It’s Friday, August 16th, 2019…but before we begin, submitted for your perusal, another picture from the incomparable Stilton Jarlsberg worth far more than a mere thousand words:

As we stated on Wednesday, welcome to the rest of your life, Fredo; we look forward to you trying to “throw us down” those “f*ckin’ stairs like a punk”.

Speakin’ of punks, given their anti-Semitism, is it any wonder Israel…

…refused entry to these two representatives of the refuse of humanity?!?  Hat tip to G. Trevor for the itinerary; real or not, it accurately conveys their attitudes.

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, two thoughts came to mind after viewing consider this clip from Erin Burnett’s interview with Ken Cuccinelli:

(1). Wow, Erin’s an anchor…on CNN…just like Fredo CuomoCNN anchors sure are impressed they’re working for a network practically nobody watches anymore, and a significant portion of those who still do are in airports, where CNN‘s all that’s aired.

(2). We echo the thoughts of Bill Meisen, who wrote us offering…

Some fun facts for the history revisionists on The Left:

1882 – First federal public charge rule written stating, “Any person unable to take care of himself (wretched misogynists!!!) without becoming a public charge” would not be admitted to the United States.

1883 – Emma Lazarus, with no authority whatsoever to speak for America of influence federal immigration law, pens The New Colossus.

1885 – The Statue of Liberty arrives in New York.

1903 – The Lazarus poem is cast on a plaque and placed on the Statue pedestal.

1903 – The federal government expands the elements of public charge. 

1930’s – The modern Welfare State is initiated in response to The Great Depression.

To assert a statue, however grand, and a plaque, however poignant, somehow represent an invitation to “poor, huddled masses” to enter America, then entitle them to free government handouts which wouldn’t be created for another 50 years is ludicrous.

Claiming an almost-140-year-old poem somehow supersedes present-day U.S. immigration policy isn’t just ludicrous, it’s willfully ignorant.

Then again, overarching egos combined with a bent towards being willfully…

…forms the basis of every policy Progressives promote, from their support of the utterly unworkable Green New Deal to their opposition to voter ID requirements (as detailed in today’s installment of our On The Lighter Side video, accessible through link #4 immediately below our Quote of the Day at the top of the page).

Since we’re on the subject of overarching egos overcoming reality, writing at, Beth Baumann details how Stacey Abrams is posing a question nobody cares to answer:

Hey, Any 2020 Dems Want Me To Be Their VP?


“…Abrams is open to being any of the 2020 Democrats’ running mate. (Provided they offer a generous meal allowance!) She made that very clear during a recent interview with the New York Times. Apparently she decided not to run for president but she’s leaving the possibilities of being vice president open.

“I would be honored to be considered by any nominee,” Abrams told the Times. “But my responsibility is to focus on the primary. And that means using the primary as an opportunity to build the apparatus to fight voter suppression. Because in the end, no matter where I fit (which ain’t inside an MRI!), no matter which ones of our nominees win, if we haven’t fought this scourge, if we haven’t pushed back against Moscow Mitch and his determination to block any legislation that would cure our voting machines, then we are all in a world of trouble.”

She did, however, have a litmus test for the nominees.

“I asked two things with all the presidential nominees I’ve met with,” she explained.One is that they make voter suppression their number one issue. And two, that they make Georgia a top priority because it is a battleground state.

Then Abrams added a third:

Along with unlimited access to Red Robin‘s Bottomless Fries.  Yeah; were we Stacey Abrams, we wouldn’t stay up all night waiting for the phone to ring.

Next up, courtesy of FrontPage Mag via Balls Cotton, Daniel Greenfield explains why…

We Need Criminal and Crazy Control, Not Gun Control

When criminals and psychos aren’t locked up, then everyone ends up in jail.


Mass murder is not a gun control problem.

In 2003, Kim Dae-han, a middle-aged taxi driver, killed 192 people and left 151 others wounded, by setting a South Korean subway train on fire using paint cans filled with gasoline. In 2016, Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel, a Muslim terrorist, killed 86 people and wounded 458 others by ramming a truck into a crowd celebrating Bastille Day in France. In 2001, Muslim terrorists killed 2,977 people and injured 6,000 more, by using box cutters to hijack airplanes and fly them into buildings.

Guns are a tool. There are a whole lot of other devastating ways to kill lots of people…”

What Americans should be asking themselves is why, with all the other, far more deadly means of mass murder commonly available, are Progressives focused on eliminating the one whose possession is specifically provided The People in the Constitution to preclude potential government tyranny?

As Mr. Greenfield concludes…

Mass murder isn’t caused by the tools you use. The Nazis were not inspired to kill Jews by the invention of Zyklon B. The Japanese did not decide to kill hundreds of thousands of Chinese civilians because of the availability of airplanes. The Soviet Communists did not commit their acts of mass murder because their arms stockpiles didn’t need a waiting period to obtain machine guns for their mass shootings(Hells bells, like the Turks’ Armenian genocide, Stalin slaughtered millions of Kulaks through simple starvation!)

Murder is not a technical problem. It’s a moral problem. It happens because of internal decisions made in the mind, not external tools. The tools are used to implement the decisions of the mind.

A society with mass murder is experiencing a moral problem…”

All of which faces Progressives with two intractable conflicts: (1) Their gun control measures aren’t about guns, but rather about control; and, (2) a socio-political movement which refuses to acknowledge the authority of thousands of years of Judeo-Christian morality cannot recognize the existence of a “moral problem“.

In a related item from the WSJ, Reuel Marc Gerecht relates why, given the fact there are…

Violent Young Men, Here and Abroad

In understanding its mass-shooting problem, America can learn a few things from recent Mideastern history.


America’s young male killers, who glory in indiscriminate slaughter, are a Western eruption of a larger phenomenon. What’s often called “stateless terrorism,” or deadly extremism by individuals and groups, could as accurately be described as a male crackup. This convulsion has been most acute in the Muslim Middle East, where modern authoritarianism has bulldozed the past, freeing young men from once-powerful social constraints and exposing them to a radical religious rebellion. America—the relentless engine of innovation and change—now also faces an outbreak of disconnected young men murdering exuberantly.

We shouldn’t ever think that social collapse can’t happen here. Not that long ago, Westerners could travel the Middle East more safely than they could in many areas of the U.S. When things give way, when the dark force rises in men, hell is never far away.

We frankly don’t agree with every point Mr. Gerecht makes in his piece…particularly his view on the Constitution’s 2nd Amendment protections…but we understand his position.  And that last sentence reminds us of a thought Oswald Chambers expressed in the July 26th installment of his wife’s daily devotional My Utmost for His Highest:

If I make conscious innocence the test, I am likely to come to a place where I find with a shuddering awakening that what Jesus Christ said is true, and I shall be appalled at the possibility of evil and wrong in meIf I have never been a blackguard, the reason is a mixture of cowardice and the protection of civilized life.

As we discussed with G. Trevor late Thursday afternoon, in view of the rabid anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, anti-free speech pathology infecting contemporary Progressivism, the only things standing between the United States imitating Nazi Germany today is (i) a booming economy; and (ii) the 2nd Amendment:

…you d*mn dirty ape!

For more on the subject of humans who approximate the intelligence of primates, NRO‘s Kevin Williamson recounts the real 2008 significance of…

Joe Biden, Designated White Guy

Biden is poison in 2020 for the same reason he was gold to Obama.


Joe Biden’s case for himself is this: “If I was good enough for Barack Obama, I’m good enough for you.” Biden literally made the good-enough-for-Obama argument when challenged during a recent debate about his occasional racial gaffes: “Barack Obama knew exactly who I was,” he said. “He had ten lawyers do a background check on everything about me on civil rights and civil liberties, and he chose me, and he said it was the best decision he made. I’ll take his judgment.” It’s the ultimate “My Black Friend” card.

Obama did not bring a designated driver to the party — he brought a designated white guy.

Joe Biden was good enough for Barack Obama in 2008. This is not 2008.

Moving on, in a forward from Jeff Foutch,‘s Katie Pavlich covers a story you won’t get from the MSM:

Judicial Watch Finds Documents Showing Fusion GPS Working Directly With Obama’s DOJ to Frame Trump


“…The documents show Fusion GPS’ Nellie Ohr, who was specifically hired in 2016 to dig up dirt on Trump and his children Ivanka, Don Jr. and Eric, working directly with U.S. Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr on a spread sheet linking President Trump to a number of Russian operatives. Nellie and Bruce are married and while Bruce was demoted, he’s still working at the Department of Justice in Washington D.C.…”

Got that?!?  STILL WORKING at the DOJ on YOUR NICKEL!!!

Yeah, and Jeffrey Epstein…

…killed himself.

And in the EnvironMental Moment, again courtesy of Jeff Foutch, Bloomberg reports on the impact of Tejas’s dependence upon wind turbines when the air ain’t movin’:

Texas Power Prices Briefly Surpass $9,000 Amid Scorching Heat


“…Texas’s grid operator has been warning for months that [coal] plant retirements and increasing electricity demand has left it with slim supply margins.

“We are seeing the coal fleet retirement hasn’t been replaced with a lot of large gas plants,” said Campbell Faulkner, chief data analyst for commodities broker OTC Global Holdings. “We are changing the generation mix and that is what this is caused by.”

Electricity demand hit an all-time high of 74,531 megawatts as people blasted their air conditioners on Monday afternoon and was already totaling 73,405 megawatts at 2:34 p.m. local time Tuesday, according to Ercot. Demand may peak at more than 75,000 megawatts.

“Extreme heat across the Ercot region will continue to result in high loads,” Ercot said in a statement. “We may set another new record today.”

This week’s price spikes also underscore how dependent the region’s power grid has become on wind farms, which now make up about a quarter of the generation capacity in Texas. Lackluster breezes have contributed to the higher prices, Hehir said.

Wind power generation in the region has plunged for three straight days, grid data compiled by Bloomberg show…”

Like a cop, the wind’s never around when you need it.

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s these memorable memes from G. Trevor…

…along with this pearl of wisdom from our eldest son Jon:

Finally, we’ll call it a day with this revised presidential portrait sent to us in a group email by Speed Mach:

To which Jeff Foutch responded, “Every time I see that portrait, I think ‘What a loser’!”

Whereupon Speed replied, “You first have to see the portrait?!?”

To which we can only add a heartyAMEN“!!!

