It’s Wednesday, September 25th, 2019…but before we begin, two examples of adolescent behavior from the supposed adults in the room: first, as Jack Crowe reports at NRO

GOP Primary Challenger Bill Weld Accuses Trump of Treason, Raises Prospect of Death Penalty


Ah, yes: treason and the death penalty; except treason is specifically limited to levying war against the United States or giving her enemies aid and comfort.  And the death penalty for treason was abolished back in 1990.

And THIS clown’s supposed to be the “voice of reason” in the Republican Party!

Second, as the WSJ reports, Nancy…

Pelosi Announces Impeachment Inquiry of President Trump


Keep in mind, Pelosi announced an impeachment “inquiry”, not the formal process, i.e., articles of impeachment.  This is Nancy’s attempt to have her cake and eat it too.  Her Far Left base is clamoring for impeachment, though Pelosi realizes the odds for a conviction in the Senate are the same as Rosie O’Donnell passing through the eye of needle.  She also understands bringing up the mere subject impeachment…let alone the real deal…too close to the 2020 election would not only energize Trump’s base (which has undoubtedly already happened), but risk offending the moderate voters Dimocrats so desperately need.

As the editors at the WSJ note:

“…bad judgment is not a crime, and voters may demand more to annul an election only months before they have a chance to render their own judgment about Mr. Trump’s behavior.

Stay tuned…though we doubt the transcript of the Ukraine call will provide the smoking gun Socialists so frantically crave, else Trump wouldn’t have been so willing to offer it up.  Then again, he did offer the caveat the transcript would be turned over only after it was “declassified”.

One other thought: just playing Devil’s advocate, how will the Dims establish “intent”?  After all, cannot The Donald simply employ Hillary’s defense, choosing: (a) to deny he intended to break the law; (b) he didn’t know he was breaking the law; or, (c) both (a) and (b).

And what about crazy, creepy Uncle Joe and his self-serving son?!?

Just sayin’.

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, since we’re on the subject of Progressive politicians desperate to remain relevant…

Sanders ups ante with higher wealth tax proposal than Warren’s: ‘Billionaires should not exist


Yes, there is more, for as NRO’s Mairead McArdle records…

Sanders Calls for ‘National Wealth Registry’ to Enforce New Tax


By the way, if you’ve ever wondered where Trump gets some of his “dumb” ideas, this video forwarded by our sister-in-law Amy provides at least a partial answer.

Next up, a brief comment on the truly pure thoughts offered by, among others, Jim Geraghty at his Morning Jolt:

Every Unprecedented Move Sets a New Precedent


Also writing at NRO, David French offered similar sentiments.

Here’s the juice; though we rarely disagree with Mr. Geraghty or

…we must note the particular horse they reference permanently left the barn the moment a sitting President and his flunkies weaponized the DOJ, FBI, CIA, DIA, IRS and practically every other arm of the federal government against Conservative organizations and in a deliberate effort to take down his duly-elected successor.

While we understand their motives, we’re reminded of the phrase, “Thus does the peacock spread its feathers in front of the python”.  Truth is, one cannot engage in a street fight while unilaterally observing the Marquess of Queensbury’s rules. 

Moving on, courtesy of, Dennis Prager proclaims the latest Progressive policy pronouncement:

If You Can’t Sell Your Hysteria to Adults, Try Kids


The entire American left — the mainstream media, the environmentalist movement and Democratic politicians in particular — are celebrating the involvement of teenagers and even younger children in protesting the world’s “inaction” with regard to global warming.

And not just the American left, of course. The left throughout the world is celebrating. A 16-year-old Swedish girl whose contempt for adults is breathtaking is an international hero. Congressional Democrats invited her to testify in Congress, and the United Nations has likewise invited her.

Apparently, however, the left-wing hysteria about global warming leading to the virtual extinction of life on Earth has not moved enough adults. Many adults who do not deny that the Earth is getting warmer — such as Danish writer and environmentalist thinker Bjorn Lomborg — do deny that the threat is “existential” and do believe that the left’s solutions, such as the Green New Deal, will damage the world far more than will carbon emissions. Proof that the left is hysterical is its unwillingness to promote nuclear powera completely clean, non-fossil fuel-based source of power. It provides France with 70 percent of its energy. Anyone who really believes life on Earth is endangered would grasp at the nuclear power lifeboat. That they do not proves what many of us have believed from the beginning: The “existential threat” scenario is another left-wing falsehood used to whip up hysteria that will lead to the left’s control of the economy and society…”

Sorry, but any serious solution to the problem posed by the junk science of anthropogenic global warming which doesn’t include a significant expansion of nuclear power plants isn’t serious!!!

Since we’re on the subject of the utterly indoctrinated leading the willfully blind, in the latest installment of the EnvironMental Moment, brought to us today by Jeff Foutch and Watts Up With That, Jacques Vorhees offers…

A Line-By-Line Response to Greta Thunberg’s UN Speech

A climate skeptic answers the fiery rhetoric of the Left’s star climate alarmist


In a related item also forwarded by Jeff Foutch, Breitbart is reporting…

500 Scientists Write U.N.: ‘There Is No Climate Emergency


So much for the science being “settled”.  Meanwhile, Little Greta’s…

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s another stream of Conservative consciousness and humor from Ed Hickey…

…along with these memorable memes from Fielding Cocke and Jeff Foutch:

Finally, we’ll call it a wrap with News of the Bizarre, courtesy today of Bob McClain and a rather skanky Kazakhstani:

Doctor says Russian man ‘in bear attack’ was actually Kazakhstani suffering from severe psoriasis

Latest report reveals that the man suffers from chronic psoriasis and was never mauled by a bear


A Russian man looking like a living corpse has been rescued from a bear den after he claims the animal broke his back and left him there for a month. The man, who identified himself only as Alexander, was discovered by hunting dogs in Russia’s remote Tuva region, close to the border with Mongolia, local media says.

Initially the hunters thought the body had been mummified by the dry air but were stunned to discover that the man was still alive.

Since publication of this story, doubts arose as to whether the man had been attacked by a bear, which were confirmed when a doctor from Kazakhstan came forward to say the man was his patient, and had in fact been suffering from a severe form of psoriasis.

Bear attack…psoriasis…


P.S.  Kudos to Bill Harrington for reminding us September is not January.
