It’s Friday, June 19th, 2015…but before we begin, we interrupt our regularly scheduled programming for a patent piece of propaganda from The Great Divider:

Now is the time for mourning and for healing, but let’s be clear; at some point, we, as a country, will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency. And it is in our power to do something about it.

“Does not happen in other advanced countries”…really?!?


Which we guess, by The Dear Misleader’s standards, makes Norway part of the Third World.

As for the qualifier, “with this kind of frequency”, consider this: Baltimore, the inaptly-named “Charmed City”, has some of the most restrictive…and unconstitutional…gun-control regulations in the country.  And the state of Maryland, aka The People’s Republic thereof, in which the more-accurately-termed Baltimorons reside, is about as friendly to firearms ownership as Iran is to Christians or Jews.  Yet, somehowinexplicably…despite all the legal limitations on the law-abiding

Baltimore records deadliest month in more than 40 years



Here’s the juice: it’s classic Rahmbo: “Never let a good crisis go to waste”…or permit a tragedy to pass without a cheap and boorish attempt to score political points.  Not to mention the young man in question had obvious, well-known psychologic and behavioral issues.

We didn’t think much of him as President, but we cannot imagine George W. Bush even contemplating stooping this low.

Now, here’s The Gouge!

Since, as they say, there’s a first time for everything, we’re leading off the Friday edition with the Environmental Moment, and this bit of biting sarcasm courtesy of one Julia Hartley-Brewer, writing at The Telegraph: 

If We Need the Pope to Teach Us About Science, Then God Help Us All

What the head of an anti-science body like the Catholic Church says about climate change is about as relevant as Kim Kardashian on the Eurozone.


Albania Pope

“It’s a funny old world. Environmentalists are dancing with glee after Pope Francis issued a statement calling on every man, woman and child to stand together to tackle the issue of climate change.

…His statement came in the form of an encyclical, a papal letter to bishops usually aimed at ending debate on a theological issue, to be formally published today, and it represents the Pope’s views on the God-given responsibility of humans to act as custodians of the earth.

Not only does he warn of the “unprecedented destruction of the ecosystem” but, in a less than subtle reference to so-called climate change deniers, the Pope argues that “the attitudes that stand in the way of a solution, even among believers, range from negation of the problem, to indifference, to convenient resignation or blind faith in technical solutions.”

Which is weird, because belief and blind faith are precisely what the Pope usually demands of his many followers when it comes to deciding pretty much every area of their lives from the cradle to the grave.

Now, I’m sure Pope Francis is a perfectly decent and moral man who means well and wants nothing but the best for mankind and our planet. But – and it’s quite a bit “but” I’m afraid the Catholic Church lost its right to hand out moral lectures to the rest of the world some time ago…”

To borrow a phrase from another world-class cover-up artist, and with all due apologies to our friends of the Roman Catholic faith…


What difference does it make now?!?

Since we’re on the subject of Socialists masquerading as champions of the down-trodden, courtesy of NRO, the great Victor Davis Hanson relates the cold, harsh truth of reality:

Sexism and Racism Are Leftism

In our time, sexism and racism have become the province of the rich.



“…the frequent charge of racism and sexism is predicated not so much on one’s gender and race as on one’s gender, race, and politics.

Had candidate Mitt Romney suggested, as did Senators Joe Biden and Harry Reid, that Senator Barack Obama was a “clean” and “light-skinned” black man without “a Negro dialect,” he would have been considered little more than a Clive Bundy buffoon and would have had to drop out of the Republican primary.

It appears that leftism assumes that racist and sexist speech by liberals constitutes good people’s lapses of judgment and tact — not, as in the case of conservatives, valuable windows into the dark hearts of bigots. In other words, the idea of sexism and and racism is not absolute, but relative . Had President Bill Clinton declared during the O. J. trial that if he had had a second daughter she would have resembled Nicole Simpson, the media and popular culture would have excused such a sick Obamism as a quirky slip — in a way that it would not have if a Bob Dole had uttered the same banality and thereby supposedly revealed his poorly suppressed racist proclivities.


…The CEOs in the industries of sexism and classism are for the most part wealthy and privileged — and their targets are usually of the middle class. When Michelle Obama labors to remind her young African-American audiences of all the stares and second looks she imagines she still receives as First Lady, she is reconstructing a racial identity to balance the enormous privilege she enjoys as a jumbo-jet-setting grandee who junkets to the world’s toniest resorts with regularity. The 2016 version of Hillary Clinton is, at least for a few months, a feminist populist, and has become so merely by mouthing a few banal talking points. Apparently the downside for Hillary of being a woman is not trumped by the facts of being a multimillionaire insider and former secretary of state, wife to a multimillionaire ex-president, mother of a multimillionaire, and mother-in-law to a multimillionaire hedge-fund director. Hillary can become a perpetual constructed victim, denied the good life that is enjoyed by a white male bus driver in Bakersfield making $40,000 a year…”

In a related item, also courtesy of NRODavid French reports on the latest effort of the Liberal elites to undermine America’s education system:

Trigger Warnings: Dumbing Down the Campus



“…Yet modern campus activists are hardly fragile flowers, wilting in the face of icky words. In fact, their alleged fragility is simply a tool of ideological warfare, a method of building sympathy — of making their demands palatable to a public that otherwise shuns censorship and intolerance. “Fragile” students don’t form political movements, tote around mattresses as works of “performance art,” engage in civil disobedience, or shriek at the top of their lungs for the destruction of their ideological enemies. “Fragile” students don’t file multiple lawsuits and campus complaints, seeking to bring down everyone from fellow feminists to college presidents. “Fragile” students don’t take to the pages of the Huffington Post and accuse free-speech advocates like Kaminer of “an explicit act of racial violence” for using words a student doesn’t like.

Trigger warnings have nothing to do with compassion and everything to do with power. Indeed, their prevalence is itself a raw exercise of power, a statement to the establishment authorities in higher education that the radicals intend to dictate the terms of debate. The American Association of College Professors — the venerable (and liberal) organization dedicated to defending the academic freedom and other prerogatives of the professors — has called trigger warnings a “threat to academic freedom.” No matter. Radicals do as they wish. And where the radicals reign, even their so-called compassion manifests itself as cruelty and censorship.

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to the inevitable fruits of Progressive political-correctness, as detailed in today’s installment of Tales From the Darkside, courtesy of Jonathan Tobin and Commentary Magazine:

Rachel Dolezal and the Real Divide Among Americans



“…Much as we would like to say that in a free country, every person should be able to choose their race as easily as they can choose their religion, blacks are not white and persons as Caucasian-looking as Ms. Dolezal was before she began darkening her skin and altering her hairstyle are still white.

But let’s leave appearance aside for a moment and ask ourselves if we would like to live in a country where race was a matter of choice rather than something imposed on us. That may strike many of us as being as counterintuitive as a man wanting to be a woman but if Rachel Dolezal truly wants to be a black woman, neither society nor the law should seek to interfere with her so long as she doesn’t do so in a manner that harms others or consists of telling or swearing to lies.


But in that theoretical world in which that might happen, it is precisely the sort of race-baiting activism that Dolezal (who was an active participant in the Baltimore protests over the killing of a black man by the police) has engaged in that makes such a goal unattainable. Ironically, rather than working to create a post-racial society in which the barriers between the races are demolished, Dolezal and many of her adopted comrades in what now styles itself the civil rights movement seek to entrench the divides between us and even to enshrine them in law. It is the advocates of affirmative action and other counter-productive race entitlements that hold onto the notion that America is a country primarily motivated by old hatreds long after such notions have become marginal or altogether discarded. Rather than the virtually non-existent supporters of Jim Crow being the problem, it is the Al Sharptons and their lesser-known acolytes such as Dolezal who do the most to render us a nation divided by race in 2015.

The point here is that a society that would be prepared to treat Rachel Dolezal’s white origins and identity as a mere detail that she could discard at will is one in which the racialist cause to which she seems to have dedicated herself makes impossible. Though there is much about this story that has the flavor of a troubled mind rather than a coherent vision of a better society, those who…support Dolezal would do well to ponder just how much the sort of racial hucksterism that many of her comrades in the civil rights movement does to make the rigid divisions between Americans permanent.

Next up, yet another voice on the subject of The Obamao-sponsored trade bill which gives us cause for hope far in excess of anything uttered by…

Jeff Sessions, Paul Ryan, Patty Murray

…The Three Stooges:

A Courageous Kind of Democrat

Rep. Ron Kind of Wisconsin bucks his party by shepherding 28 Democrats into the free-trade camp.


Like James Taranto and the editors at NRO …and God…in Kimberly Strassel we trust.  Okay, it’s only in God we trust; humans will inevitably fail us.

On the Lighter Side…

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Finally, we’ll call it a week with this bit of pointed humor from Best of the Web:

I Cried Because I Had No Shoes



“ARE ZIONISTS TRYING TO INTIMIDATE ME” asks a Facebook post by Asghar Bukhari, an anti-Israel agitator and co-founder of Britain’s Muslim Public Affairs Committee, in a Facebook post highlighted by the Times of Israel (quoting verbatim):

Someone came into my home yesterday, while I was asleep. I dont know how they got in, but they didn’t break in – the only thing they took was one shoe. Now think about that, the only thing they took was a single shoe – they left one shoe behind to let me know someone had been there. (Conclusive evidence in our estimation!)

Of course I cant prove anything and thats part of the intimidation. (Talk about trying to prove a negative!) The game is simple – to make me feel vulnerable in my own home.

Don’t laugh. This columnist has had our own uncannily similar encounters with the Zionists. The only difference is that our Zionists always strike when we’re doing laundry, and they take one sock at a time rather than one shoe. Of course we can’t prove anything and thats part of the intimidation. Look, the Zionists took our apostrophe too.

The Juden: not only are they ushering in the apocalypse, now they’re stealing apostrophes!

