And taking a knee is what pro athletes do when the want to disrespect the flag and the National Anthem.For U.S. senators to be doing this is a grave sign of the times.
They would never have gone to this extreme but for the violence and riots waged by anarchists and criminals.These supposedly mainstream Democrats are bowing to their new masters on the Left, which has taken over their Party.“
Which is why, writing at, Mark Davis suggests…
Too bad Drew didn’t have the benefit of the lesson recently learned by Minneapolis mayor Jacob Frey:
The Mob is a very fickle mistress indeed!
Here’s the juice:
Yet the fruits of fifty-five years under the indentured servitude of the Dimocrats’ Great Society (paying people not to work, giving women cash for birthing babies out of wedlock, etc., etc., etc. ad nauseam, ad infinitum), coupled with over half a century of uninterrupted Dimocratic control over most of America’s urban centers and law enforcement unions…
…is somehow the responsibility of Republicans, and, by extension, The Donald…a political party powerless within any major city’s limits since the ’70s, and a man with no connection whatsoever to politics or political power prior to January 20, 2017. As TLJ is wont to say when confronted with an uncomfortable truth, “Yeah,…whatever!”
The fact remains, statistically speaking…or in any other language…the odds are overwhelming the players Steve Kelley depicts below…
…will in reality all beBLACK…as this figure from Balls Cotton confirms:
Meanwhile, when you have the time, we highly recommend this must-see video forwarded by James Nichols:
P.S. It’s long, but trust us, it’s well worth your time.
P.S.S. We don’t buy the argument your average Socialist doesn’t believe the sh*t they’re bein’ shoveled, but we’re not going to tell either Tatum or Rubin to “get the f*ck out of here”…which highlights a major difference between Communists and Conservatives.
“Minneapolis city councilman Jeremiah Ellison called for the “dismantling” of the city’s police department after days of unrest across the country over the death of George Floyd in police custody. “We are going to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department,” he tweeted. “And when we’re done, we’re not simply gonna glue it back together. We are going to dramatically rethink how we approach public safety and emergency response.”
The position was then endorsed by the city council’s president, Lisa Bender. Bender agreed and said it would be replaced with “a transformative new model of public safety.”
“If you are a comfortable white person asking to dismantle the police I invite you to reflect: are you willing to stick with it? Will you be calling in three months to ask about garage break-ins? Are you willing to dismantle white supremacy in all systems, including a new system?” she said. “I mean this quite sincerely & seriously: just look at recent conversations about City-funded neighborhood organizations to understand how explicitly we would have to work to establish alternative systems that do not replicate the same problems.White ppl need to show up for this.”(No, Lisa, they don’t, as they can…and likely will…vote with their feet!)
Bender on Tuesday also said “I support continued diversion of funds from law enforcement to other priorities,” following calls from many to “defund the police.” According to the Minneapolis Star Tribune, Bender sees the city’s potentially revamped public safety force as potentially sending social workers or other civilian personnel into situations that are traditionally handled by police…”
Soooo…one of the ideas being floated is to send in social workers rather than cops. Seriously.
Hey, what could go wrong?!?
Since we’re on the subject of fools, well-intentioned or otherwise…as in the case of the Minneapolis City Council…courtesy of Providence Magazine via Mark T., Joshua Mitchell offers a must-read analysis of…
“Most of human history is pagan.The advent of Christianity is arelatively recent affair.Some say Christianity is now receding. Some say Christianity has not yet fully taken hold. Is secularism taking hold? Is paganism reemerging? Do we live in a strange time characterized by a return to paganism, though with Christian characteristics?Whichever account is correct has implications for America in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death.
…If we live in a liberal world that Christianity makes possible, George Floyd’s death is a singular transgression, which law can and will punish. George Floyd was a person. So, too, was the policeman who killed him.Persons are protected by the law; and those persons granted policing authority by the liberal state have a somber responsibility to use their vested authority to protect persons rather than to harm them. That is why the death of a civilian by police hands will always attract attention. The same original sin that is the basis for establishing the category of persons is also the reason why a policing force must be vigilantly watched.
What if we do not live in a liberal world that Christianity makes possible? What if, under the pretext of liberalism and Christianity, America is still pagan? That is, what if America has always been a white nation, and still is? This is the position of many on the American left today. It is a position that holds that the black man, George Floyd, and the white police officer responsible for his death, are representatives of blood nations, not singular persons. The murder of one by the other is representative of the collective murder of one people by the other. American law cannot bring about justice, because each blood nation has its own justice, from which marginalized blood nations can never benefit.American law is white law. Street vengeance, therefore, is the only recourse—whether we call them protests or riots. White people must die, as a just exchange for the black people who have died.
…How, then, shall we proceed?Onward or backward. A return to paganism would spare us from the embarrassing Christian postulate that all the guilty-before-God descendants of Adam are persons, to be treated equally before the law.Pagan blood vengeance, we would contentedly conclude, is the primordial truth of man—therefore let us unleash the cathartic rage that dwells in every heart. If a man of one race is killed, blood payment is due; the score must be settled; persons must be sacrificed so that the idol of bloodline, of “identity,” can be appeased.
Alternatively, there is the Christian way forward, through which we will recognize the singular person of George Floyd, the transgression that ended his life, and the law through which man does what he can to bring about justice, in a broken world that God alone can heal.
Americans today are torn between these two distinctly different understandings of what justice entails: pagan blood payment between peoples, which treats persons as mere proxies; or liberal justice, whose foundation is, finally, the Christian understanding of persons.Paganism, let us remember, is the natural condition of man, the condition for which there is no remedy without the divine antidote that breaks in upon the natural world and informs us that justice entails more than cathartic rage that settles scores. An observer with a trained eye will see in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death an America that cannot decide between pagan justice and liberal justice, and which has settled into a dangerous and unstable intermediate arrangement having elements of both. Logic would dictate that either we go back to guiltless paganism or go forward to guilt-ridden, person-centered, liberalism. We have guilt-ridden paganism instead, another name for which is identity politics.“
Truer words have never been written…outside of the God-inspired, unalterably constant contents of the Bible itself.
Turning now from guilt-ridden pagans to utterly unscrupulous Communists…
…(Sorry, wrong utterly unscrupulous Communist!)…writing at the Hoover Institution‘s Strategika, John Yoo and Robert Delahunty emphasize the importance of another bastion of freedom Progressives have tried to sacrifice on the altar of political expedience:
“As the confrontation between the United States and China intensifies, Taiwan will occupy a pivotal place. Since becoming the site of the exiled Nationalist Chinese government after the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) conquest of mainland China in 1949, the island state has become a flourishing and prosperous liberal democracy boasting the 21st-largest economy in the world.
But considering Taiwan to be an integral part of China, the CCP has announced its intention of incorporating Taiwan by 2049. As part of the Carter administration’s recognition of the CCP as the government of the mainland, the U.S. endorsed a One China policy, while leaving the terms of the eventual unification to China and Taiwan themselves. Thus far, Taiwan has repelled the CCP’s unwelcome embrace.
Rather than bend to China’s pressure on Taiwan, the United States should consider rebuilding its military and political ties to the island…
…Taiwan has equally importance as a political, social, and economic symbol of a free Chinese people. Nothing in China’s long history or experience requires that it must fall subject to a brutal one-party dictatorship. Taiwan, together with Singapore and (before the CCP took it over) Hong Kong, proves that an authentically Chinese society rooted in Confucian traditions can live side-by-side with a constitutional democracy that protects individual rights and free markets. Taipei, not Beijing, can serve as the model for a future unified and democratic China.
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic only highlights the differences between Taiwanese democracy and the CCP’s authoritarianism. A mass of evidence shows that Beijing covered up the outbreak, suppressed researchers and doctors who tried to raise the alarm, and even allowed travelers from Wuhan to fly to the rest of the world even while quarantining them within China. By contrast, Taiwanese officials closely monitored the outbreak on the mainland, quickly shut off travel, and instituted a strict testing and contact tracing regime. In a country of 23 million, the Taipei government has limited the coronavirus to only 440 cases and seven deaths. Taiwan, not the CCP, has proven itself as a reliable, transparent partner for international cooperation in facing the world’s deadliest problems, from global pandemics to North Korea’s nuclear weapons. If a free, democratic regime ruled the mainland, it would benefit not only the people of China but also the rest of the world.
Washington should reconsider whether to welcome an independent Taiwan back into the common defense of free nations from a rising China. The U.S. can also promote the recognition that Taiwan, not the CCP, is the true heir of four thousand years of Chinese civilization. The CCP seeks to absorb a Taiwan whose very existence preserves the memory of the Chinese past. Taiwan’s survival keeps alive the memory of the CCP’s failures against Japan (the Communist Army fought only one major battle against the Japanese) and the horrors of Mao’s Great Leap Forward (Frank Dikotter estimates about 45 million died) and Cultural Revolution. The CCP wants to obliterate all recollection of its appalling past. But the real interests of the Chinese people, and of the world at large, require clear-eyed recognition of the CCP’s often disastrous impact on Chinese history. Unless the CCP is forced into an honest confrontation with its past, its paranoia about the outside world and its resistance to an open society in China will only grow.“
In the interest of fairness, despite having 8 years to do so, Ronaldus Maximus failed to correct this most egregious example of James Earl Carter’s unforced foreign policy errors.
What is fact-checking without facts? That would be “propaganda“.
Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:
Then there’s these from Balls Cotton…
…two more from Ed Hickey…
…as well as this instant classic from Shannon:
Oy, gevalt!
Finally, we’ll call it a wrap with more increasingly uncommon common sense from the Hodge twins. Pay particularly close attention at the 4:25 mark as they highlight the protests which followed Memphis police shooting a Black man when he pulled a gun after shooting a Mississippi man and stealing his car…the Mississippian being another Black man:
Something tells us Black lives only really matter when their loss can be spun for the purpose of promoting Progressive policies and propaganda!
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