On November 21, 2017,
in Uncategorized,
by magoo1310
It’s Monday, November 20th, 2017…but before we begin, here’s a foretaste of what EVERYONE can and should expect under single payer healthcare:
Everyone, that is, except those who are more equal…
…than others!
And if you missed our Friday installment, this bitingly accurate portrait of prominent Progressives’ self-evident views on sexual harassment and abuse deserves an encore presentation:
Now, here’s The Gouge!
First up, in the Deliberately a Day Late and a Dollar Short segment, The New York Times‘ Ross Douthat conveniently reassesses the facts long after his conclusion matters:
“In the longstanding liberal narrative about Bill Clinton and his scandals, the one pushed by Clinton courtiers and ratified in media coverage of his post-presidency (not only post-presidency, but at all times prior to, duringand after his presidency, particularly at the height of Monicagate!) , our 42nd president was only guilty of being a horndog, his affairs were nobody’s business but his family’s, and oral sex with Monica Lewinsky was a small thing that should never have put his presidency in peril.
That narrative could not survive the current wave of outrage over male sexual misconduct. (In other words, when abortion advocates (aka, “the killers of unborn females”) weren’t worried about losing their biggest supporter to charges of having merely raped, harassed and abused adult women!)
So now a new one may be forming for the age of Harvey Weinstein and Donald Trump. In this story, Kenneth Starr and the Republicans are still dismissed as partisan witch hunters. But liberals might be willing to concede that the Lewinsky affair was a pretty big deal morally, a clear abuse of sexual power, for which Clinton probably should have been pressured to resign.
This new narrative lines up with what’s often been my own assessment of the Clinton scandals.I have never been a Clinton hater; indeed, I’ve always been a little mystified by the scale of Republican dislike for the most centrist of recent Democratic leaders. So I’ve generally held what I’ve considered a sensible middle-ground position on his sins — that he should have stepped down when the Lewinsky affair came to light, but that the Republican effort to impeach him was a hopeless attempt to legislate against dishonor. (And here we thought the articles of impeachment were based on his perjury about receiving oral sex from an intern in the Oval Office; and intern under his direct management and control!)
But a moment of reassessment is a good time to reassess things for yourself, so I spent this week reading about the lost world of the 1990s. I skimmed the Starr Report. I leafed through books by George Stephanopoulos (Now there’s an unbiased source!) and Joe Klein and Michael Isikoff. I dug into Troopergate and Whitewater and other first-term scandals. I reacquainted myself with Gennifer Flowers and Webb Hubbell, James Riady and Marc Rich.
After doing all this reading, I’m not sure my reasonable middle ground is actually reasonable. It may be that the conservatives of the 1990s were simplyright about Clinton, that once he failed to resign he really deserved to be impeached…”
Coming as it does in light of facts easily available and readily apparent at the time, Ross’ retraction of his earlier defense of the indefensible is as deserving of praise as the White Star Line‘s increasing the availability of lifeboats in the wake of the Titanic disaster.
In a related item courtesy of Townhall.com, Guy Benson reminds us to remember when…
We’ve said it before, we’ll say it again: no hole is deeper, no bar lower, than that dug or set by a Progressive in pursuit of personal profit or power. Which is why, as a good friend once observed, no place on the planet is as dangerous as the spot between Gloria Allred and a microphone or camera.
Since we’re on the subject of Monday-morning quarterbacking, here’s another Liberal lightbulb which was inexcusably late in illuminating, as one Dennis Shaul writing at the WSJ admits…
Cordray is pictured above with his sponsors, a forked-tongued Indian and a lyin’ African.
“Richard Cordray’s resignation as director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau provides a great opportunity for President Trump to appoint a new director who can undo an unfortunate legacy of bureaucratic overreach and political bias. More important going forward is what we have learned from our experience with the CFPB to prevent future similar missteps.
The first lesson is that Congress should never(ever!)again create an “independent” agency with a sole director, particularly one not subject to the congressional appropriations process.Under the law, the CFPB—unlike the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Federal Communications Commission, the Federal Trade Commission and other independent agencies—is funded by the Federal Reserve, a move specifically designed to avoid congressional oversight…”
We’d go Shaul one further and suggest Congress should never create any more agencies,regardless of their structure or chain of command. Almost as importantly, Trump should make the occasion of Cordray’s resignation, a man who was truly…
…as an opportunity to appoint a director who will eviscerate the CFPB, rendering it wholly-incapable of further action of any kind. Along with the Departments of Energy, Education, Labor and the EPA…and that’s just for starters!
If you didn’t determine Shaul’s judgment was fatally flawed in the first two paragraphs of his mea culpa, it must surely have been evident by first sentence in the third:
“I had the privilege of working as an aide to then-Rep. Barney Frank…”
“I firmwy deny I eveh purmitted my wesidence to be utiwized as a bwothew!”
Yeah,…like Joe Biden had the “privilege” of working alongside Barry Obama. Rez ipsa loquitur, baby!
Speaking of ignorant anti-Americans, one of the more uneducated idiots in the NFL justredefined stupid:
After all, the Mexican plutocracy which has abused the darker-skinned descendants of the indigenous tribes since the days of the Conquistadores is much fairer than America’s constitutional republic.
As we observed of Hillary in our Video of the Day at the top of the page, if Marshawn’s a*s were dynamite, he couldn’t fart a cogent thought.
Which brings us, appropriately enough, toThe Lighter Side…
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