It’s Monday, October 12th, 2020…but before we begin, in honor of the great Thomas Sowell, allow us to offer three brief Thoughts on the Passing Scene.

First, The Boss did us proud yesterday, as while filling out his 90-year-old mom’s mail-in-ballot, he successfully resisted the siren song of the Dark Side and dutifully observed her wishes by checking the boxes for both Biden and Adam Schiff.  BZ Bossman!

Which provides the perfect segue for Thought #2: During dinner Saturday night, after two of our good friends mentioned they might not bother to vote this year because, owing to the realities of life in the People’s Dimocratic Republic of Maryland, their ballots won’t make a difference, we voiced our most strenuous objection for the following reasons: (1) In our mind, as well as the minds of the Founding Fathers, voting isn’t merely a right, it’s a sacred obligation; (2) One NEVER knows how one’s state will go; and (3) even if Maryland, as is highly likely, goes for the Delaware Dunce, our vote will still count towards the national total, which, should Trump triumph in the Electoral College, will be the only means for Socialists to contest the results.

Lastly, consider Thought #3: In 2016, almost HALF of all registered voters DID NOT CAST A BALLOT!!!

As the best figures we can access indicate, out of 231,556,622 eligible voters in 2016:

25.6% voted for Clinton

25.5% voted for Trump

1.7% voted for Johnson

46.9% didn’t vote at all!!!

If a mere 3% of the electorate who didn’t vote in 2016 turned out for Trump on November 3rd, not only would The Donald once again win the Electoral College, he’s sweep the popular vote as well.

So here’s the juice:

Then we want all of youeach of you…to email ten…no, twenty…heck, make it thirty other people you know who are of like mind and make them solemnly swear to make their voices heard on November 3rd.

Now, here’s an abbreviated edition of The Gouge!

First up, NRO‘s Kyle Smith highlights the one-sided disinterest which characterizes the relationship between Joe Biden and the MSM, as he wonders how different it would be…

If Biden Were a Republican


Here’s what the press would be asking the former veep…”

Kyle goes on to list the obvious interrogatories with which the Fourth Estate would be relentlessly bombarding Biden had he an (R) after his name. 

Since we’re on the subject of Delaware’s state vegetable, like the Jelly of the Month Club, Joe Biden truly is the gift…

…as evidenced by the latest kernel of truth (no, it doesn’t involve Corn Pop, though we’re still perplexed the leg-hair video, like that which follows, hasn’t already been the subject of repeated Trump campaign ads!) his addled mind allowed to slip past his lips:

Biden’s willfully provided the makings of the perfect commercial for Team Trump.  Picture this: a solemn-sounding narrator opens by identifying what follows as a statement by Biden on the public’s right to know of his plans to pack the Supreme Court.  Then, in keeping with the ways of the MSM, insert an edited version of Biden’s statement cut down to a brief soundbite…

…followed by the narrator somberly intoning “Joe Biden believes you don’t deserve to know his plans for America”, after which is listed a summary of Hairplug’s various acts of plagiarism, prevarication, flip-flopping and nepotism (see Kyle Smith’s questions immediately above), as well as his length of “service” without producing any tangible results.  The narrator would then contrast Donald Trump’s promises versus his performance, along with the appropriate statistics and a note it’s all been done under the 3-year cloud of a phony Russian collusion investigation and impeachment proceeding, closing with words to the effect, though The Donald may not be the classiest or likable man on the planet, voters need to look at his performance, NOT his personality, and concluding with the declaration, “Donald Trump: He says what he means, and he means what he says!”

We won’t even charge him for the concept.

Meanwhile, Groper Joe claims the only way he could lose the 2020 election was through “chicanery,” later adding he would accept the results of the election.  Reports Biden added the country would have to vote him into office before he accepted the election results remain unconfirmed. 

And in the EnvironMental Moment, the WSJ recounts how…

Kamala Harris Gets a Fracking Education

Pence is right: Shale drilling for natural gas has cut C02 emissions.


Kamala Harris in Wednesday’s debate declared that Joe Biden’s Administration would make the U.S. “carbon neutral” by 2035—a more ambitious goal than even California has set—while at the same time disavowing plans to ban fracking for natural gas. We look forward to Mr. Biden explaining this apparent contradiction in the next debate, if there is one.

Meantime, it’s worth highlighting a new Energy Information Administration report that shows how fracking and competitive energy markets have done more to reduce CO2 emissions over the last decade than government regulation and renewable subsidies. Vice President Mike Pence made this point on Wednesday night, and he’s right.

According to the report, energy-related CO2 emissions in the U.S. fell 2.8% last year as many utilities replaced coal and heating oil with less expensive natural gas. Hydraulic fracturing combined with horizontal drilling has unleashed a gusher of natural gas production in the Midwest and Southwest. As a result, natural gas prices have plunged, putting many coal plants out of business.

CO2 emissions from coal declined by more than 50% from 2007 to 2019, the report notes, and by 15% in 2019 alone. Between 2016 and 2019 the share of electricity generated by natural gas rose to 38.1% from 33.7% and by non-carbon generation (including nuclear and hydropower) to 38.2% from 35.5%. Coal generation during this period plunged to 23.3% from 30.3%.

Increasing power generation from natural gas has accounted for 60% of the country’s decline in CO2 emissions from electricity since 2010. The carbon intensity of the country’s energy declined at about the same rate during the first three years of the Trump Presidency as from 2009 to 2016.

The International Energy Agency earlier this year reported that the U.S. “saw the largest decline in energy-related CO2 emissions in 2019 on a country basis” due to a 15% reduction in the use of coal for power generation and “US emissions are now down almost 1 Gt [gigatonne] from their peak in the year 2000, the largest absolute decline by any country over that period.”

To sum up: President Trump pulled out of the Paris Climate Accord and eased the Obama-Biden Administration’s economically destructive climate regulations, and the U.S. is still leading the world in CO2 reductions.

While we’d certainly look forward to Biden explaining this contradiction at the next debate (if’n we ever have one), we’d be even more impressed if Trump took the time to familiarize himself with such facts. 

Which brings us to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s these from George Lawlor…

…James Nichols…

…Speed Mach…

…and the Penguin…

…along with this string from Balls Cotton:

Finally, we mournfully mark the passing of a true game show legend: Tom Kennedy (shown below with the equally-iconic Wink Martindale and Wink’s wife Sandy)…

…passed away October 7th.  Tom brought us many pleasurable moments in our youth, having hosted a total of 14 shows during his illustrious career.  Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends.

