As Jim Freeman notes in his Best of the Web installment linked here and in blue above, “While you save lives, you can also save jobs—and one of them might be your own.” We would add, the lives you save just might be those of your parents and/or grandparents.
To put it into terms even such spoiled, self-centered pr*cks will understand, imagine the Wuhan Virus as Hans Gruber in Die Hard, and you’re John McClain:
Trust us, you benighted, self-absorbed boobs: pandemics are no respecters of persons. And just as certain as Sam Tipton was NOT endowed with any measure of “magic grits”…
…neither do you possess any immunity from China’s latest gift to the civilized world.
Which brings to mind this photo taken Monday in front of a nearby Walmart…
…which we felt provided the perfect complement to this meme from Balls Cotton:
For those worrying they may forced to forego certain acts of personal hygiene owing to the unreasoned fears of others, cast your concerns to the wind: for Bernie…
…has your back. And since someone else thought of it, depend on Hairplug Joe to claim the idea as his own.
“…Lisa Merck of Crested Butte said she tested positive for the virus after a vacation to Hawaii, where she attended a medical conference, news station KDVR reported. “We went to a medical conference over there and on the day we were going to leave, I had little sniffles. That’s it,” Merck said.
On the plane ride, Merck began to experience aches on the left side of her body, and then her health worsened once she got home, the outlet reported.“We got back and my muscles ached, my bones ached and my joints ached really bad,” Merck said. “It felt like someone was stabbing me with an ice pick and I was like, ‘I wonder if I have the flu.’”
Her health eventually deteriorated to the point where she headed to the emergency room. “I felt really short of breath, I felt very fatigued,” she told the outlet. “Finally, on Sunday night, I told my husband, ‘I need you take me to the ER. I don’t feel well — whenever I stand, I feel like I’m going to faint.’”
…Though she’s in the medical field, Merck said she never anticipated the serious symptoms that she experienced throughout the ordeal. “It’s nothing like I expected,” Merck told KDVR…”
We last experienced the effects of a legitimate bout of the flu…not just an elevated fever and some intestinal distress, but a full-blown case of influenza involving three days of total torment…back in 1995. And we’ve never forgotten it.
Which leads us to believe, heretofore, Nurse Merck never actually had the flu. Thus her recounting of the impact of the Wuhan Virus is limited to its effect on her person…and hardly an account worthy of worldwide distribution.
That being said, like any other illness or supposed cure, results may vary.
Moving from the unexpected to the wholly-predictable, as FOX News reports, a…
“An outspoken tycoon who blasted Chinese President Xi Jinping and the Communist Party for their abysmal handling of the coronavirus has gone missing, his friends say.
Ren Zhiqiang, a retired real estate executive, has never been shy about sharing his feelings toward people in power. In fact, last month he called Xi, one of China’s most powerful leaders in modern history, a “clown” and slammed the government’s efforts to contain COVID-19.
…Ren’s close confidant, Wang Ying, told Reuters no one has been able to contact Ren since March 12. “Ren Zhiqiang is a public figure and his disappearance is widely known,” she said. “The institutions responsible for this need to give a reasonable and legal explanation for this as soon as possible.”
Ren, 69, has gone on record saying China’s state-run news media should serve the people of China and not the Communist Party, something Xi strongly disagrees with. Ren’s comments highlight the growing discontent and frustration over Xi’s authoritarian rule.
In 2016, Chinese Communist Party officials put Ren, who is a party member, on a one-year probation after he criticized Xi’s policies. At the time, the Communist Party said Ren had “lost his party spirit.”
Foreign affairs expert Gordon Chang believes Ren’s disappearance could signal in-fighting at the highest levels of the Community Party. “When people speak out to criticize Xi Jinping, it means that there is a lack of fear because they know what can happen to them but either they don’t care or they feel so strongly they’ll do it anyway,” Chang told Fox News. “When that occurs, that shows that the regime is starting to crack.”
Chang believes Ren made incendiary comments he knew were likely to be circulated because he “probably believes he can get away with it.” “If he thinks he can get away with it, it means he must have support at senior party levels, and if he has support at senior party levels, it means that there is disunity at the top of the party,” Chang said.
…And that is likely making Xi and his cohorts extremely nervous…”
And when Xi and his cohorts get extremely nervous, you…
Here’s the juice: the sooner Xi and his like are eradicated from the earth, the better.
Since we’re on the subject of Xi’s like, writing at Best of the Web, Jim Freeman details the interrelationship between…
“…Here in the U.S., thank goodness we’re still not seeing fatalities commensurate with the panicked buying of various consumer staples. But public health officials warn that the worst is yet to come, so Americans should take great care to wash hands, stay home when sick, avoid contact with others and help prevent the spread of the virus.
Striking the correct balance between urging valuable countermeasures against viral infection and avoiding an overreaction is never easy in a situation where much remains unknown about a new illness. Previous presidential administrations have struggled with this issue.For example on April 30, 2009, Huma Khan reported for ABC News:
Democrats hustled to temper Vice President Joe Biden’s comments today that he would advise his family to avoid flying or being in confined spaces because of concerns about swine flu, a comment that drew criticism from the travel industry.
At a news conference Wednesday evening, President Obama said Americans who may be sick should avoid airplanes and “any system of public transportation where you’re confined,” but the vice president today took it one step further.
Specifically, Mr. Biden suggested that even healthy people should avoid transportation systems, saying that he would advise his family members to avoid airplanes and subways. Ms. Khan reported:
When asked by ABC News’ Jake Tapper whether the White House had a response to Biden’s comments, [White House press secretary Robert Gibbs] replied: “I think…what the vice president meant to say was the same thing that again, many members have said in the last few days, that is, if you feel sick, if you are exhibiting flulike symptoms — coughing, sneezing, runny nose — that you should take precautions, that you should limit your travel.”
Gibbs apologized if anyone was “unduly” alarmed but did not elaborate.
“Jake, I’m telling you what he meant to say,” he said to laughter. (The 12,000 Americans who died during the 2009 Swine Flu pandemic which originated in China likely didn’t share the curious sense of humor possessed by Mr. Gibbs and the then-White House press corps!)
Back then, politicians weren’t in the habit of railing against “fake news,” but according to the ABC report there was an issue of conflicting advice coming from different people within the administration:
Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, who said Biden’s comments were unfortunate, was visibly frustrated by what he called misinformation.
“I wish the vice president had checked with the Centers for Disease Control…before he made that statement. As far as not riding on subways or planes, we’re not going to shut down our system and that doesn’t get to the nub of the problem, anyway,” he saidon Radio Iowa. “So I think that’s very unfortunate that this kind of misinformation got out.”(Misinformation…from the Vice President of the United States!!!)
At Sunday night’s Democratic presidential debate, Mr. Biden once again urged an aggressive response to the latest pandemic. Meanwhile his opponent, Sen. Bernie Sanders (Socialist, Vt.), made clear that even in the face of a viral threat which has inspired him to cancel events and instruct his campaign staff to work from home, he still won’t suspend his blind ideological campaign against the large swathes of America he dislikes.
Amazingly, even as Americans across the U.S. biomedical research enterprise are working around the clock to try to develop vaccines and therapies to save the lives of coronavirus patients, Sen. Sanders had little to offer but scorn, slandering pharmaceutical executives as crooks eager to exploit human tragedy. Surely the Sanders comments are disqualifying for any voters expecting leadership in a time of crisis.
Mr. Sanders also continued to defend his laudatory comments about various communist dictatorships. He even noted China’s modern progress against poverty without mentioning that such progress only occurred to the extent the regime abandoned Marxist dogma and moved toward capitalism.
Of course many Chinese citizens don’t share Sen. Sanders’ eagerness to laud the dictatorship that oppresses them…”
In a related item, his continued primary victories aside, as Matt Vespa reports at…
“There was going to be a ‘Never Biden’ wing that emerged from the Democratic primary. That was just going to happen. That’s the nature of progressives. They’re committed to their cause and moderation is not an option. They want to beat Trump, but they’re also worried about the period after that. They want Medicare for All, free college, student debt forgiveness, and drastic actions on so-called global warming. In last night’s debate on CNN, Biden sort of said they were priorities, but Bernie is obviously the one who would be seen as more trusted to take the radical actions necessary. Why vote for Biden when he’s just a more liberal version of the system you still want to destroy?It makes no sense. As in 2016, there is a contingent that may either vote for Trump or stay home. For now, it looks like the latter, which still helps the president’s re-election chances.
Young people didn’t like Hillary Clinton and they don’t like Joe Biden…”
And we thank God for their self-destructive dedication every day…and pray it continues through November 3, 2020unabated.
Which brings us to The Lighter Side:
Then there’s this instant classic from Shannon…
…along with two others from our Wednesday-night trivia teammates Patrick…
…and Mark…
…as well as these two from Balls Cotton:
Finally, we’ll call it a wrap with yet another sordid story straight from the pages of The Crime Blotter, and this just in from the supposed-Garden State:
“An unidentified young woman in Newark, which is New Jersey’s largest city population-wise, and sits about 10.6 miles outside Manhattan, is posing a “public health risk” and remains “at large” in the community after testing positive for the coronavirus, the mayor said Tuesday.
In a video press conference, Mayor Ras Baraka, a Democrat, said the unidentified woman arrived at East Orange General Hospital on Saturday, underwent a COVID-19 test, provided a false name and address and left.
The test result later came back positive, and city health officials arrived to the address provided to notify her that she needed to come in for treatment. That’s when officials realized the woman at the hospital had lied about her identity and residence…”
We’re gonna go out on a limb here and predict the young woman in question is an illegal alien…and that, upon her being identified as such, the Dimocratic powers-that-be in New Jersey will proceed to blame her actions on Trump’s crack-down on illegal immigration.
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