It’s Friday, January 13th, 2017…but before we begin, a couple quick comments on the CNN kerfuffle from the great Stilton Jarlsberg…

…followed by one of our own.  If The Left didn’t have double standards…

…they’d truly have no standards at all.  As evidenced by our Video of the Day (accessible through link #2 at the top of the page under our Quote of the Day), the explanation offered by Buzzfeed editor-in-chief Ben Smith as to why his website published a report they knew to be untrue doesn’t even pass the smell test of Chuck Todd; which, given the pungent odor of Progressive hypocrisy clinging to Chuck is saying something.

Here’s the point:

We don’t know if Ben Smith is lying or simply confused; but either way, he’s incapable of presenting the truth.  And absent either completion of an approved re-education syllabus or an abject apology/confession recognizing his errors in judgement, he should be considered incapable of presenting anything as “fact”, and thus, in the tradition of the Amish, shunned until he can offer compelling evidence he’s mended his ways.

Not in any way prevented from editing Buzzfeed or any other inaccurate, unreliable Liberal rag; rather simply ignored as a source of anything but unsubstantiated gossip.

And Donald Trump’s gang of politically-incorrect cutthroats are…

Oh,…and once again, Barry either doesn’t recognize the face of the enemy…

Obama announces end to ‘wet foot, dry foot’ policy for Cuban refugees


…or sides with them!  Meanwhile, anyone from Mexico, El Salvador or other parts south can remain at their leisure.

Now, without further ado, here’s The Gouge!

First up, courtesy of Bill Meisen, a demonstration of the 2nd Amendment in action:

Thus the wisdom of the Founding Fathers continues to protect the lives, property and freedom of law-abiding Americans over 225 years after it was ratified.

Since we’re on the subject of the evil against which the Framers sought to safeguard us, his asinine assertions to the contrary notwithstanding, the editors at NRO inform The Dear Misleader…

No, You Didn’t


The president is leaving the same way he came in: with a great deal of vague and fruity talk about “hope and change,” very little of genuine interest, and an undercurrent of bitterness communicating his unshakeable belief that the American people just simply are not up to the task of fully appreciating History’s unique gift to them in the person of Barack Obama.

And he is so terribly disappointed in us! Having just endured the electorate’s rejection of his party and his mode of politics with the election of Donald Trump, and grimly considering the likely dismantling of much of his executive-order legacy, President Obama gave a speech about how our democracy has failed and why. You’ll be something less than shocked to learn that his belief is that Americans are so beguiled and befouled by racism and prejudice that we failed to cultivate the sacred spark the Promethean president handed down to us.

Oh, and we watch too much Fox News and read too many Facebook posts from that right-wing uncle of myth and lore, which deprives us of a “common baseline of facts.”

How did we get here?…”

The NRO editors go on to give you their two cents, but for us, it comes down to a matter of faith and belief: (1) far too many of our fellow citizens (a number of Conservatives included) believed the color of a Barack Hussein Obama’s skin was more important than his utter lack of experience and overabundance of anti-American policies; (2) far too many Americans believe the Progressive propaganda of political correctness, having completely lost their moral compasses, judgement and common sense through a deliberate Dimocratic program of miseducation and disinformation; and, (3) far too many of our countrymen believe in the Liberal myth of a “free lunch”.

Speaking of the miseducated and uninformed, courtesy of Balls Cotton and U.S. Defense Watch, Ray Starmann pens…

An Open Letter to Meryl Streep


“Dear Ms. Streep,

Congratulations on your award last night. You’ve had a long and successful career. Bravo for you. I’m sorry to say, I personally don’t like your films or your acting, but I guess I’m just another deplorable who watches football and “mixed” martial arts when John Wayne movies aren’t on TV.

In typical Hollywood tradition, you used your moment in the spotlight on stage to bash President-Elect Trump and soon to be President Trump. As Jackie Gleason said, “How sweet it is…”

Your little tirade on stage consisted of a myriad of criticisms launched against Mr. Trump. In true liberal fashion, they were filled with emotion and fury and signified nothing.

Undoubtedly, Ms. Streep, you are still suffering from what ABC Sports once called ‘the agony of defeat.’

Perhaps, when you’re alone and counting one of your 15 million dollar paychecks, you might reflect on the fact that Mr. Trump won the election because Americans are hurting. Nearly 95 million Americans are out of the workforce, 50 million are living in poverty and 47.5 million are on food stamps.

The average American doesn’t have the luxury of pondering the issues of our time over a glass of Dom Perignon like you do. They’re in a battle day and night, 24/7 to put food on the table while working three lousy jobs because your President and your party are a trainwreck for this nation.

So instead of giving a pedophile rapist like Roman Polanski a standing ovation, like the one you gave him at the 2003 Oscars, you might want to give the nation of working deplorables who buy tickets to your films that they can’t afford a standing ovation.

You, Ms. Streep, like the majority of the creative community in Hollywood need a serious reality check. You need to come down off your cross on Mulholland Drive and mine some coal, drive a truck and stock some shelves at Walmart with the rest of the country.

Get used to saying President Trump. How sweet it is!

Not to make too fine a point, but saying “President Trump” is not nearly as sweet as NOT having to use the words “President” and “Clinton” in the same sentence ever again!

Next up, Judicial Watch‘s Corruption Chronicles offers more news you won’t get from the MSM:

Airport Shooter Converted to Islam, Identified as Aashiq Hammad Years Before Joining Army


The Ft. Lauderdale Airport shooter is a Muslim convert who years before joining the U.S. Army took on an Islamic name (Aashiq Hammad), downloaded terrorist propaganda and recorded Islamic religious music online, according to public records dug up by the investigative news site of an award-winning, California journalist. This is pertinent information that the Obama administration apparently wants to keep quiet, bringing up memories of the Benghazi cover up, in which the president and his cohorts knowingly lied to conceal that Islamic terrorists attacked the U.S. Special Mission in Libya…”

Thus does the fading magician try his same old, tired attempt at misdirection…

…when reality is staring his audience in the face:

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side

Finally, we’ll call it a day with some observations on the fairer sex forwarded by Balls Cotton:

Too which we can only add a hearty “AMEN”…born of almost 38 wonderful years of experience with TLJ!

