It’s Friday, June 5th, 2020…but before we begin, in honor of Thomas Sowell, allow us to offer one brief thought on the passing scene.

Progressives purport to desire a dialogue…on racism, along with any number of other subjects.  But a dialogue inherently requires a two-way conversation.

Truth is, they don’t want a dialogue; what they want is a monologue…with them doin’ all the talkin‘!!!  Drew Brees’ crucifixion is proof positive.  Here’s a man who’s done more for the people and city of New Orleans than anyone since Andrew Jackson, yet he’s pilloried as ignorant and a racist by those who couldn’t pass a high school civics test.

So, no matter how many times former heroes like Jim Mattis abase themselves, or RINOs like George W. Bush embarrass themselveswe ain’t buyin’ it!!!

Seriously, Bush and The Great Divider literally ran the country for a combined 16 years, yet together they’ve the chutzpah to conclude America still has a systemic race problem?!?  Sorry, but WTF were you two doing during your time in office?!?

Here’s the juice: urban police unions who block accountability for bad cops contribute to Dimocratic politicians running cities who haven’t elected Republicans in 50 years…yet somehow the cause of the problem is thrown at the feet of a President who’s only been in office 3-1/2 years?!?

In a related item from Breitbart via James Nichols, we learn…

Benjamin Crump Announces Three Funerals and a Viewing For George Floyd – Three States in Five Days


Crump, shown at the right above with two of his fellow race-hustlers, has obviously confused George Floyd with someone deserving of respectful remembrance, rather than a career criminal murdered following the commission of yet another crime.

In other words…

Now, here’s The Gouge!

We lead off the last edition of the week courtesy of The New York Post, and a response anyone with a clue knew would be forthcoming:

Minneapolis police union chief: George Floyd had ‘violent criminal history


The head of the Minneapolis police union says George Floyd’s “violent criminal history” needs to be remembered and that the protests over his death are the work of a “terrorist movement.”

“What is not being told is the violent criminal history of George Floyd. The media will not air this,” police union president Bob Kroll told his members in a letter posted Monday on Twitter. Floyd had landed five years behind bars in 2009 for an assault and robbery two years earlier, and before that, had been convicted of charges ranging from theft with a firearm to drugs…”

Which of course in no way justifies what Derek Chauvin did, or what the other three officers allowed.  More importantly, no where did Kroll mention the conduct which caused Floyd’s death, only vowing…

“…his organization would help the cop accused of killing Floyd, now-fired Officer Derek Chauvin, and three other officers who were at the scene and are being investigated. “I’ve worked with the four defense attorneys that are representing each of our four terminated individuals under criminal investigation, in addition with our labor attorneys to fight for their jobs. They were terminated without due process,” Kroll wrote.

Fine, that’s his job, odious as it is.  But Kroll’s knee-jerk reaction highlights how the all-too-cozy relationship between Dimocratic politicians and their police union contributors is part of the problem rather than any realistic solution.  As we told TLJ, watch for one if not all of the Floyd Four, certainly if acquitted and likely even if convicted, to sue the city for wrongful termination.  And they just may find a judge or arbitrator who’ll take their side.

Interesting aside: though we used Safari, Chrome and Bing in a vain attempt to locate a mug shot of George Floyd, despite his numerous arrests, the only related photo we could find was of the four incarcerated cops.

Just sayin’.  P.S. Contestant #2, who initially slapped the bracelets on Floyd, self-identifies as Black.

Next, in response to numerous requests for the data Candace Owens recites in our Video of the Day, accessible via link #2 immediately beneath our Quote of the Day at the top of the page, we offer three related must-read articles requiring no additional emphasis from us, as they offer the irrefutable facts Progressive continually try to obfuscate with “feelings”.  First, courtesy of NRO, Andy McCarthy shines the light of truth on…

The ‘Institutional Racism’ Canard

It bears no resemblance to reality — not in police forces, and not in America.


Second, the WSJ‘s Dan Henninger details…

America’s New Nihilism

‘Systemic racism’ is a systemic forgetting of 55 years of urban policy failure.


Lastly, also writing at the WSJ, Heather Mac Donald offers the stats and figures which belie…

The Myth of Systemic Police Racism

Hold officers accountable who use excessive force. But there’s no evidence of widespread racial bias.


Again, all three are must-read commentaries definitely deserving of your time, as they provide the proof which shreds the prevaricative Progressive narrative.

For those who favor videos, here’s a classic compendium from Bill Whittle courtesy of Balls Cotton:

It’s as this meme also forwarded by Balls so accurately observes:

Moving on, AEI‘s Yuval Levin relates…

The evils of injustice and the danger of mobocracy


In dark times, those of us who think that the troubles that haunt human societies have their origins in the human heart, and so are permanent, are inclined to look for wisdom in the past. We know that prior generations have dealt with challenges like those we now confront, and we know that some of those generations were blessed with great-souled men and women from whose responses to those challenges we might learn.

In recent days, my mind has turned to Abraham Lincoln—maybe the greatest of the great-souled Americans. I’ve thought of him not only because he thought and acted with such moral clarity regarding the evil of racism and the inhumanity of slavery, but also because he understood that no just society was possible without respect for basic social order. He knew there was an ideal of justice above the law, and he knew that it could only be respected and put into effect through the law, not around it. Early in his life, he raised the alarm about what he called a “mobocratic spirit”—and he laid out its meaning in terms that help us to see its dangers not only in rioting and looting but also in lawless policing and in failures of leadership that undermine our solidarity…”

While we find Mr. Levin a little too hard on The Donald, he does accurately assess Trump’s Achilles heel.  But he’s a Conservative, which means, like us, he’s willing to point out the mistakes and errors of his own…unlike Liberals.

And if you’ve ever wondered how The Great Divider could be so obviously pro-Islam…other than his virulent antipathy towards Christianity…the latest from‘s Bronson Stocking should help you towards a conclusion, as he reports a…

Former Obama Official Secured Bail for Rioter Charged in Molotov Cocktail Attack


One of two corporate lawyers charged in a failed Molotov cocktail attack on a police vehicle is out on bail thanks to a former Obama intelligence official who helped secure her release.

The Washington Free Beacon reported that Salmah Rizvi, a former Obama administration official in both the State and Defense Departments, has guaranteed the bail of Urooj Rahman, one of two New York City attorneys accused in the failed attack on a police cruiser parked outside the 88th Precinct in Fort Greene.

The former Obama administration official who is also now an attorney described the alleged firebomber as her “best friend” before guaranteeing her bail of $250,000. Rizvi’s work in the intelligence community involved “high-value work” that “would often inform the President’s Daily Briefs,” according to Rizvi’s bio at the Islamic Scholarship Fund, as reported by the Free Beacon…”

“High value work”…but of high value to who…and for which side?!?

Since we’re on the subject of those who force us to wonder which side their on, as the WSJ informs us…

Authors Retract Studies That Found Risks of Using Antimalaria Drugs Against Covid-19

Three authors involved in Lancet article that drew scrutiny said they couldn’t get full data set behind study; an article in the New England Journal of Medicine was also retracted


Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s one each from Shannon…

…Speed Mach…

…our sister-in-law Jackie…

…our buddy Mark T…

…as well as this gem from TLJ:

Trust us, if either actually called for decorations, TLJ would already have the house appropriately…and tastefully…adorned!

Finally, we’ll call it a week with Ami Horowitz exposing the utter ignorance of the Educated Idiots populating UC-Berkeley: 

As Ronaldus Maximus noted, it’s not that Liberals are stupid, it’s that they know so much that just isn’t so.

