Left’s true believers whose enthusiastic support they need.

It reminded me, again, of Senator Amy Klobuchar’s interview by Fox News’s Bret Baierback in February, when she’d just announced her nomination bid. He asked her about the then-newly minted Green New Deal. She said she’d vote for it…so then Bret walked her through its individual elements (full transition off fossil fuels, net-zero greenhouse emissions, paying people who won’t work, refurbishing every building in the U.S.), and she wouldn’t agree with any of them. Senator Klobuchar is smart and willing to work across party lines to address problems, so she’s more effective than most congressional Democrats. But she wanted to run for president, and knew she would not be viable as a Democratic candidate unless she voiced support for something she manifestly knew was batty.

That is where Joe Biden is right now. He will rely on the media to obfuscate the deals he had to cut with the hard left to get the nomination — and rely on the hard left to bite its tongue to serve the mutual objective of defeating Trump. But he’s going to have a hard time, because the Left has forced Democratic aspirants to take clearly spoken, easy to grasp, crazy positions. On fossil fuels, fracking, and elements of the Green New Deal, there is no easy retreat for Biden into, say, the minutiae of complex legislation like Obamacare; there’s no redefining the terms of his prior positions (as Democrats have tried to do, unsuccessfully, with “Court-packing”).

Biden and Harris are stuck with what they’ve said, and voters are going to be hearing it. A lot.

The president exploited his talent for memorable labels in branding Hunter Biden’s computer the “laptop from hell.” That is also going to be a big problem for Biden over the next ten days…”

In other words, as our sister-in-law Jackie observed…

We only wish The Donald would have used that line during the debate!

And since we mentioned the famous fabulist Dr. Faux Chi, as‘s Bronson Stocking reports…

Fauci Signed Off on WHO Statement Approving China’s Response to the Wuhan Coronavirus


“…China unleashed a deadly virus on the world and covered it up, resulting in the preventable deaths of countless thousands across the globe, including thousands right here in America. 

Looks fine,” Dr. Fauci wrote, as he signed off on the World Health Organization’s Global Preparedness Monitoring Board statement congratulating China on its response to the coronavirus outbreak. 

“The Board commends the speed of the response so far by countries and the World Health Organization (WHO), the transparency of China in sharing information and the genome sequence of the virus, and the strong collaboration between China and affected countries and with WHO,” the Jan. 30 statement reads…”

In a related item courtesy of James Nichols, one Mark Changzi disseminates the following factoid regarding the reality of the Wuhan virus’s virulence:

The moral of coronavirus19 (aka, the Wuhan virus…from China…

CHIna!) will be that social contagion via social networks is more dangerous than biological contagion.

Particularly when Progressive politicians take advantage of any and every opportunity to punish their opponents and seize power, regardless of the cost and impact on ordinary, hard-working citizens.

Which brings us, inappropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s these from our old friend and classmate Breeze Gould…

…followed by five from Ed Hickey…

…a few from Balls Cotton…

…one more courtesy of the lovely Shannon…

…along with another from James Nichols…

…and last, but most definitely not least, a poignant and memorable meme from the great Wink Martindale:

