It’s Monday, July 10th, 2017…but before we begin, if this centenarian is anywhere close to correct…

Maine woman celebrates 100th birthday, says wine is secret to longevity


…TLJ’s gonna live forever!

And here’s something The Dear Misleader would never have done…

…and which would never have even remotely crossed the mind of his former heir-apparent.  Oh,…by the way, the announcer’s claims to the contrary, this is what will constitute “balance” at the Communist News Network for the remainder of 2017.

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up from the New York Post via FOX News, a Missouri…

Sheriff exposes white, liberal columnist’s traffic stop tale for the lie that it is


Demented Liberal columnist Bill Clark accurately analyzing the veracity of his story.

A sheriff in Missouri is firing back at a now-suspended newspaper columnist who claimed to experience what “minority motorists” must feel when getting pulled over by cops, saying he was lucky he didn’t “get shot” during a recent traffic stop.

Boone County Sheriff Dwayne Carey has refuted a June 30 opinion column by longtime Columbia Daily Tribune columnist Bill Clark, who was stopped 10 days earlier for failing to use his turn signal. Clark, an 84-year-old white man, suggested in the column that he might’ve been pulled over because of his “liberal bumper stickers,” an obvious sign of an “aging hippie with a weed habit,” he claimed.


“I’m lucky I didn’t get shot,” Clark wrote. “Sirens wailed and when I stopped, two officers were out of the sheriff’s vehicle. When I reached over to turn off the radio and then take my wallet out of my pocket to produce the driver’s license and insurance card, I realized my hands were not at the top of my steering wheel. Danger lurked and official arrogance was to follow.”

Clark, who claimed he received a “good dose of arrogance” during the stop, said he understands how someone could lose respect for cops after the stop, saying his life “seemed to be in danger” during the interaction with two deputies“When you are in the shoes of the minority, you learn a lot more about their journey,” Clark wrote.

But a review of dashcam video told a different story, according to Carey, (No, according to the dashcam video!) who contacted the newspaper’s managing editor, Charles Westmoreland, to disagree with Clark’s version of events. Carey also released the 11-minute video and penned an 1,800-word response to Clark’s column, blasting it as “sensationalism” and disputed the claims of “arrogance” on behalf of the deputies.

“In his column he indicates, ‘I’m lucky I didn’t get shot,’” Carey wrote. “There is never a weapon drawn, the deputies don’t take a position of cover, there are no loud verbal commands, no panic or anything else for that matter by the deputies. Would you agree this is sensationalism at its best? I say yes!

As do we, but feel free to watch the dashcam video embedded above and reach your own conclusion.  This is more proof (as if any were needed) of the truth the great VDH noted of The Left in our July 3rd edition:

Without ruse, there can be no progressive project — as was true in the past of any illogical and unappealing ideology.

In short, you gotta lie.

And they do

always and continuously!

In a related item forwarded by Bill Meisen, The Intercept reveals the reality behind…

Rachel Maddow’s Exclusive “Scoop” About a Fake NSA Document Raises Several Key Questions


“MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow devoted the first 21 minutes of her Thursday night program to what she promoted as an “exclusive” scoop. The cable news host said that someone had sent her a “carefully forged” top-secret NSA document that used a top-secret document The Intercept reported on and published on June 5 as a template. That document — from the June 5 Intercept report — was from an unknown NSA official, and purported to describe Russian attempts to hack election officials and suppliers.

Maddow said her report should serve as a “heads up” to other news organizations that someone is attempting to destroy the credibility of those who report on Trump’s connections to Russia by purposely giving them false information. She suggested, without stating, that this may have been what caused CNN and other outlets recently to publish reports about Trump and/or Russia that ended up being retracted.

The grave tone of cloak-and-daggers mystery Maddow used to tell her story was predicated on her timeline of events. If it were the case that MSNBC had received the purportedly forged version of this document before The Intercept published its own version, that would indeed be a major story. That would mean that the person who sent the forgery to MSNBC was one of a relatively small group of people who would have had access to this top-secret document.

Nobody from Maddow’s show or MSNBC reached out to The Intercept before running this story. This was odd for many reasons, including the fact that Maddow offered several speculative theories about The Intercept’s reporting on the document, including her belief that a crease that appeared on the document sent to her was the same as the crease that the Trump DOJ, in its affidavit, claimed appeared on The Intercept’s document.

Had MSNBC sought comment from The Intercept before broadcasting this story, they would have learned that the sole piece of evidence on which their entire theory was predicated — the time stamp that preceded The Intercept’s publication by a few hours — strongly suggests that whoever sent them the document did not have special, early, pre-publication access to it, but rather took it from The Intercept’s site…”

But why let facts get in the way of a manufactured story?!?  C’mon, it’s far easier to broadcast your feelings without any attempt whatsoever to substantiate the truth.

By the way, did we forget to mention Maddow’s…

Since we’re on the subject of Progressives who are crazy as a sh*thouse rat, Heatstreet relates how…

Black Lives Matter Is Trying To Stop Bill That Teaches Schoolchildren How To Deal With Police


Black Lives Matter has come out against a new bill proposed by the New Jersey Assembly that compels schools to provide training to youngsters on how to interact with police and avoid confrontation.

According to a co-sponsor of the bill, Democrat Assemblywoman Sheila Oliver, the bill mirrors “The Talk” that many black parents have with their children, explaining the delicacies of dealing with the police in America. Look, I’m just trying to save lives,” said the Assemblywoman, a co-sponsor of the bill which passed in a 76-0 vote back in June.

Despite good intentions, however, the Black Lives Matter movement has expressed its opposition to the bill, claiming it would just create a scapegoat for police brutality, The Philadelphia Inquirer reported. A lead organizer of a local Black Lives Matter chapter, Alexis Miller, calls the politicians to block the bill when it reaches the Senate, saying it puts pressure on people rather the police to behave accordingly.

This bill is clearly designed to create a scapegoat for police brutality, and that scapegoat is New Jersey’s children,” Miller said. “It does nothing to address the laws already in place that protect the immense power of police departments. Students…children are expected to master the idea of respectability politics in order to protect themselves from officers.”

Miller added: “Everyone needs to understand that creating cordial bonds between officers and the community does not negate an officer’s authority to use force. It is simply an illusion. Our students should be in the classroom learning measurable subjects and our tax dollars should go towards STEM, the arts, and inclusive history.”

Please note: “inclusive” history, not actual history; talk about an illusion!

Then again, perhaps New Jersey could avoid spending money it obviously doesn’t have by just showing the kids Chris Rock’s common-sense educational clip detailing…

‘Cuz everybody knows (except, evidently, the indifferent rocket surgeons leading Black Lives Matter!), if the police have to come and get you, they’re bringin’ an ass-kickin’ with ’em!

Remember this: BLM WANTS Black asses kicked…if not dead.  Otherwise, like B. Hussein, Eric the Red and The Reverends absent manufactured racism…

…they’re rebels without a cause…and more importantly, without funding!

And in the Environmental Moment, the WSJ‘s Holman Jenkins provides the story behind the hype of Volvo’s “shift” to an all-electric line of vehicles:

Volvo Discovers Electric-Vehicle Hype

The Swedish car maker isn’t giving up on gasoline. It’s redefining its niche.


“If your mother says she loves you, check it out. The most popular article on the Journal’s website on Wednesday was headlined “ Volvo to Switch to Electric, in First for Major Auto Firm.” On its front page the next morning, the New York Times declared Volvo “the first mainstream automaker to sound the death knell of the internal combustion engine.”

Well, not exactly. By 2019, Volvo said all its cars would be hybrids or gas-electric hybrids or “mild” gas-electric hybrids—i.e., most will continue to have internal combustion engines“This announcement marks the end of the solely combustion engine-powered car,” is how Volvo chief executive Håkan Samuelsson actually put it (emphasis added).

Volvo, unlike just about every major car maker, doesn’t even have an electric car in the market today. Its big winner is a luxury SUV, a gasoline-powered vehicle whose top-of-the-line model is further enhanced, yes, by a supplemental electric drive. The hybrid version of the XC90 comes with a $75,000 price tag: A customer who wants a hybrid is also presumed to want the 19-speaker, 1,400-watt sound system, the self-parking package and every other option Volvo can stuff into a $75,000 SUV.

Therein lies the real point. Volvo’s announcement signals nothing about the electric-car future and everything about Volvo’s niche marketing. Not even Volvo could have expected the bounty of free media it won this week. The Swedish company clearly left more impression on American psyches than it ever did on American pocketbooks. In its best years in the 1980s and the mid-2000s, it never broke 0.8% of the U.S. market.

Its brand image as a virtuous innovator survives from the day when it heavily promoted Volvo safety. But Volvo-like safety has long since become the price of admission in the car business, so Volvo has been deliberately rebranding its niche—and its ambitions are entirely wrapped up in being a niche player—as a technology icon.

But something else is also going on. Volvo is still run out of Sweden. Its chief is Swedish. But the Volvo car business has been owned by China’s Geely since 2010. Volvo’s biggest market now is China. Starting in 18 months, China’s auto makers will be subject to an increasingly onerous California-style “zero-emission vehicle” mandate.

In fact, only through the intervention of Angela Merkel, the German leader who knows a thing or two about green excess, was the timeline delayed from 2018. Companies will have to build and sell electric cars in growing numbers (starting with 8% of total output) in order to be free to sell the vehicles Chinese customers are most likely to buy.

To repeat a sore point, if the goal is to reduce greenhouse gases, passenger cars are not the place to aim. Electricity production isChina’s real goal here is to reduce its strategic vulnerability to imported oil. By mandating a switch to electric cars, it’s essentially mandating a switch to a domestic fuel in plentiful supply, coal. An eager convert is the city of Taiyuan, capital of China’s coal belt, which enacted a rule requiring local taxis to be all-electric by 2021.

As part of declaring its energy independence, especially its independence from the U.S. Navy, guardian of the Middle East oil routes, China also is seeking to capture world leadership in lithium-ion technology. Its electric-vehicle mandate includes a requirement that manufacturers use only locally made batteries.

This is the China, by the way, that the media has been trying to turn into the world’s conscience on global warming since Donald Trump removed the U.S. from the Paris climate agreement…”

And we all know how clean China’s coal-burning power plants are!

Writing at The Drive, Lawrence Ulrich sums up Volvo’s ploy with this headline:

Volvo Brews a Big Pitcher of Electric Kool-Aid

An all-electric Volvo lineup for America and Europe? Don’t hold your breath.


Which brings us to The Lighter Side

Finally, we’ll call it a day with these pearls of political satire from Shannon Wood:

