Since we’re on the subject of this supposedly nice old septuagenarian, courtesy of Speed Mach and the Claremont Review of Books, William Voegeli details how Groper Joe is…
Needless to say, the article’s well worth reading in its entirety, and it doesn’t paint a very flattering portrait of this rather vicious, perverted and calculating career politician.
If there’s any truth whatsoever to the polls…which we highly doubt…as this meme from Bill Meisen records, America needs to wake up and smell the Communism, ’cause…
All the more reason, as Daniel Francis noted Wednesday night, Trump needs to summon his inner Pence and drag Joe and his Marxist agenda…
Though how this cretin could be ahead of anyone for dog catcher…
…remains beyond us.
Next, writing at Best of the Web, Jim Freeman rhetorically wonders…
“This week dozens of esteemed medical experts with blue-chip academic credentials published a warning about the destructive policies adopted to address Covid-19.Since the Sunday publication of this “Great Barrington Declaration” more than a thousand biological scientists and more than 1,500 medical practitioners have added their names to the petition. Yet it’s been almost entirely ignored by the media outlets that spend much of their days presenting themselves as obedient to science.
Maybe this is because the accomplished group of scientists behind the declaration is refusing to obey political narratives. According to the petition:
Coming from both the left and right, and around the world, we have devoted our careers to protecting people. Current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health. The results (to name a few) include lower childhood vaccination rates, worsening cardiovascular disease outcomes, fewer cancer screenings and deteriorating mental health – leading to greater excess mortality in years to come, with the working class and younger members of society carrying the heaviest burden.Keeping students out of school is a grave injustice.
The scientists go on to note that the poor are “disproportionately harmed” by current policies and that for children, “COVID-19 is less dangerous than many other harms, including influenza.” They add that the best approach “is to allow those who are at minimal risk of death to live their lives normally to build up immunity to the virus through natural infection, while better protecting those who are at highest risk. We call this Focused Protection.” (We call it common sense…not to mention precisely the way prior pandemics have been combatted…including the Obama-Biden response to the 2009 swine flu.)
This means that those “who are not vulnerable should immediately be allowed to resume life as normal,” including attending schools, going to restaurants, participating in sports and even gathering at public events.(You know, like church…even riots disguised as peaceful protests!)Meanwhile attention should be focused on protecting those most at risk. According to the scientists:
…nursing homes should use staff with acquired immunity and perform frequent [polymerase chain reaction] testing of other staff and all visitors. Staff rotation should be minimized. Retired people living at home should have groceries and other essentials delivered to their home. When possible, they should meet family members outside rather than inside. A comprehensive and detailed list of measures, including approaches to multi-generational households, can be implemented, and is well within the scope and capability of public health professionals.
Imagine if places like New York and New Jersey had followed this plan, instead of squandering vast resources locking down low-risk populations while failing to prioritize the protection of the elderly…”
And as this recent graphic from George Lawlor details, there are now 77,000 collegians known to have tested positive for the Wuhan virus, with three hospitalizations…
…and ZERO fatalities. As The Boss so astutely observed, more college kids likely died since the first of the year taking selfies than were killed by the Wuhan virus.
For more on the subject, we highly recommend our Video of the Day, brought to us by Speed Mach, accessible through link #2 immediately beneath our Quotes of the Day at the top of the page and featuring Dr. Ben Edwards offering the true state of America’s battle against the Wuhan virus.
Moving from one malady to another, again courtesy of Speed Mach and The American Spectator, Robert McCain astutely identifies…
“When will Chris Wallace apologize to Katie Pavlich? More than once, Wallace has insulted his Fox News colleague on the network, as in a January segment about the impeachment of President Trump, when Wallace barked at Pavlich, “Get your facts straight!” As it turned out in that case, Pavlich was right and Wallace was wrong — and not accidentally so. The question at issue was Democrats’ demand that the Senate trial over what was called “Ukrainegate” include testimony from additional witnesses. Pavlich said this was unprecedented, and contended it was not the Senate’s fault that “the House did not come with a complete case.” Wallace began barking about “facts” in an attempt to rescue Democrats from the consequences of their failure.
Wallace’s dismal performance as moderator in Tuesday’s presidential debate reminded many viewers of such previous instances in which the Fox News Sunday host has shown his prejudice against Trump. And this matters, not only because of how that ugly televised carnival might affect the election, but because of what it tells us about the sad state of journalism in America.If Wallace is, Dov Fischer says, “the fairest moderator we can hope for in today’s Left-dominated media,” there isno hope for fairness. But what about those “facts” that Wallace presumed to lecture Katie Pavlich about?Even if we must resign ourselves to partisan prejudice from the media, must we tolerate journalists trafficking in outright lies?
That’s what Wallace did in Tuesday’s debate. Consider this question he aimed at President Trump: “You have repeatedly criticized the vice president for not specifically calling out Antifa and other left-wing extremist groups, but are you willing tonight to condemn white supremacists and militia groups and to say that they need to stand down and not add to the violence in a number of these cities, as we saw in Kenosha and as we’ve seen in Portland?”
Where is the evidence that “white supremacists and militia groups” were to blame for violence in Kenosha or Portland, Oregon? Wallace’s question was not only tendentious, but counterfactual. As regards Portland, Wallace seemed to be echoing Oregon’s woefully misguided Democratic governor. After a man who described himself as “100% Antifa” murdered a Trump supporter on the streets of Portland Aug.29, Gov. Kate Brown issued this rather bizarre statement:
As elected officials and community leaders, we are coming together to condemn the acts of violence in Portland that have occurred as thousands of Oregonians have been peacefully protesting for racial justice and police accountability. The violence must stop. There is no place for white supremacy or vigilantism in Oregon.All who perpetrate violent crimes must be held equally accountable. Together, we are committing ourselves to do the hard work that will bring meaningful change for racial justice and police reform.
What did the murder of Trump supporter Aaron “Jay” Danielson have to do with “racial justice”? Danielson was white, but so was the Antifa radical who shot him to death, Michael Reinoehl. As for holding those “who perpetrate violent crimes…equally accountable,” why did Gov. Brown let Antifa wreak havoc in Portland for more than three months before deciding that violence is bad? Where is the evidence that “white supremacy” played any role in Portland’s anti-police riots?
More importantly, however, why did Chris Wallace use his position as moderator of a presidential debate to parrot Gov. Brown’s rhetoric by claiming that “white supremacists and militia groups” were somehow to blame for the Portland riots? Such a claim is not journalism but political propaganda…”
Which makes Chris Wallace not a journalist, but a propagandist, pure and simple. And if Billy Ray Valentine was right…
…it occurs to us the best way to hurt propagandists is stop providing them a platform for their disinformation; in other words, boycott FOXNews Sunday, along with every other FOX show or segment on which Chris Wallace appears. Let him take his falling ratings to MSDNC or the CNN, where minuscule audiences are de rigueur.
Continuing with what is undeniably the fastest edition we’ve ever published, courtesy of yet another forward from Speed and The American Mind, in an absolutely must-read commentary, John Fonte correctly classifies November as…
“There is one thing upon which Joe Biden and Donald Trump agree. Biden has repeatedly described the 2020 Presidential election as a “battle for the soul of America.” Trump has stated that this “election will decide” whether or not “we will preserve theAmerican way of life.” They are both right. The coming presidential election is perhaps the most important since 1860 because what is at stake is not simply policy, but the “soul,” “way of life,” or, in classical terms, the “regime” of the American nation.
…The 2020 election is, indeed, a “battle for the soul of America.” Like 1860 it is a regime election. And there is one overriding issue: Is the American way of life something essentially goodthat should be vigorously affirmed and defended, or is the actually existing America (its principles, people and culture), a deeply flawed regime that needs to be “systemically” transformed?“
You know where we come down.
And in the EnvironMental Moment, Jeff Foutch forwarded the following from a David Hughes writing at Boston Review…
“Many decades ago electricity became the new oxygen, and the vast majority of Americans today believe they need it every moment of every waking or sleeping hour. The United States has built a vast infrastructure for generating, transmitting, and consuming it—all almost entirely based on planet-destroying fossil fuels and nuclear power.
Those fuels hold and store energy. If you accumulate enough of them, you can generate electricity abundantly and reliably. The result is that the average American household uses electric resources far beyond its needs while losing power for fewer than six hours per year. Renewables can provide that plenitude—and already do through wind and solar farms in Texas and California—but not necessarily all the time. The sun shines at us constantly, with more energy that we can possibly use at any moment, but the Earth’s rotation puts us in shadow at nightfall. And wind, of course, can simply stop. As a result, the leading fossil- and nuclear-free sources of energy bounce from feast to famine, raising the possibility of more frequent and longer power cuts. Critics—often supporters of natural gas—say wind and solar power are “not ready.” Renewables, they warn us, pose an “intermittency problem.”
For those seriously concerned about climate change, the inverse—the demand for electrical continuity—may be the real problem…”
The author is, if nothing else, an educated idiot. As Mr. Foutch suggested, “HERE’s an idea: let’s just become a third-world country!” Unfortunately for our friends still residing in the once-Golden State, as usual, California’s well ahead of the rest of us.
Which brings us to an extended version of The Lighter Side:
Then there’s these completely accurate characterizations of the Trump-Wallace debate courtesy of Balls Cotton…
…and Speed Mach…
…along with bits of pointed humor from Ed Hickey…
…Andy Lang…
…Brenda Berry…
…Bad Bill…
…Fielding Cocke…
…and last, but certainly far from least, Joe Flood:
Finally, we’ll call it a wrap with yet another sordid story straight from the pages of The Crime Blotter, courtesy today of a undoubted Harris-Biden supporter from Las Vegas:
“…Deal flagged down Metro officers patrolling near the 1700 block of H Street, near Owens Avenue, west of Martin Luther King Boulevard, at 3:33 p.m., and told them he’d accidentally locked his keys inside his running car and that his girl was inside.
An officer offered to call a locksmith, a tow truck, or to break the window, which Deal declined.Instead, he borrowed the officer’s phone to call his brother, police said. After “several” minutes, the officers broke the window and pulled out the unconscious girl, who died at the scene, police said. It wasn’t clear how many minutes elapsed before Deal gave consent for his window to be broken.
Detectives who took over the investigation spoke to Deal’s brother, who told them about a confusing phone call from his brother, police said. Either way, the man quickly headed to Deal’s home and immediately wrapped his shirt around his hand and offered to punch out the window. But Deal, who’d said the air conditioner was on, told him not to and to instead called their mother to have her insurance company send a locksmith, according to the arrest report. Deal said he didn’t have money to replace the window if broken.
Deal’s girlfriend said the couple had fought and she asked for him and his daughter to leave the apartment, police said. According to Deal, he put the girl in the car, which he said was running with the air conditioner on, before he headed back to the apartment, where he continued to argue with the woman for 15 minutes, trying to persuade her to hand him his phone. After she complied, the girlfriend said he returned to ask if she could call his insurance company because he’d locked his keys inside the car.
The woman made the call at 3:06 p.m. and spent 23 minutes on the line. She said Deal told her to hang up when he disagreed with the price quoted to send someone, a service his car didn’t qualify for. Four minutes after she hung up at 3:29 p.m., Deal flagged down the officers. By that time, the girl had been in the car for at least 42 minutes. It wasn’t clear how long it was by the time the window was broken, but police said they believe the girl was inside the hot car for more than an hour, according to the report. Her body had already gone into rigor mortis, police said.
Deal said the girl, who wasn’t fastened, was walking around the seats and eventually lay down on the floor, police said. He thought she’d fallen asleep.“
Sorry, but something’s not right. As TLJ noted, the police will break the window of a vehicle to rescue a dog, yet Vegas cops stood by for an indeterminate amount of time because this Yo didn’t want to pay for a new window? And what new car lets you lock the door with the keys in the vehicle, let alone with the engine running?
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