It’s Monday, December 29th, 2014…but before we begin, John Berry forwarded this copy of the “Holiday” card he received from the White House:





We’ll be in Hawaii…on your dime!



That’s a list on which we’re just as glad not to be included…though we know Tom Coburn would argue the point!

Now, here’s The Gouge!

Leading off the last Monday edition of 2014, two quotes which indicate critical thinking is almost extinct in America…at every level of education.  First, courtesy of the and WSJ, Professor Jeannie Suk offers the view from the top with her observations on the tenuous mental state of the fragile little legal teacups (aka “educated idiots”) attending Harvard Law:

“Students seem more anxious about classroom discussion, and about approaching the law of sexual violence in particular, than they have ever been in my eight years as a law professor. Student organizations representing women’s interests now routinely advise students that they should not feel pressured to attend or participate in class sessions that focus on the law of sexual violence, and which might therefore be traumatic. These organizations also ask criminal-law teachers to warn their classes that the rape-law unit might “trigger” traumatic memories. Individual students often ask teachers not to include the law of rape on exams for fear that the material would cause them to perform less well. One teacher I know was recently asked by a student not to use the word “violate” in class—as in “Does this conduct violate the law?”—because the word was triggering. Some students have even suggested that rape law should not be taught because of its potential to cause distress.

Second, the view from the bottom, courtesy of an equally ignorant protestor in Berkeley, MO, the site of what is most likely just the latest case of justifiable use of deadly force by a police officer in performance of their duty:  

Orlando Brown, 36, of nearby St. Charles was among the protesters. He said he didn’t have all the details about the shooting but said he wondered if it was a case of police aggression“I understand police officers have a job and have an obligation to go home to their families at the end of the night,” he said. “But do you have to treat every situation with lethal force? … It’s not a racial issue, or black or white. It’s wrong or right.”

Orlando’s actually right; these AREN’T racial issues, rather they ARE cases of wrong or right.  And Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Garner and, pending the results of a formal investigation, Antonio Martin, were all most-decidedly wrong!

But in the eyes of those convinced of a White police conspiracy (despite almost every metropolitan police department being controlled by leftist, liberal Dimocrats!) and blinded to the greatest threat facing Black Americans…


no facts, regardless of their irrefutability, will ever serve to alter their reality.

Which brings us to our next tidbit: 

ACLU Sues Ferguson for School Board Being “Too White”



What the ACLU can do with their lawsuit!

“…The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed a lawsuit last week on behalf of the NAACP against Ferguson School districts for being “too white” and discriminating against African-Americans.

According to the federal complaint filed against the school district, the system used to elect the members of its school board dilutes the “black vote,” causing African-Americans not to be represented properly on the school board. According to the lawsuit, six of the seven board members are white, although seventy percent of the school is African-American…”



Hey, if any candidates were prevented from running based on their skin tone, or if the Black electorate was somehow suppressed, there would be grounds for a lawsuit. But neither of these scenarios are cited in what amounts to yet another frivolous lawsuit from The Left.

Turning from frivolity to fantasy, Speed Mach forwarded the following from, where Stephen Miller details…

The Extraordinary Life of Barack Obama’s Imaginary Son



“…Once again, Barack Obama’s imaginary son has found himself unfairly in trouble with the law. If you recall, his imaginary son was also shot by an imaginary neighborhood watch guard in the same style as Trayvon Martin. But Obama’s imaginary son is plucky and resilient and has lived a hard life in the hood so he keeps bouncing back.

In his life, Obama’s imaginary son has been shot at, concussed out of football, and racially profiled. Yet he keeps picking himself up and carrying on. Obama’s imaginary son should be an example to us all. No matter what kind of imaginary circumstances we find ourselves in, we can continue on with our imaginary lives.

One day this country can hopefully move on from racism experienced by imaginary people — and, let’s face it, the country doesn’t have the best of history of its treatment of imaginary people. We have, however, made progress in the civil rights of imaginary people and for that we, as a country, should be proud. We shouldn’t ignore, however, the real truth that racism toward imaginary sons is still a real problem, as our President constantly reminds us. We can’t be afraid to have the conversation, no matter how painful it might be, about continuing the racial healing of imaginary people…”

Yeah, Senator Tom Coburn, Barry’s a helluva guy…in a lot of ways; ways which evidently only you understand!

Meanwhile, as evidenced by this item from Balls Cotton and IJReview, the most polarizing President in American history isn’t exactly hitting it out of the park with those he most closely controls:

American Soldiers’ Support for President Obama Breaks All-Time Record



It’s no secret that President Obama has been an unpopular commander-in-chief with servicemen and -women for a while. But now, his approval rating among active-duty members of the U.S. military has fallen to an all-time low of just 15 percent, The Military Times reports:

Obama’s popularity — never high to begin with — has crumbled, falling from 35 percent in 2009 to just 15 percent this year, while his disapproval ratings have increased to 55 percent from 40 percent over that time.

In a related item from the politically-correct pages of USA Today:

Military backslides on ethnic diversity



Michelle Howard, soon to be second-in-command of the U.S. Navy, still recalls her days fresh out of the Naval Academy, when she was the only woman and only black in a crowd of officers. “You look around the room, and there’s nobody who looks or sounds like you,” says the vice admiral, who has been approved for a fourth star and promotion to vice chief of naval operations, the Navy’s No. 2-ranking officer. “It can make you take your breath in.”

Boy, does she fit in with the racially-divisive agenda of the present Commander-in-Chief!  Two thoughts occur to us; we were taught the only color which mattered in the U.S. Navy was Blue and Gold…and the only intonation to be heard sounded professionalism.  Seriously, did this chick make flag rank without a working command of English; or is the Navy, in order to make delicate little Black butterflies like Michelle Howard feel comfortable, to make Ebonics its working language?!?

As as our Army-Reserve-Captain-son reminded us, it wasn’t four or five years ago America was informed minorities were bearing a disproportionate share of military duty!  We thinks Ms. Howard either attended a different Naval Academy than we, or is serving a different purpose from that for which we were trained.

Next up, another example of the gift that keeps on giving…provided you’re a blood-thirsty terrorist interested only in taking the lives of uncounted innocents…or a politically-correct politician intent on enabling same:

US offering $5-million reward for terrorist it released from Gitmo



A terrorist formerly held at the prison camp in Guantánamo who was released to Saudi Arabia in 2006 has a bounty of $5 million on his head for taking part in terrorist activities. Ibrahim al-Rubaysh was repatriated back to Saudi Arabia, who enrolled him in their “rehabilitation” program. It apparently didn’t work.

Wow; color us…



Then there’s the latest on the ever-quickening, inexorable meltdown of The Unaffordable Care Act from the pages of the WSJ:

Fannie Med Implodes

An ObamaCare-funded insurer in Iowa is sent to the morgue.



“Liberals claim ObamaCare is “working,” whatever that means, but the reality is that the law is seeding the insurance markets with land mines that will explode over time. The sudden detonation of a taxpayer-backed insurer in Iowa and Nebraska is an early warning.

Last week the Iowa Attorney General and insurance commissioner forced a nonprofit insurance start-up called CoOportunity Health into “rehabilitation,” akin to receivership in bankruptcy. The company received some $146 million in low-interest loans and grants from the Health and Human Services Department, but after fewer than two years in operation it is now in “financially hazardous condition” and pointed inexorably toward insolvency, according to the filing. Call it the Solyndra of ObamaCare…”

Call it whatever you will; it’s still begins with a capital…


…as in incalculable, unaffordable LOSS!!!

Finally, on the Lighter Side…

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