“Four Damascus High School junior varsity football players accused of hazing teammates with a broomstick will be charged as adults with first degree rape, according to authorities.
Montgomery County Public Schools released a statement Wednesday saying that the State’s Attorney for Montgomery County was amending the charges for Jean Claude “JC” Abedi, Kristian Lee, Will Smith and Caleb Thorpe, who are all 15 years old and accused of raping their fellow teammates on Halloween.
…Sources confirm the five accused players used a wooden broomstick to sodomize the victims.The attacks, which school administrators have called “upsetting and unacceptable,” happened following afternoon dismissal in the boy’s locker room near the gymnasium. The four victims were picked, in part, based on their age and level of athleticism, sources add…”
In other words, their inability to resist.
First, five amoral thugs forcibly violated four helpless young boys with a broom handle, and the harshest words school administrators could find to express their moral indignation were “upsetting and unacceptable”?!? Seriously?!?
Second, we find it hard to believe someone considered, even for a nanosecond, calling such a depraved and heinous act mere hazing. When we were a freshman on the Navy varsity lacrosse team, a couple of the seniors pissed down our back in the showers after practice. That was hazing; this was felony rape and assault!
Lastly, we were curious why, having revealed the names of those being charged as adults, none of the articles or videos featured photos of the perps, instead substituting generic silhouettes. It didn’t take long to discover one rather obvious answer: meet Jean Claude “JC” Abedi…
…Will Smith…
…and Caleb Thorpe:
We’ve yet to discover a picture of Kristian Lee, but there’s little if any doubt he’ll exhibit the same, single characteristic shared by his three partners in crime. And if we, with our limited resources and lack of any search engine expertise, were able to determine the perps skin color, is it too much to expect the MSM to report their race? After all, had Masters Abedi, Lee, Smith and Thorpe been White, and their victimsBlack, is there any question the race of the rapists would have been the focus of every news report?
Besides, the race of the victims isn’t really important, as the crime committed likely had as much to do with racism as prison sodomy suggests homosexual tendencies. Both are displays of power, intimidation and domination over weaker individuals, as Mike Tyson so eloquently demonstrated:
Sodomy was simply the means through which Abedi, Lee, Smith and Thorpe made the four innocent young athletes their b*tches.
Here’s the juice: a lie of omission is still a lie; and the deliberate withholding of facts in a news report, however well-intentioned, is “fake news”.
And here’s yet another reason to distrust anything ever uttered by either Joe Scarborough or Mika Brzezinksi:
Which just goes to prove you can tell a lot about a person by the friends they keep!
Now, here’s The Gouge!
Since we mentioned lies of omission and “fake news”, they’re the subject of the latest installment of Jim Geraghty’s Morning Jolt, as he details another example of the MSM’s decided double-standard:
Tear Gas on the Border: Okay When the Obama Administration Does It, Apparently
From the coverage of the Customs and Border Patrol using tear gas, one could easily be led to believe that this was an unprecedented escalation in tactics from the Trump administration.
The same tear-gas agent that the Trump administration is taking heat for deploying against a border mob this weekend is actually used fairly frequently — including more than once a month during the later years of President Barack Obama’s administration, according to Homeland Security data.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has used 2-chlorobenzylidene malononitrile, or CS, since 2010, and deployed it 26 times in fiscal 2012 and 27 times in 2013. The use dropped after that, but was still deployed three times in 2016, Mr. Obama’s final full year in office.
Use of CS rose again in fiscal 2017, which was split between Mr. Obama and Mr. Trump, and reached 29 deployments in fiscal 2018, which ended two months ago, according to CBP data seen by The Washington Times.
Border authorities also use another agent, pepper spray, frequently — including a decade-high record of 151 instances in 2013, also under Mr. Obama. Pepper spray, officially known as Pava Capsaicin, was used 43 times in fiscal year 2018, according to the CBP numbers.
A recent Washington Postarticleabout the use of tear gas by the Border Patrol talks a lot about the Chemical Weapons Convention, the use of poison gas in World War I, and Saddam Hussein’s use of chemical weapons — as if any of that is comparable to the use of tear gas.The Chemical Weapons Conventionexplicitly says, “Riot control agents may not be used as a method of warfare but may be used for certain law enforcement purposes including riot control.”
In 2008, the National Review crew was in Saint Paul, Minn., covering the Republican National Convention. Mark Hemingway and I were on our way to tape a “Red Meat” video — remember those? — when we encountered a clash between protesters and police in riot gear. Police fired tear gas to disperse the protesters and then…the wind shifted. Those of us watching the clash from what we thought was a safe distance away found ourselves with watery eyes and burning nostrils. (If you feel the need to simulate the experience, find your nearest pepper shaker, remove the cap, hold it right up against your nostril, and inhale deeply.)
It’s unpleasant. (As we or any other Midshipman who completed fire fighting training can attest; though we experienced it in a far more concentrated form than Mr. Geraghty.)But if this tool is unacceptable for dispersing crowds, what tool is acceptable? Rubber bullets can kill people in the wrong circumstances. Water cannons evoke images of the violent crackdown on civil-rights protests. The aim is to avoid physical confrontation between police and the rioters as much as possible.
FactCheck.org examined the use of tear gas after the Ferguson protests in 2014:
“There are few immediate alternatives to tear gas for riot control. There are strategies to prevent riots, including better community relations, a less militaristic appearance, and improved training, all of which have been raised in relation to Ferguson. But once rioting is under way, police need tools to control it — and “even though tear gas is far from perfect,” said David A. Koplow, a Georgetown University law professor, “it continues to be used in that role because there’s nothing else better.”
The current effort to demonize the use of tear gas is offered by folks who don’t really want to see crowds of migrants rushing the border stopped.
That last sentence bears repeating: The current effort to demonize the use of tear gas is offered by folks who don’t really want to see crowds of migrants rushing the border stopped.
In a related item from an earlier edition of the Morning Jolt, Geraghtyasks what inquiring minds want to know:
“AP headline: “Caravan marches toward US border in show of force.” If you’re a migrant, you’re not supposed to be showing “force”, are you?Just what exactly are you attempting to “force”?
The whole mess amounted to a vivid live demonstration of why the United States needs a secure border, and why publicity stunts like the caravan undermine the cause of legal immigration. If you really want to become an American, you don’t sneak inside the country. If you’re really claiming asylum, you don’t run away from the law-enforcement officials of the country that can grant asylum. And if you’re throwing rocks and bottles at law enforcement officers, you’re not the kind of person we want to let into the country.
As ugly as the scene was, it could have been much worse:
Clashes erupted at the U.S.-Mexico border Sunday as members of the migrant caravan tried to cross illegally, leading to a closure of the San Ysidro checkpoint and two San Diego County freeways.
Customs and Border Protection confirmed Sunday night that there were multiple instances of people throwing projectiles at CBP personnel, including Border Patrol agents hit with rocks.
CBP officers used crowd-dispersing methods including pepper balls and CS canisters. There were no reports of injuries, officials said. Fumes from the tear gas were blown toward people who were hundreds of feet away and not attempting to enter the U.S., the Associated Press reported.
“As the demonstrations on the Mexican side reached the border area, some members of the demonstration split off to head towards multiple locations along the border. Some attempted to enter the U.S. both directly east and west of the border crossing. These attempts to illegally enter the U.S., and the response to them continue. Some attempted to illegally enter the U.S. through both the northbound and southbound vehicle lanes at the port of entry itself. Those persons were stopped and turned back to Mexico,” CBP said in a statement.
The U.S. Border Patrol also made apprehensions of people who tried to enter the U.S. illegally, including in the vehicle lanes of the border crossing, according to CBP officials. The Mexican Interior Ministry has said it would immediately deport Central American migrants who tried to “violently” breach the border with the U.S. just south of California and that it would reinforce the border.
Back in April we were toldby places such as CNN that it was a “myth” that caravans of migrants sought to enter the country illegally; that they merely wanted to apply for asylum; and that “as asylum seekers, these migrants are turning themselves in to authorities at the border and trying to start the formal process of getting protected status.”
See, if you’re trying to run across the border and away from the border patrol, you’re not here to apply for asylum.“
But this is the Bizarro World of contemporary Progressivism; where…
And asylum-seekers pelt their would-be hosts with rocks and bottles.
Speaking of lies and the liars who tell them, in a follow-up to an earlier item, Townhall.com‘s Kurt Schlichter relates why…
“Call it an “aspirational lie,” the kind of lie that an establishment-type tells you that is manifestly, obviously, what-the-hell-are-you-kidding-me false, but he/she/xe tells it to you anyway because he/she/xe really really reallywants it to be true and because he/she/xe does not want to admit that his/her/xir institution is broken.Take Justice John Souter Roberts’sastonishingly untrue statement from last week:
“We do not have Obama judges or Trump judges, Bush judges or Clinton judges. What we have is an extraordinary group of dedicated judges doing their level best to do equal right to those appearing before them. That independent judiciary is something we should all be thankful for.”
Every word of this is blatantly false, and the punctuation is pretty deceptive too. If you dished out such a dog’s breakfast of bogus clichés to one of those vaunted jurists he refers to during an oral argument, you’d have a bad day. And you should.
But the worst part is how transparently false it is, howindisputably and insultingly incorrect it is, how in-your-face-daring-you-to-not-burst-into-laughter wrong it is. Didn’t we just have a national mudwrestling match over a justice Donald Trump appointed? Was it because everyone was really concerned about Kegger Kavanaugh’s high school antics, or was it the fact that he would be a Trump judge? Are liberal weirdos offering Ruth Bader Ginsberg their ribs for transplantation because there is no such thing as a Clinton judge?
Everyone knows the truth…
…That’s not how things are supposed to work, but that’s how things do work today – and it’s indisputable that it correlates with who appointed the offending judges. That’s what John Roberts should be focusing one, the utter failure of his beloved institution to perform its duties at even the minimal standard of dedication to the principles it supposedly enshrines and from which it derives its deteriorating legitimacy.
Instead of speaking the painful the truth, Chief Justice Roberts chose to attack the one guy who was telling it like every single one of us know it is. Instead of calling on his robed solons to do the hard work of applying the law and not their personal policy preferences, Chief Justice Roberts compounded the problem that is undermining the judiciary.
Getting mad at Trump (and, by extension, the half of America that supports him) for pointing out that the judge has no robe is the most establishment thing ever. John Roberts thinks pushing pretty falsehoods is going to save his institution. He’s wrong. His aspirational lie and his sadly all-too-typical elite refusal to confront the bitter reality that his institution has utterly failed to do its job will do exponentially more damage to the judiciary than a million Donald Trumps ever could.“
While we understand and appreciate Kurt’s point, we would respectfully disagree in one respect: the only certainty which accompanies the nomination of a given SCOTUS justice is the judicial activism inherent in the nominee of any Dimocratic President. Think about it: can you name a single Liberal jurist who’s grown more Conservative as a member of the Highest Court in the Land? Neither can we.
On the other hand, history is replete with disappointing examples of Republican picks who, after being seated, treated the Constitution not as the Law of the Land, but rather a lump of clay subject to reforming by the political pressures of the moment (See, “Stevens, John Paul”, “O’Connor, Sandra Day”, “Kennedy, Anthony M.”, “Souter, David H.” and “Roberts, John G.”).
Yes, the federal court system is broken…the federal judiciary is biased; and Trump is right, and Roberts wrong. But not solely because of the political affiliation of the President who appointed them.
Turning now to The Lighter Side:
Finally, we’ll call it a day with yet another titillating tale torn from the pages of The Crime Blotter, and this just in from the Sunshine State:
“A Florida Woman battered her boyfriend after he “said no and went back to bed” after she “grabbed his genitals wanting to have sex” on Thanksgiving night, cops say.Rebecca Lynn Phelps, 31, was arrested for domestic battery following a confrontation in the Tampa-area home she shares with the victim and the couple’s child.
Phelps’s arrest was the second time in 14 months that she was busted for allegedly battering a man who did not want to have sex with her, records show…”
We can only hope, for sake of the next object of Phelps’ desire, the third time’s the charm!
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