“For a second, the 50-strong audience didn’t pay much attention, thinking it was some firecrackers, Agnieszka Kolek, a Polish artist and free-speech activist who was present, said in a telephone interview.
But the gunfire intensified and bullets began piercing through the windows, spreading panic inside the cafe. Curtains prevented participants from seeing their assailant but “we heard him shout ‘Allahu akbar,’ ” Ms. Kolek said…”
Good thing guns are essentially banned in Denmark! Oh,…and the assassination in the Copenhagen synagogue only hours after the free speech rally killing remain, at press-time…unconnected…at least according to The Obamao’s kindred spirits in the Danish police.
In a related item, as NRO‘s Andrew McCarthy observes…
“I don’t understand why folks are giving President Obama and his spokes-minions such a hard time over his insistence that Ahmedy Coulibaly, the terrorist who just happened to be Muslim committing terrorism that had nothing to do with Islam, was just “randomly” picking out folks in Paris to kill when he randomly came upon a grocery that just happened to be Jewish and, coincidentally, to have Jews in it, whom he randomly killed.
Sure, we know Coulibaly called a French TV station during the siege, said he was loyal to the Islamic State that has nothing to do with Islam, and that he picked this kosher market because he was targeting Jews. But you can’t believe everything you hear on TV — just ask Brian Williams.
…By the way, have you ever flipped randomly through Islamic scripture? I just happened to land on sura 5:82 — wasn’t looking for anything in particular, you see — and found that it says: “Strongest among men in enmity to the Believers wilt thou find the Jews and pagans.”…”
Meanwhile, in an item just dripping with irony, the Puffington Host informs us…
“Islam does not encourage the pursuit of knowledge outside of itself, and it has sometimes been referred to as “the religion which has produced nothing but religion””
“As the White House prepares to host a three-day summit next week on countering violent extremism, many high-profile Muslim and religious groups argue that the administration’s efforts have unfairly singled out Muslims and the Islamic faith.
In the days leading up to the summit, Muslim Advocates said it has “serious concerns about the government’s track record of treating extremist violence as though it were an exclusively Muslim problem.” The prominent civil rights and legal advocacy group, which will be represented at the White House event, said the government’s efforts on extremism send “a dangerous signal to members of the public that their Muslim neighbors are a threat.”…”
Wait…the Islamic Underground is supposedly sniping at the guy who won’t even use the term “Islamic terror”?!? If you’ll forgive the phrase…and with apologies to Will Shakespeare…folks, something’s rotten in Denmark…and it ain’t the corpses of the latest two victims of The Religion of Peace.
This is classic Islamic misdirection, obfuscation and prevarication. And for those who don’t get our point yet remain interested in a deeper understanding of what Islam in general, and CAIR specifically, are all about should take the time to visit Knights Crusaders.com. Talk about an eye-opener; things are DEFinitely not what The Dear Misleader and his Islamist allies would have you believe.
But thankfully, we can all…
For as the WSJ informs us, in yet another incredible coincidence…
“…Mr. Khamenei’s ambiguity about his willingness to strike a landmark deal has left U.S. officials waging little more than a guessing-game. This unsophisticated art mostly involves picking apart the supreme leader’s speeches to try to decipher his state of mind.
…“You don’t know how important it is for the supreme leader of Iran to actually write a letter to the U.S.,” said a second former U.S. official briefed on the correspondence. “It’s a sign he recognizes the country.”…”
No, it’s a sign he views U.S. officials in general, and this Administration in particular, with…
…complete and utter contempt.
Allow us to assist the benighted butt-breaths in Foggy Bottom and the White House in deciphering Mr. Khamenei’s state of mind as regards both Israel and the United States:
It’s the same set of circumstances which existed in 1979…
…except THAT Ayatollah didn’t possess a nuclear bomb, let alone the missiles with which to deliver it. But hey, who needs a missile defense system!
And there’s 23 long months before the cavalry…
…can even begin to ride to the rescue!
Moving on, the latest on Williamsgate, courtesy first of Peter Kann writing at the WSJ, who suggests there are certain…
“Amid all the breathless media coverage of the fall of NBC’s rock-star anchor, Brian Williams , perhaps one postscript remains to be added. The banished anchor’s problem was not just that he exaggerated and lied about his brief foray into a war zone; it is that he chose to talk about it—frequently and egocentrically—at all.
…Mr. Williams is symptomatic of larger social trends where traditional virtues like modesty and privacy have given way to the spotlight of self-promotion, where even lives too pedestrian for the paparazzi become an endless series of selfies. But, lest we descend too deeply into pop psychology, the larger blame belongs with Mr. Williams himself and the hubris of an anchorman who lacked the anchor of common sense and self-restraint.“
But as Victor Davis Hanson notes over at NRO, the problem isn’t exclusive to either Williams or NBC:
“…The Greek word for truth was aletheia – literally “not forgetting.” Yet that ancient idea of eternal differences between truth and myth is now lost in the modern age. Our lies become accepted as true, but only depending on how powerful and influential we are — or how supposedly noble the cause for which we lie.“
Allow us to contrast figments of Williams’ imagination/ego with the mindset of a genuine hero.
Back in the summer of 1975, between our Youngster and 2nd-Class years at the Naval Academy (that’s sophomore and junior years to you landlubbers!) we spent a week playing Marine down at Quantico. The officer in charge of the Midshipman detail was a Lt. Col. Walt Boomer, destined to become Lt. Gen. Walter Boomer, commander of the Marine Forces which liberated Kuwait during the First Gulf War. You know…when former Naval Aviator George H.W. Bush lost his nerve and left the removal of the OTHER Hussein…
…to his son.
We entered the Quantico O-Club after what seemed (at least at the time!) a long, sleepless two days and one night in the field, to encounter not only what was the best-tasting beer we’ve ever downed…a bottle of Miller High-Life…but Lt. Col. Boomer, sporting what we immediately recognized as two…count ’em, TWO…Silver Stars.
FYI: they don’t give these out to just anybody, let alone TWO!
Never one to be shy, even amongst our seniors, we inquired as to the circumstances of Colonel Boomer’s first Silver Star. His humble response was a simple, “Well, we got into a little trouble one time.”
Hardly one to be easily dissuaded, we followed up with an interrogatory regarding the events surrounding the second. “Well,” was his laconic reply, “we got into a little bit more trouble.”
We didn’t to need to ask about two Bronze Stars, but simply stated, “Let me guess; you got into a little bit more trouble?!?”
You get the point: when it comes to REAL heroes, the story isn’t about them, nor do they feel the need to provide those who haven’t been there the gory details.
Brian Williams is, like Hillary, both a liar and what we term an experience vampire: they burnish their reputations and resumes off the perils experienced by others.
If such a character flaw should prove fatal to an evening news anchor, whose only real exposure to danger is misreading a teleprompter, how much more so to an utterly unaccomplished woman seeking the highest office in the land?
And in the Environmental Moment, here’s a real shocker:
“Are global warming skeptics simply ignorant about climate science? Not so, says a forthcoming paper in the journal Advances in Political Psychologyby Yale Professor Dan Kahan. He finds that skeptics score about the same (in fact slightly better) on climate science questions.
The study asked 2,000 respondents nine questions about where they thought scientists stand on climate science. On average, skeptics got about 4.5 questions correct, whereas manmade warming believers got about 4 questions right. One question, for instance, asked if scientists believe that warming would “increase the risk of skin cancer.” Skeptics were more likely than believers to know that is false…”
Proof yet again Liberals aren’t totally ignorant; they just know so many things that aren’t so.
Since we’re on the subject of the anthropogenic global warming scam, here’s the latest from it’s kissing West Viriginia cousin, the alternative vehicle hoax:
“Elon Musk isn’t known for modesty, and this week the Tesla Motors CEO laid out his ambition to grow 50% a year and deliver a stock valuation in 10 years of $700 billion—the current valuation of Apple, the world’s most valuable company. So why does Tesla, which is already valued at about $27 billion, still need so much taxpayer welfare?…”
Short answer: they don’t. The Journal editorial ends by suggesting, “Turn off the taxpayer tap, Mr. Musk. It would earn you more friends for the long haul.”
We simply wish Musk would put his own money where his mouth is, along with every other green scam artist.
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