It’s Wednesday, August 22nd, 2018…but before we begin, G. Trevor offers a preview of what’s coming soon to a country very near to you, courtesy of via Drudge, as…

South Africa begins seizing white-owned farms

South Africa has targeted the first two farms for unilateral seizure after the owners refused an offer of one-tenth of the land’s value.


After all, land “reform” worked soooo well…

…in Zimbabwe!

Consider now, as detailed by Steve Straub in The Federalist Papers via Balls Cotton, if Elizabeth Warren has her way, the Socialist utopia may be here significantly sooner than you ever thought possible:

Elizabeth Warren Proposes to Nationalize Every Major American Business


After all, nationalizing private industries worked soooo well…

…in Venezuela…and everywhere else it’s ever been tried!

Speaking of Socialist success stories, chalk up another score for the advocates of open borders:

Here’s to ya…

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, courtesy of Balls Cotton and US Defense Watch, Ray Starmann recently penned…

An Open Letter to Admiral William McRaven


“Dear Admiral McRaven:

Your OPED yesterday, which was picked up by every liberal media outlet in the country, was sadly indicative of the current state of mind of many of our nation’s recently retired and active duty senior military leaders.

You stated that former CIA director John Brennan, “is one of the finest public servants I have ever known. Few Americans have done more to protect this country than John. He is a man of unparalleled integrity, whose honesty and character have never been in question, except by those who don’t know him.”

The man whom you describe as being a cross between George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Mother Theresa is a deep state hack; who, along with other Obama holdouts, is openly and aggressively pursuing a coup d’etat against the current President of the United States, for one reason and one reason onlyhis side lost the election.

Frankly, I can’t think of any actions that are more un-American, and against the values that Americans hold dear and that which so many Americans died for in the past.

What you call unparalleled integrity, I call honest to goodness treason.

Former CIA director Brennan, whom you state has honesty and character authorized the CIA to spy on American citizens, tried to rig a Presidential election and then lied to Congress about that spying. A man you claim has unparalleled integrity was caught fabricating stories about attacks on US personnel in Libya and providing weapons to ISIS backed militias in Syria.

Mr. Brennan also once voted for a communist candidate. How Mr. Brennan was hired as DCI after voting for a communist and why you support a man who once did, is a mystery to everyone but you and God. (And God is scratching his head!)

As you know sir, on the security clearance form, Question 29 reads, ‘have you ever supported overthrowing the U.S. Government?’

I think it’s more than apparent, from his nightly rantings on CNN to his Twitter expletives that John Brennan supports over-throwing the President and the current cabinet members of the US government.

You also wrote, sir, in reference to the President, “Through your actions, you have embarrassed us in the eyes of our children, humiliated us on the world stage and, worst of all, divided us as a nation,”

Actually, Admiral, the only person who has humiliated the US on the world stage in the last decade is Barack Hussein Obama

You, sir, are representative of what is, in my opinion, as a former Army Captain and combat veteran of the 7th Cavalry, the worst generation of senior leaders this nation has ever fielded. Bar None. The majority of you, were and are what the late Colonel David Hackworth so eloquently described as ‘perfumed princes.’

It doesn’t matter how many degrees you have; how many combat tours you did and how much fruit salad you earned. It doesn’t matter that you have the SEAL Trident.

Your generation of senior leaders sold and is selling out the nation’s defense to the highest bidder and that bidder is social engineering and leftist ideology. You and your generation of leftist senior leaders have allowed our military to be destroyed for the greater glory of pensions, Tricare and political power, national security be damned. Now, that you’ve overseen the decimation of our military, you are determined to overthrow a sitting President because he represents everything anathema to the left – America First and the fact that the USA IS AND ALWAYS WILL BE THE GREATEST COUNTRY ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH.

You are all nothing more than political hacks; Obama leftists fighting some kind of insurgent anti-Trump campaign like a division of crazed left-wing fanatics holed up in the Beltway National Redoubt, waiting for a last op order from der Fuehrer, Barack Hussein Obama.

I believe sir, that you need to examine your conscience and ask yourself one very important questionwhat in the name of God Almighty would Hillary Clinton have done for anyone in this country?

The answer is nothing.

Suffice it to say the author and McCraven won’t be exchanging Christmas cards in December…through no fault of Starmann’s.

Here’s the juice: Bill McRaven risking his reputation on a defense of Brennan is akin to the utterly unqualified former Director of the CIA going out on a limb for the quintessential swamp rat:

Thus is defined the last-ditch defense of the indefensible…by a deceptive, duplicitous douchebag!

We can at least take comfort, McCraven having matriculated as an undergrad in Austin, we needn’t worry the politically-correct powers-that-be at the Naval Academy will further besmirch the reputation of our alma mater by following up the nomination of…

…as a Distinguished Graduate…soon to be (hopefully!) an EXtinguished Graduate…with a follow-on designation of the cretin who sold his soul for the likes of John Brennan. 

In a related item, writing at, Kurt Schlichter suggests…

Pulling Their Clearances Is Only the Start – It’s Time to Stamp out Elite Privilege


As Stuart Varney incredulously observed, “Wait a minute…wait a minute: he wants to keep his security clearance…and others keep their security clearance…so they can make money? WHAT?!?”

“Help, I’m being oppressed!

My freedom of speech was been utterly stripped from me because when I retired from the Army those fascist monsters took away my TOP SECRET security clearance. See, a security clearance is a special privilege I should be entitled to exploit for as long as I want to becausewell, shut up peasant, that’s why. I learned this in my Con Law class, right after we studied the Constitution’s text enumerating the rights to abortion, wedding cake baking servitude, and to be called by the bizarre pronoun of your – I mean “xir” – choice.

Oh wait, all of thatexcept the giving up my clearance partis utter nonsense.

But John Brennan, that hack, and his elite pals are supposed to get the special privilege of keeping it. Why? As a professional courtesy. See, security clearances are things you pass out as favors or rewards, I guess, at least among the elite. Courtesy among them, nothing for you, though. You aren’t special. You’re just some guy serving his country and not turning it into a profit center on the outside. Like a sucker.

Now, we’re also told that these special somebodies need to keep their clearances in case someone actually in the government who is actually doing a government job (instead of raking in bucks as a “consultant” or pundit) wants to ask their sage advice. How would that go with John Brennan?

Hey John, it’s Don. Yeah, no hard feelings. Anyway, I needed to pick your brain about some stuff that you have a unique perspective on. So, how do I lie to Congress and get away with it? How about leaking to the liberal media – any pro tips? Oh, and how do I get 30 of our sources in China caught and shot? Yeah, I know you weren’t in charge of the CIA then, but you can tell me how you repaired the damage when you were Director. Oh. You didn’t. Awkward.

If we had a real media and not the world’s most pompous Democrat transcription service, the CIA’s blown Chinese spy ring disaster would be front page news but hey, Omarosa! In any case, the only consulting anyone should do with the members of this class of unmitigated failures whose incompetence brought us 9/11, Iraq, Libya, ISIS, and a future where we would all be wise to learn Mandarin, is to ask their opinion and then do the opposite – Costanza style.

Let’s look at our elite’s track record of success. Don’t worry – it won’t take long. We’re still chasing bandits in Afghanistan after nearly 17 years, the Navy can’t stop running into other people’s boats, and our best and brightest in the FBI are texting each other like teens while they try to undo the election. They can’t be bothered with things like, I don’t know, following up on warnings about psychotic freaks who get online and announce their plan to shoot up schools. Oh, and remember the 2008 economic collapse? I’m thinking you weren’t the one making bad bets with billions of dollars that brought it all tumbling down. By the way, guess how many people the feds tossed in the pokey for the 2008 meltdown that cost you and me a trillion bucks? One. Uno. A single dude.

If you lifted $50 of Coors Light from a 7-Eleven fridge, where would you be?

Our elite is a failure that is fixated on its own privilege and avoiding accountability

The liberals are right about something – privilege is destroying our country. But it’s not privilege based on what hellhole your great-great-great grandfather escaped from or the kind of biological plumbing you were born with. It is privilege based on your membership in a selfish, feckless, unaccomplished caste of schmucks that fancies itself our betters yet rejects, with the help of a complicit liberal press, any kind of accountability for the mess it’s made of everything.

You know why you got Trump? Because Donald Trump, with all his quirks, is exponentially more competent, capable, and trustworthy when it comes to running this country for the benefit of Normal Americans than the sorry collection of Ivy League-credentialed dimwits, progressive poohbahs, and Fredocon enablers that masquerades as America’s elite.

Pull their security clearances? Yeah, but that’s just a start. Strip them of all of the privileges they haven’t earned, then ship the whole useless bunch of them off to a desert island and see if they can survive eating their own smugness.

This is the Deep State elite fighting back.  Think about it: if Brennan can lose his clearance, what’s to prevent the rest of the swamp rats from losing theirs?!?

Which brings us to our next item, brought to us by FOX News:

Trump floats pulling security clearance of ‘unglued’ ex-FBI official Phil Mudd after fiery rant


As this Tucker Carlson video from back in March details, this isn’t the first time Phil Mudd’s gone absolutely bonkers:

Now consider this out-of-control a*s clown was once tasked with ensuring the security of the United States!  Holy guacamole, Batman!

Turning now, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Finally, we’ll call it a wrap with yet another titillating tale torn from the pages of The Hypocrisy Blotter, as… 

Asia Argento, Who Accused Weinstein, Made Deal With Her Own Accuser


Now we understand why Anthony Bourdain offed himself.

The Italian actress and director Asia Argento was among the first women in the movie business to publicly accuse the producer Harvey Weinstein of sexual assault. She became a leading figure in the #MeToo movement. Her boyfriend, the culinary television star Anthony Bourdain, eagerly joined the fight.

But in the months that followed her revelations about Mr. Weinstein last October, Ms. Argento quietly arranged to pay $380,000 to her own accuser: Jimmy Bennett, a young actor and rock musician who said she had sexually assaulted him in a California hotel room years earlier, when he was only two months past his 17th birthday. She was 37. The age of consent in California is 18…”

No wonder Anthony Bourdain opted for suicide.  Seriously, outside of Hollywood, this is sh*t you quite literally couldn’t make up!

