This coming from the woman who would have us believe the Clinton Foundation received over $2B in contributions from donors who believed their dollars were saving the planet and its poor rather than buying influence with the once-and-future First Family.
As this meme from Shannon notes…
It’s one thing for a private enterprise to charge whatever amount the market will bear for their services…
…but entirely another when public officials such as Hillary and Hairplug Joe believe no bribe is too big, let alone too blatant:
But Hunter WASN’T HIRED by Wall Street, WAS he?!?
Now, primarily owing to our just getting back in the saddle following an extended trip with TLJ experiencing the natural wonders of the once-Golden State…
…here’s a somewhat discombobulated edition of The Gouge! And we offer our apologies for any items which may be somewhat dated.
P.S. Absent it’s God-given geography, California wouldn’t be…
First up, a couple headlines you might have missed courtesy of Jeff Foutch and
Next up, perhaps the greatest indictment of the Dimocratic impeachment farce comes from Matt Taibbi writing at the Rolling Stone, hardly a bastion of pro-Trumpian or Conservative thought, who suggests…
“Start with the initial headline, in the story the Washington Post “broke” on September 18th:
The unnamed person at the center of this story sure didn’t sound like a whistleblower. Our intelligence community wouldn’t wipe its ass with a real whistleblower.
Americans who’ve blown the whistle over serious offenses by the federal government either spend the rest of their lives overseas, like Edward Snowden, end up in jail, like Chelsea Manning, get arrested and ruined financially, like former NSA official Thomas Drake, have their homes raided by FBI like disabled NSA vet William Binney, or get charged with espionage like ex-CIA exposer-of-torture John Kiriakou. It’s an insult to all of these people, and the suffering they’ve weathered, to frame the ballcarrier in the Beltway’s latest partisan power contest as a whistleblower…”
Moving on, the editors at the WSJ offer their thoughts on an a watershed moment of history we personally experienced, as they record the beginning of…
“Californians are learning to live like the Amish after investor-owned utility PG&E this week shut off power to two million or so residents to prevent wildfires amid heavy, dry winds. Blame the state’s largest blackout on a perfect storm of bad policies…”
Promoted by a decades-long dose of unconstrained Progressive politics.
We can’t say how many private businesses were forced to close because of the power blackouts sourced in Sacramento, but we know for a fact the hotel we booked in Napa for Thursday the 10th was forced to close. And while the spa in Calistoga where we’d reserved a mud bath was open, none of the three service stations in town could provide us badly-needed petrol.
What we can say is Sydney Pollack had it right in Three Days of the Condor, though he was on the wrong side:
Wait until the power blackouts start hitting the higher-temperature, far-more-densely-populated areas in Southern California.
Since we’re on the subject of Progressives putting politics above the well-being and rights of others, in a forward from Mark Tapscott, the Daily Caller reports how…
“I really feel that that marriagemoved me closer to God and Iwish the VP could understandthat,” he added, saying he does not believe that being gay is “a sin.”
Unfortunately for Progressives, actual Christians believe what GOD SAYS, NOT what Mayor Pete and the rest of the lowing herd choose to BELIEVE!!!
Here’s the juice: were Progressives given unrestrained rein of government in 2020, it wouldn’t be long before they went from this…
“There can be no reward, no benefit, no tax break for anyone…that denies the full human rights and the full civil rights of every single one of us.” O’Rourke told a cheering audience. “And so as president, we are going to make that a priority, and we are going to stop those who are infringing upon the human rights of our fellow Americans.”
…to this:
Remember, the only way in which Chick-fil-A “infringed upon the human rights” of Americans was when its CEO contributed…as a private citizen…to an organization which opposed gay marriage.
Fuggedabout what Speed Mach and Bill Barr relate as reality, rather focus on AOC’s Socialist construct.
Which brings us, incongruously enough, to The Lighter Side:
Then there’s these two instant classics from Fielding Cocke…
…and our sister-in-law Amy…
…along with this string of Conservative consciousness from Ed Hickey:
Finally, we’ll call it a day with a Profile in Courage, courtesy today of Best of the Web and one exceedingly humble hero:
We’re reminded of the summer of 1975, when we were down in Quantico playing Marine for a week. The officer in charge of the Midshipman Detail was Major Walt Boomer, who later in life and career as a Lieutenant General commanded all the Marine forces in Desert Shield and Desert Storm, overseeing the liberation of Kuwait.
After a couple days in the field…and several early-morning hours cleaning our M-16 to the Gunny’s impossible standards…we were in the Officers Club with some classmates sampling what was perhaps the tastiest bottle of beer (Miller High Life) we’ve ever enjoyed when Major Boomer happened to join us.
Noticing the good Major had, among his other numerous decorations, earned not one but TWO Silver Stars, we inquired as to the circumstances surrounding the first. In a soft Tarheel drawl, Major Boomer quietly recalled, “We got in a little trouble that day.” At which point we, never one to waste words, suggested, “Let me guess: ya’ll got into a little MORE trouble the second day?”; to which this authentic American simply replied with a smile.
Another authentic American hero said it best:
As our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ himself said, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends”…or by his actions, selflessly offers to do so.
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