It’s Monday, May 14th, 2018…but before we begin, this latest bit of brilliance from Stilton Jarlsberg…

…got us thinking: why, to this day, don’t we know Obama’s whereabouts during the pre-planned attack on the Benghazi consulate?  After all, it’s not as if the President’s schedule or whereabouts, particularly after the fact, are a state secret.  And it’s not like the Commander-in-Chief isn’t on duty, on-call and reachable 24/7.

The bottomline is, people know, they’re just not saying.  Which means, common sense tells us, like his college transcripts, the truth regarding Obama’s coordinates while four Americans were sacrificed to his reelection would be hugely damaging to the first half-White/all-Red President’s reputation, not to mention what’s left of his legacy.

So why does Washington leak everything and anything except what’s damaging to Obama?  In all seriousness, members of B. Hussein’s Secret Service detail must know where The Manchurian President was during Benghazi, if not the specifics of what he was doing.  And yet none, not one, has stepped forward, even anonymously, to blow the whistle on Barry’s whereabouts?!?  It’s farfetched beyond the possibility of coincidence.

We know the MSM’s still playing cover for him, but this doesn’t explain why not even a single individual who puts truth and honesty above the continued protection of Obama’s reputation has surfaced.

It’s almost enough to make one at least consider giving credence to the thoughts of conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones.  Okay, maybe not Alex Jones, but such uncanny silence certainly explains why conspiracy peddlers like him have followings.

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, since we spoke of…

…the Devil, writing at NRO, David Harsanyi believes…

The Obama Legacy Deserves to Be Destroyed

The previous president’s victories relied on executive abuses.


It’s strange that a president who had such a transformative effect on our national discourse will leave such a negligible policy legacy. But Barack Obama, whose imperial term changed the way Americans interact and in some ways paved the way for the Trump presidency, is now watching his much-celebrated and mythologized two-term legacy be systematically demolished. This, in many ways, tells us that American governance still works.

When President Trump announced that the United States would withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal, he was able to do so without much difficulty because the agreement hinged on presidential fiat rather than national consensus. Obama’s appeasement of Iran was only one in a string of unilateral norm-busting projects that deserve to be dismantled…”

Truer words…

…were never written.

For more on the hateful harvest America continues to reap after eight long years of The Great Divider, we turn from fact to fiction, courtesy of this report from FOX News:

South Carolina woman’s claims of being harassed by ‘white cop’ are questioned as new footage emerges


A South Carolina woman who said being pulled over for speeding by a “white cop” was a “traumatic experience” is having her story questioned after police body camera footage from the incident showed a less intense series of events unfolding.

Dawn Hilton-Williams, in a Facebook Live video on April 27, accused a Brunswick County Sheriff’s Office sergeant of racism after she was ordered to sign a summons asking her to appear in court or pre-pay a traffic ticket. The officer said he clocked her going 70 mph in a stretch of rural Route 58 in Virginia that has a 55 mph limit.

…The video was widely shared online, and Brunswick County Sheriff Brian Roberts told WVTR that he looked into the matter after receiving dozens of calls from concerned residents. I don’t know what she has been through and I don’t know her life history, what I worry about is this kind of thing will inflame situations where you see cops in other states have been executed while they were just eating lunch,” he said.

Roberts added he went over the footage of the incident and his officer did nothing wrong. “This video here, there are things I could go over and critique the officer on, it’s not racial things, it’s not hate things. Certainly some etiquette or verbal judo that could be fixed and improved upon,” he told WTVR. “What’s ultimately going to be accomplished, it’s not going to make the ticket go away, it’s not going to solve anything. It’s only causing more problems.”

Here’s Ms. Hilton-Williams race-hustling misrepresentation of events (stomach only as much of it as is necessary to catch her gist)… 

…followed by the undeniable facts as shown on the officer’s bodycam (at the 0:52 mark, skip to about 4:51):

We’d normally suggest “we report, you decide”, but the footage is irrefutable.  Not to rain on this woman’s pity parade, but TLJ is White…not to mention, unlike Ms. Hilton-Williams, incredibly attractive…and she’s never gotten off with a warning from any representatives of The Old Dominion’s various levels of law enforcement, despite presenting them multiple opportunities to demonstrate their bias.

In a related item, also courtesy of FOX, we learn how a…

Disruptive Spirit airlines passenger refuses to leave, forces whole flight to deplane


“A disruptive passenger who was late to board a Spirit Airlines flight from Atlanta to Las Vegas refused to get off, forcing the crew to ask all other passengers to deplane. Even more bizarre, she filmed the entire ordeal for Facebook Live.

In her Facebook Live footage — which has now been viewed more than 3.6 million times — Allen further claimed to have seen another white passenger board the plane late. She then used explicit language to explain this point, before immediately remarking that she doesn’t cuss.

...“If I can’t go to Las Vegas, Nevada, neither can y’all,” Allen yelled. As passengers disembarked, she shouted racially insensitive language at passengers — greeting some with the phrase “konichiwa” and offering to speak “Espanol” with others — and told several they were going to “hell.”

The footage ends as the officer is asking Allen to put her hands behind her back while on the jetway, but Allen claimed in a subsequent Facebook post that the officer knocked her phone out of her hand, pushed her to the ground, and called her a “black b—-.”…”

Which, of course, he didn’t; though if he had, he’d simply have been calling a spade a spade.

Here’s the juice: these are just the latest in an almost endless stream of incidents provoked and promoted by the deliberately-disruptive policies of our 44th President, the inevitable results of the poisonous atmosphere of entitlement, victimhood and divisive racism he created…with a little help…

…from his friends

Though both individuals mentioned above justly suffered the consequences of circumstances they themselves created (the former doing 70 in a 55 zone, the second arriving late for her flight, then bolting past the gate agent), both chose to blame their self-inflicted misfortune on non-existent White racism.  Which makes both of them ugly apples which haven’t fallen far from the tree:

And when…”over-imaginative”…Blacks aren’t hurling false accusations of racism against those who are simply holding them accountable for their own actions, other social justice warriors are attacking anyone who doesn’t (if you’ll forgive the term) kowtow to the ever-lengthening list of Progressive-prescribed thought crimes and acts of “cultural appropriation”, as a trio of well-meaning but obviously insensitive Tar Heel dentists learned, much to their chagrin: 

North Carolina dentists apologize for wearing cultural garb in ‘ignorant and offensive’ ad


“Ignorant and offensive”; says who?!?  Anonymous sources on social media, that’s who!  Which makes them as authoritative and compelling an arbiter of right and wrong as Jim Comey’s conscience.  That the three ladies have appeared in other, similarly harmless advertisements…

…means nothing to those just itching for the opportunity to be offended.  And to them we say…

Along with…

We’ve said it before, we’ll say it again: the unaccountable anonymity social media affords the perpetually-provoked and always-aggrieved is one of the greatest threats to free speech and intelligent, informed, rational debate ever envisioned, let alone enacted.  Though actually caring what anyone tweets or features on Facebook is a close second.

Since we’re on the subject of Progressive practitioners of professional victimhood, as FOX News reports…

Ex-congressman says he’s ‘given up on America’ after sentenced for 3rd conviction


A former Democratic congressman from Chicago, heading to prison for the third time, says he has “given up on America” and plans to move to Africa after he serves his latest sentence. At his sentencing Thursday, Mel Reynolds, 66, got six months in prison for failing to file tax returns on more than $400,000 he received for consulting work. (In Africa!)

…Reynolds represented Illinois’ 2nd Congressional District, serving from January 1993 to October 1995. He was succeeded by Jesse Jackson Jr., who also served time in prison.

In 1995, Reynolds was convicted of statutory rape for having sex with a 16-year-old campaign worker. Later, he was convicted of concealing debts and diverting money meant for voter registration drives into his election campaign…”

From his behavior, we can only assume Reynolds still has a stash of ill-gotten gains he believes will fund a warm welcome from one of the Dark Continent’s kleptocrats.

Because, if memory serves, last time Mel visited Africa

…he didn’t fare much better than he has in The States over the last few decades.

By the way, it’s worth remembering Reynolds owes his release from jail, along with the ability to continue his criminal activity, which resulted in his being put behind bars yet again, to a pardon from one William Jefferson Clinton.

In a similarly dismissive fashion, despite the historical record…

…the MSM continues to hammer home to America and the world, The Donald is that about which you should be concerned.  This is akin to Edward R. Murrow suggesting Churchill rather than Hitler represented the greatest obstacle to world peace when September 2, 1939 dawned.

Moving on, again courtesy of NROAlexandra Desanctis refutes The Left’s latest abortion distortion:

No, Danielle Campoamor, Abortion Is Not Pro-Life

To ignore the scientific reality of fetal life is to ignore the central point of contention in the abortion debate.

Abortion is not pro-life. That this sentence even needs to be written is a testament to the hubris and overreach of modern abortion-rights activism — as each day it becomes decidedly more pro-abortion and undeniably less pro-choice.

In just over a decade, this movement of death has stealthily shifted from “safe, legal, and rare,” a tragic but necessary choice, to “shout your abortion” and abortion as a social good, to abortion as the sacrament of a truly pro-life society. How far they’ve managed to run in so little time with their “reproductive rights.”

Over the weekend, CNN published an op-ed titled “Why supporting abortion is a pro-life position,” written by feminist abortion advocate Danielle Campoamor, who, we are told in a disclaimer upfront, “received an award from Planned Parenthood for media excellence.” It shows.

It befits a Planned Parenthood awardee, after all, to pen an entire essay declaring abortion pro-life without so much as noting that the fetus killed in an abortion is, in fact, alive. Astonishingly, Campoamor never once acknowledges — let alone grapples with the ethical complications of — the scientific reality of fetal life. To completely ignore that abortion necessarily extinguishes that life is an insult to the reader’s intelligence. (Which assumes anyone other than Liberals peruses CNN‘s online edition!)

Instead of engaging that rather compelling reality — which would’ve made her thesis both more frightening and more engaging, rather than largely hollow — Campoamor hinges her argument on maternal-mortality rates. She makes the well-worn case that any abortion restrictions whatsoever will inevitably march us backward to “a nation of back alleys and contorted clothes hangers.” Too bad the research she presents to support this case hews much closer to shoddy than irrefutable.

The slightest effort to pursue her hyperlinked citations reveals that her portrait of the anti-abortion hellscape looming on the horizon is not nearly as likely as her catastrophic tone suggestsnor does she prove that it ever really existed in the U.S. at all.

No pro-life person “endorses the unnecessary deaths of women,” as she contends. They dispute the notion that women’s health requires a regime of mass fetal deathmore than 55 million deaths over the last four decades alone. To ignore this is to ignore the entire debate.

…Perhaps Campoamor is unfamiliar with the medical details of what happens to a fetus during an abortion procedure. It is inherently violent, I’d argue, to use a suction machine to forcibly vacuum the living human fetus, part by part and limb by limb, from its mother’s womb.

It is inherently violent to inject a saline solution into a mother’s womb to kill the human fetus and deliver it once it has died.

It is inherently violent to lethally inject a human fetus with potassium chloride and wait for it to die slowly from the poison before dismembering it for removal.

It is inherently violent to use suction and forceps to cut apart a living human fetus, piece by piece, and remove it from its mother.

It is inherently violent to partially deliver a viable fetus and pierce its skull to remove the contents of its head just moments before birth.

Abortion is violence. And it can never be pro-life.

This ties in with something TLJ said on our way to church Sunday morning.  As she was relating the story of the woman who offered her two young daughters, aged 5 & 6, to men for money, we initially started to observe such depravity was unimaginable.  But upon brief consideration, and in light of the fact we live in a society which condones the wholesale slaughter of unborn innocents, we reformulated our opinion and responded there really isn’t anything of which we’re incapable!!!

And thus why this an argument The Left must avoid, lest they lose it every time.

Which brings us, inappropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s this stream of comic Conservative consciousness from Fielding Cocke:

Finally, we’ll call it a wrap with another titillating tale torn from the pages of The Crime Blotter, courtesy again of TLJ: 

Woman who injected husband with lethal dose of heroin may have killed 9 others, served lover’s remains at BBQ


Reports guests remarked the main dish tasted like chicken but looked like beef remain unconfirmed.

