“…The case has come at an enormous cost for the retired three-star Army lieutenant general and his family, as he racked up millions of dollars in legal bills, was forced to sell his house, lost his job and saw his reputation sullied…”
And while…
We’re quite certain it would make ours far more refreshing.
Meanwhile, for those questioning whether Obama himselfwasn’t involved in the conspiracy against Trump up to his ears, as this item from FOX News via George Lawlor informs us…
But then, you’re likely to believe O.J. was innocent, Rodney King wasn’t speeding and Michael Brown had his hands up rather than grabbing for Darren Wilson’s weapon.
Now, here’s The Gouge!
First up, as we’ve previously noted, following in the footsteps of the Race-Baiter-in-Chief, a number of minor-league misleaders have of late tried to claim The Donald has somehow focused the effects of the Wuhan virus on the Black “community.
Thus, when this photo from Jeff Foutch showing Sheila Jackson Lee (Why, if the names of schools evoking the legacy of slavery demand change, SHE hasn’t modified HER moniker?!?) promoting this latest Progressive myth…
…crossed our desk the same day as this 2014 article courtesy of G. Trevor, we felt the subject deserving of further coverage:
“This week, the Center for Disease Control released new data on obesity in the United States. The discrepancy between rates for white and black adults reveals an alarmingly wide gap.
When considering non-Hispanic white adults, zero states had a prevalence of obesity of 35% or greater. However, for non-Hispanic black adults, 28 states and the District of Columbia reported that 35% or more of the demographic is obese.
The maps combined data from 2011 through 2013…”
Here’s the juice: Black “leaders” don’t want problems which are solvable, particularly through heightened levels of personal responsibility. They want insoluble problems caused by malevolent outside forces such as systemic racism they can bitch about and blame in order to get reelected…which is all they care about, NOT their constituents.
And THAT, friends, is the definition of evil.
As The Boss observed, the predicament of American Blacks is almost identical to the plight of the Palestinians. Think about it, Yasser Arafat died a BILLIONAIRE, without EVER producing ANYTHING but terror, hate and misery. How does that happen?!?
Yet, are the “reverends”…
…along with Mad Maxine, Sheila, Kweisi and Frederica, really any different?!?
For more on the subject of fabricated outrage, we turn to Townhall.com, where Larry O’Connor recounts…
“There’s sanctimonious, self-serving preening that offends the sensibilities of average American citizens and then there’s the latest obnoxious hectoring from New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo.
At his daily coronavirus briefing Tuesday, Cuomo addressed increasing pressure to resume some level of commerce and normalcy in America. “How much is a human life worth?” Cuomo asked the fawning press and the ever-present television lens. (NOT MUCH, at least in a Planned Parenthood clinic!!!)“That’s the real discussion that no one is admitting openly or freely. But we should.”
The question is a false and manipulative piece of political rhetoric meant to appeal to emotions and feelings, not rational thought. But, such hyperbole is the coin of the realm for Democratic politicians these days.
How this man gets away with preaching to the rest of how much he cherishes human life is a mystery. “Mr. How Much Is A Human Life Worth” celebrated legalizing the medical killing of a baby up to the moment of her delivery from her mother’s womb by igniting the One World Trade Center pink light, the same color used to celebrate the birth of that same baby girl.
“The faster we reopen, the lower the economic cost — but the higher the human cost, because the more lives lost,” he said. (With no supporting empirical data whatsoever!!!)“That, my friends, is the decision we are really making.”
Spare me, governor. These are decisions leaders make every single day.
In New York State, the maximum speed limit on state highways is 55 miles per hour. However, science dictates that many lives would be saved if the governor reduced those speeds to 30 miles per hour. I mean, that’s just scientific fact. So, why doesn’t he do that?
…Perhaps Cuomo pounded the table and preyed upon the emotions of reporters and cable news anchors to distract from the story they should have been focusing on. The Associated Press reported more than 1,700 “previously undisclosed” deaths at nursing homes and adult care facilities in New York on Tuesday. I’m pretty sure “previously undisclosed” is a good euphemism for “hid from the public.”
Every death at a New York nursing home brings further scrutiny to Cuomo’s horrific policy of forcing nursing homes to admit patients who had tested positive for the coronavirus. The number of deaths in nursing homes has now reached over 4,800, and the virus continues to spread thanks, in part, to Cuomo’s catastrophic policy.
While Cuomo lectures all of us who want to safely and sanely get back to work while following reasonable protocols to keep the virus from spreading, perhaps some enterprising reporter could ask him whether he ever asked himself if each of those 4,800 nursing home lives he lost had worth.“
Thus does the entire Fourth Estate surrender its primary function to a D.C.-area talk-show host.
Next up, courtesy of Breeze Gould, one of those rare moments when we question the conclusion of a normally even-handed Conservative blogger, as The Gateway Pundit trumpets this…
“…As reported weeks ago — in mid April Dr. Fauci admitted that it was he and Dr. Birx who persuaded President Trump to lock down the US economy knowing the massive destruction this would cause in jobs, lives and commerce.
President admitted that during a press conference in April that “two very smart people” came into his office and urged him to lock down the economy or 2.2 million Americans would die from the China virus. But President Trump did not say who those “two very smart people” were…”
Even if this account of what went down is 100% accurate, we blame The Donald for listening to “two very smart people” utterly unschooled in economics, let alone possessed of any real knowledge of how their recommendation would impact the country. At the same time, we seriously doubt either Fauci or Birx specifically advocated “shutting down the U.S. economy” rather than suggesting a general lockdown.
Inquiring minds are left to wonder who was the adult in the room when they met with Trump?!?
As Daniel Francis Feeney so insightfully noted, while medical professionals certainly deserve a seat at the table, they shouldn’t be permitted to run the meeting, let alone exclusively determine an Administration’s response to a pandemic.
Moving on, via Keith Koffler we learn The Washington Free Beacon reminds us Groper Joe…
“Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden voted in favor of a motion that would have blocked the creation of the Senate office that receives sexual harassment complaints.
Biden was one of six Democrats who joined an effort to block the Office of Senate Fair Employment Practices in 1991 on the grounds that it was unconstitutional. The vote came less than two years before Tara Reade allegedly filed a complaint about her treatment as an employee in Biden’s Senate office.
Created as a part of the Civil Rights Act of 1991 in the shadow of Anita Hill’s testimony on Capitol Hill, the Office of Senate Fair Employment Practices was an attempt to remedy the fact that Congress was, at the time, exempt from workplace discrimination laws…”
In the wholly-unsubstantiated words of the immortal and incomparably less-corrupt “Shoeless Joe” Jackson, “Sorry, kid, but it is.”
Speaking of liars and the prevaricators who promote them, writing at the WSJ, Dan Henninger memorializes…
“So much of our national politics looks like bread and circuses that one can miss important shifts in the political zeitgeist. Joe Biden’s descent to the second circle of #MeToo hell may be one of them.
Yes, we are learning again the high price of double standards and hypocrisy, which are always with us. But while the Democrats’ bucket brigades throw water on the Biden-Reade wildfire, look over there at something else that’s in flames. It is liberal progressivism’s nearly hundred-year-old strategy of using moral condescension as a crude weapon against its enemies.
A distinction is necessary.Morality is about right and wrong. Morality’s insincere cousin is moralism, which grabs virtue off the shelf as needed. About every 20 or 30 years, the progressives come up with another moralized argument to delegitimize their opponents…”
As NRO‘s David Harsanyi suggests, it’s almost as if…
“You can believewhomever you choose in the alleged sexual-misconduct cases of Joe Biden and Brett Kavanaugh, but you can’t revise history to erase your partisan double standards.
One of the most egregious examples of revisionism can be found in a column by the New York Times’ Michelle Goldberg, who employs nearly every attack Americans were warned never to use against alleged sexual-assault victims during the Kavanaugh hearings — questioning their motivations, asking why they didn’t file charges, attacking them for not remembering specifics, etc. And yet, even if we adopt Goldberg’s new standards, Tara Reade still emerges as a more credible accuser than Christine Blasey Ford.
…It’s possible that Reade’s credibility would suffer, as did Ford’s, if an investigation took a deeper look. Yet, none of the Democrats who dispensed with due process and embraced Ford’s accusations have shown the slightest interest in speaking with Reade. They’ve simply adopted new guidelines for “believing women” and left liberal pundits with the job of justifying their actions — which they dutifully do.
Of course, none of the above is dispositive or unequivocal evidence of sexual assault on its own. We can neverreally know. But the notion that Ford is a more credible accuser than Reade doesn’t stand up to even the most basic examination. It’s just a flimsy excuse for hypocrisy.“
Which brings us, inappropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:
Then there’s these Groper Joe-themed memes from Ed Hickey…
…along with others from Balls Cotton…
…Brenda Berry…
…Speed Mach…
…and last, but certainly not least, our eldest son Jon:
Finally, in answer to our request for any info regarding fundraising on behalf of Shelley Luther, the Dallas hair salon owner jailed and fined $7,000 by a petty tyrant when she wouldn’t apologize for her “selfishness”, Jeff Foutch forwarded the following link for those interested in aiding her…though we’d suggest, with over $500,000 raised for Luther to date, there are likely those in far greater need than she…like Michael Flynn.
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