…Dumb, Dumber and Schiff-for-Brains could better spend their time and the taxpayers’ dollars investigating the responsibility of Xi Jinping and the Communist Party of China for their release…unintentional or otherwise…of the Wuhan virus?!?
This cartoon courtesy of Balls Cotton says it all:
Here’s the juice: if a cure means The Donald’s reelection in November, every single Dimocratic Socialist is with Drew in Deliverance:
In a related item, as Townhall.com‘s Matt Vespa reports, an…
“…Yet, that’s the kicker. The transparency part because China hasn’t been open. They can’t. It’s not in their nature due to their current form of government. What authoritarian regime has ever been open and transparent? Federal Communication Commission Commissioner Brendan Carr has eight questions for the authoritarian regime, specifically relating to those that Chinese government officials have disappeared. There are vloggers, citizen journalists, and doctors who tried to do the right thing and raise the red flag and tried to document the ground conditions as Wuhan was engulfed by this disease. They’ve all vanished….”
Seven similar questions, all more “pointed” than “brutal”, follow, inquiring after the whereabouts of those Beijing deemed a threat to the narrative being peddled by the WHO, the MSM and Progressive politicians the world over. And all of who knowingly risked their lives to expose the corruption of Xi Jinping and his cadre of contemporary Communist khans.
Something tells us inquiring minds are far more interested in exploring Carr’s questions than enduring Adam Schiff’s latest snipe hunt.
Perhaps if the good Congressman and his Senate colleagues read the latest from Matt Scully at NRO, they’d focus more on the former:
“…The People’s Republic has supposedly banned the exotic-meat trade, and one major city, Shenzhen, has proscribed dog and cat meat as well. In reality, observes a second Daily Mail correspondent, anonymously reporting from the city of Dongguan, “the markets have gone back to operating in exactly the same way as they did before coronavirus.”Nothing has changed, except in one feature: “The only difference is that security guards try to stop anyone taking pictures, which would never have happened before.”
Lest we hope too much for some post-pandemic stirring of conscience, consider the Chinese government’s idea of a palliative for those suffering from the coronavirus. As the crisis spread, apparently some fast-thinking experts in “traditional medicine” at China’s National Health Commission turned to an ancient remedy known as Tan Re Qing, adding it to their official list of recommended treatments. The potion consists chiefly of bile extracted from bears. The more fortunate of these bears are shot in the wild for use of their gallbladders.The others, across China and Southeast Asia, are captured and “farmed” by the thousands, in a process that involves their interminable, year-after-year confinement in fit-to-size cages, interrupted only by the agonies of having the bile drained. Do an image search on “bear bile farming” sometime when you’re ready to be reminded of what hellish animal torments only human stupidity, arrogance, and selfishness could devise.
If one abomination could yield an antidote for the consequences of another, Tan Re Qing would surely be just the thing to treat a virus loosed in the pathogenic filth and blood-spilling of Wuhan’s live market. There’s actually a synthetic alternative to the bile acids, but Tradition can be everything in these matters, and devotees insist that the substance must come from a bear, even as real medical science rates the whole concoction at somewhere between needless and worthless.President Xi Jinping has promoted such traditional medicines as a “treasure of Chinese civilization.” In this case, the keys to the treasure open small, squalid cages in dark rooms, where the suffering of innocent creatures goes completely disregarded. And perhaps right there, in the willfulness and hardness of heart of all such practices, is the source of the trouble that started in China…”
Seems like the ChiCom’s stumbled backward during their great leap forward.
Now, here’s The Gouge!
First up, a bit of good news for those concerned, given the party affiliation of his state’s governor, Richard Burr’s HIGHLY-suspect stocks sales might result in his seat going to the disloyal opposition; particularly as, were we either Mitch McConnell or his personal attorney, we’d be telling Burr…
Under North Carolina law, Dimocrat Roy Cooper is required to choose from a three-name list provided by the same party to which Burr belongs. And while “Self-Serving, Double-Dealing, Disgraced Douche Pump” certainly describes Burr…along with a large number of the equally-despicable denizens of the D.C. swamp…it’s nonetheless not his official political party. Thus Cooper will be forced to name another Republican.
That is, unless Tar Heel State Republicans pull a boner of the epic proportions for which the national GOP is so well known…and name three Dimocrats for Burr’s seat.
Next up, the WSJ‘s Kim Strassel offers an interesting take on what she deems to be a last-ditch effort for influence, as…
“When it comes to “fake news,” we had a whopper this week. Voters were informed that Bernie Sanders was dropping out of the Democratic presidential contest. Joe Biden only wishes it were so.
True, Mr. Sanders announced on Wednesday the “suspension” of his campaign, noting that he trailed Mr. Biden by some 300 delegates, and that no “honest assessment” showed a path to the nomination. The Vermont senator said he could not “in good conscience continue to mount a campaign that cannot win.”
Yet Mr. Sanders said he nonetheless would (and could in good conscience?) “stay on the ballot in all remaining states and continue to gather delegates,” so as to exert “significant influence” over the party. He also declined to promise he’ll help Mr. Biden get elected. He instead blandly noted that his rival was a “very decent man, who I will work with to move our progressive ideas forward.”
This isn’t an endorsement; it’s a threat. The Democratic Party is split, and Mr. Sanders is the undisputed leader of its progressive wing. He’s not conceding gracefully; he’s not rallying Democrats behind a nominee; he’s not going anywhere—not without extracting a significant show of fealty from Mr. Biden. Put another way, the man who was too radical to win the nomination is now determined to make Mr. Biden unelectable.
…This is dangerous territory for Mr. Biden, and it highlights the party divide that Mr. Sanders has inflamed. Mr. Biden has already shifted significantly to the left, looking to attract progressive primary voters. He now favors a health-insurance “public option,” free community college, huge tax increases and forgiveness of many student loans. Sewing up a nomination is usually the moment at which a candidate begins pivoting back to the center to appeal to independent and moderate voters.
Mr. Sanders’s intention is not only to block such a pivot, but to jerk Mr. Biden further left…
…Polls show the top priority of a majority of Democrats is defeating Mr. Trump. But a majority is not all, and in a close election, party unity and enthusiasm are paramount. For many Sanders voters, ideology matters more than victory. Is the socialist willing to act as a spoiler? By the looks of this week, you bet.“
Meanwhile, Sander’s rival seems to already be surrendering to Bernie’s inexorable pull to The Far Left, as John Hirschauer relates at NRO:
“Joe Biden’s recently released “Plan to Advance LGBTQ+ Equality” is a collection of ideas, gestures, and slogans that the former vice president (or his handlers) hopes will “advance” the amorphous cause of “equality” for the “LGBTQ+ community.” (Let’s be honest: they hope it buys them votes!)The plan talks a lot about “equality” — Biden promises, variously, to “resume the march for equality,” support “equality and inclusion,” and “champion global equality” — without once defining what he means by “equality,” or how society at large is supposed to know when we have achieved it.
…What’s most unclear from Biden’s proposal is its purpose. He does not spell out in precise language how the various interest groups in the “community” in question have yet to attain the “equality” his plan is ostensibly meant to help them achieve. The only thing that is clear is that “tolerance,” in the traditional understanding of that word, is not the plan’s principal aim.
In Biden’s defense, America has not been interested in “tolerance” since the decline of cultural Christianity began in earnest in the twilight of the second World War. Tolerance, as John Gray wrote in 1992, bears the “implication of judgment” — to “tolerate” something is to cast judgment upon it.If society “tolerates” a given behavior or belief, it acknowledges the existence of a moral standard from which the behavior or belief in question deviates. If there are no normative standards, then there is nothing to tolerate — only differences to celebrate.
Under the old regime of tolerance — such as it was — one could acknowledge that a given behavior or belief was vicious, but join the philosopher in recognizing that “human laws do not forbid all vices.” We are all sinners, and while your vice may not be mine, we both are vicious and depraved. No longer — there is no depravity, no category of “vices” which we might choose to tolerate — in the post-tolerance regime of blind affirmation, the only forbidden vice is the recognition of “vice” as such.
In a post-Christian society — a post-religious society, in truth — such moral confusion is understandable. If the Gospels are stories concocted by first-century Jews who had a hallucinatory experience after the death of their cult leader, the moral commands that the New Testament contains are — at best — quaint suggestions.At worst, they are retrograde and capricious fables with nothing to teach a Modern and enlightened people. In neither case are its commands binding, at least in the same way they are to a people who believe them to be actually — not metaphorically or accidentally — true. If there is no God, then there is no natural law, no preordained moral order whose dictates we can divine from the observable world. If we inhabit a universe of ungoverned chaos where truth and falsehood are matters of private opinion, Joe Biden’s reluctance to comport himself as though the Catholic faith he professes were true — indeed, as though there were any objective moral standards at all — should not surprise us.“
Joe Biden: coming soon, not to, but rather after a church near you!
And in the Sports Section, though we stopped following the NFL immediately after Roger Goodell’s craven capitulation to Colin Kaepernick and his equally ignorant cohorts, we couldn’t help but notice these two rather contradictory story lines while perusing the FOX News website:
“…“We added pieces to the puzzle that we just felt that we needed: guys that are going to come in, guys that are hungry, they’re going to compete,” Rivera said.
…“A lot of these come in and say, ‘Give me an opportunity to compete, prove myself and then we’ll see,’ which I think is great,” Rivera said. “I love the fact guys are betting on themselves and are going to come in and prove that they belong…”
“…The Heisman Trophy finalist was asked during an interview with ESPN via Instagram Friday if he thought he was the best prospect going into the draft. “Yes, definitely,” he said. “I know I’m the best, definitely.”
…He’s expected to be drafted by the Washington Redskins with the No. 2 overall pick.“
As our dear, departed Mother used to say, “Let another’s lips praise thee, not thine own.” In any event, someone‘s in for a rude awakening; good thing we won’t be wasting our time figuring out who.
Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:
Then there’s this suggestion from on old friend which is not only efficacious and cost-effective, but also, as it necessitates recycling, environmentally friendly as well:
Along with this meme from G. Trevor…
…and this stream of COVID-19-related consciousness from Balls Cotton:
Finally, we’ll call it a wrap with yet another titillating tale torn from the pages of The Crime Blotter, and this rather bizarre story from the Sunshine State:
“…These eggs were discovered at multiple houses near Palm Coast, Fla., over several days, The Daytona Beach News Journal reports. According to the news outlet, the eggs contained a cracker, a powdered drink mix, one square of toilet paper and a crumpled piece of paper with a pornographic image on it.
According to the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office, residents reported that a woman was placing eggs in mailboxes on Wednesday night. Authorities responded to the area and after locating the suspect’s car, 42-year-old Abril Cestoni was taken into custody. In a statement on the sheriff’s department’s Facebook page, authorities say that Cestoni admitted to placing the eggs in the mailboxes. She reportedly told officers that she was “educating people.”…”
“Educating people”? Only if Ms. Cestoni confused a Playboy Bunny with the Easter Bunny, and meant sex education.
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