It’s Wednesday, June 18th, 2014…and in an unintentional application of the strategy set forth by his mentor Saul Alinsky in Rules for Radicals, The Obamao’s band of merry Marxists are embroiled in so many scandals they’re overwhelming the system.  One literally finds it difficult to keep track of them all; unless of course one is a member of the MSM, in which case it’s easy!

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Seriously, take a few moments and list the various acts of infamy Team Tick-Tock has perpetrated in the last 6 years; in no particular order, there’s: Benghazi, Fast & Furious, the IRS, Obamacare, the VA, Bergdahl, the AP and James Rosen, illegal immigration, the various GSA scandals, Pigford, Solyndra, the Lisa Jackson EPA emails, just to name a few!

And if the sheer number of the Administration’s misdeeds tests the tracking capabilities of even those who assiduously follow The Dear Misleader’s high crimes and misdemeanors, your average low-information voter has no chance whatsoever of keeping up, assuming they even care in the first place.

Which frankly may have been the plan at the outset.

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, here’s Hope ‘n Change‘s on the Administration’s latest attempt to change the subject:

Benghazi After All These Years


Benghazi After All These Years

By amazing, amazing coincidence, the Obama administration has announced the capture of one of the Benghazi masterminds at exactly the right moment to distract attention from Iraq, the IRS scandal,  our failed borders, a contracting economy, and an overall realization that Captain Barry is deliberately aiming the ship of state at icebergs.

But is Abu Khatallah really a terrorist mastermind? He claimed he wasn’t when he was interviewed outside a hotel, casually sipping a drink, two years ago by Time magazine. Rather, it seems likely that his capture (said to have been effected by placing a frosty Piña Coladaunder a carefully balanced box) is a brazen “Look! A squirrel!” distraction intended to take some heat off the president.

And here’s a suggestion, Mr. Obama – once we’ve determined exactly what Abu Khatallah was doing on that fateful night, why don’t you finally tell the American people what you were doing?

But given the frenetic pace at which the sordid details of their misconduct continue to come out, what else can they do?  Case in point, courtesy of NRO and our middle son Mike:

IRS Has Lost More E-mails . . . 



“It’s not just Lois Lerner’s e-mails. The Internal Revenue Service says it can’t produce e-mails from six more employees involved in the targeting of conservative groups, according to two Republicans investigating the scandal…

Though, as the WSJ reports, here’s the real kicker:

IRS Contempt of Congress

The agency now admits it didn’t fully comply with subpoenas.



They’re only emulating their leader!

“…There’s an equally disturbing IRS confession contained in its Friday letter to Congress. Some history: House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa as early as June 4, 2013 asked the IRS to provide “all documents and communications sent by, received by, or copied to Lois Lerner” between Jan. 1, 2009 and the present.” Note the “all.”

Mr. Issa sent an official subpoena demanding “all” the records in August 2013, and another subpoena reiterating the “all” demand in February 2014. Former Acting IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel in August of 2013 told Congress, under oath, that the IRS was “reviewing every one of Lois Lerner’s emails, and providing the response.” Current IRS Commissioner John Koskinen in February told Congress, under oath, that the IRS was sending all of Ms. Lerner’s emails.

Yet in its letter on Friday the IRS slipped in the following: “In early 2014, Chairmen Camp and Issa reiterated their requests for all of Lois Lerner’s email, regardless of subject matter . . . Fulfilling the request,” said the IRS, meant it had to compile Lerner emails that went beyond the “search terms” it had “originally loaded for review.” By mid-March, the agency admitted, it had produced for Congress only the Lerner emails that it—the IRS—considered “related” to the scandal.

In other words, the IRS has from the start been picking and choosing which of Ms. Lerner’s emails it deigned to show Congress. And it did so despite knowing that Congress wanted everything

Meanwhile, as detailed by The Hill, the Administration continues its increasingly farcical attempts to obfuscate the obvious:

White House: Explanations for lost Lerner emails ‘entirely reasonable’



Explanations provided by the Internal Revenue Service for how it lost two years of former employee Lois Lerner’s emails are “entirely reasonable,” the White House said on Monday. “You’ve never heard of a computer crashing before?” White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters traveling with the president aboard Air Force One.

Sure; but not computers with triple-redundant back-ups.  We’ve also heard of, and over the last five years become intimately familiar with…


…lying, licentious Liberals!

As James Taranto notes in Best of the Web:

In response to yesterday’s column, reader Brad Jensen writes:

Hey, at last I’m an expert on something!

I’ve been writing document management and archiving systems since 1989. My company is Electronic Storage Corp. We also make and sell tape replacement backup systems.

Your correspondents are correct: there should be multiple backups over time of the emails in question. Even if they lost the December 2013 version, they should have November, September, etc, and a year end from the year before.

The emails should also be backed up on the other end. The persons who sent email to Lerner or received emails from her will also be backed up. Basically the court could set up a special master to review thousands of government email accounts collecting emails to and from Lois Lerner. The apparent attempt by the government to hide these emails from Congress and possibly the courts justifies this.

Chances are very good that the government emails are on Exchange server, a Microsoft product that works with Outlook, so the email copies are on a relatively limited number of servers and they won’t have to search individual desktops. The other thing this would imply, is that if they lost Lerner’s emails, they must have lost dozens to thousands of other people’s email too.

And in any case, there are still many, many monthly copies of these emails still out there.

This is not a lot of work.

Even if Lerner’s copies of the emails are only on Lerner’s desktop computer, a crashed drive can be recovered by dozens of different specialists around the country. I’ve had it done a couple of times myself.

The excuse that “the email backup is gone” is the kind of story made up by someone who doesn’t understand anything about computers and backup. No one in the industry would make this idiotic claim.

Either they have the emails and they are stonewalling, or they erased her desktop and think they are in the clear. In either case, something needs to be done about it now.

Tom Turchioe agrees:

I’m chief technology officer for a tech company in Colorado (I don’t speak for my employer but they are likely to agree if I bothered to ask). Any enterprise over 10 people, hell, make that any enterprise that uses, Gmail or Yahoo, stores their emails on servers–either in a data center or in the cloud.

Any larger enterprise, say over 50 people, likely installs a fat client on each laptop or desktop–like Outlook in MS Office. That email program is setup to download email from the email server or servers. Typically, when you delete an email from Outlook, it is deleted on the server except that most enterprises keep a backup of the mail store (the server copy) for some period of time.

Almost any company also backs up its employees’ machines every night. Whether it’s a full backup or an incremental backup, a copy of the local email store (*.ost for MS Outlook or *.pst if the user has created an Outlook Data File to archive old emails) will be backed up.

So, to recap:

1.Emails are stored on a server or servers.

2.Those servers are backed up and usually are part of a fault-tolerant cluster so if one machine dies, the others have a copy.

3.The user downloads emails (automatically usually).

4.The user’s machine is backed up.

5.The user may archive the email in a *.pst file manually (this is for MS Outlook email client).

6.Any disaster recovery and backup strategy worth its salt will have online backups, nearline backups and offsite backups.

For Lois Lerner’s emails to be lost–and I might add only those that “left the building” (where is Elvis when you need him?)–would require all six of the above to have failed. And I’ve never heard of separate backup strategies for emails with people outside the company vs. inside. And even if there was, the external emails would be subject to even more rigorous backup strategies.

This excuse exceeds the “dog ate my homework” in its lameness.


In a related item, courtesy of the WSJ, Dick and Liz Cheney summarize…

The Collapsing Obama Doctrine

Rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many.



“As the terrorists of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) threaten Baghdad, thousands of slaughtered Iraqis in their wake, it is worth recalling a few of President Obama’s past statements about ISIS and al Qaeda. “If a J.V. team puts on Lakers’ uniforms that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant” (January 2014). “[C]ore al Qaeda is on its heels, has been decimated” (August 2013). “So, let there be no doubt: The tide of war is receding” (September 2011).

Rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many. Too many times to count, Mr. Obama has told us he is “ending” the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan—as though wishing made it so. His rhetoric has now come crashing into reality. Watching the black-clad ISIS jihadists take territory once secured by American blood is final proof, if any were needed, that America’s enemies are not “decimated.” They are emboldened and on the march…”

Unfortunately, other than his immediate reaction to 9/11 and initial handling of the War on Terror, George W. Bush was wrong almost as often as The Great Prevaricator; No Child Left Behind, Medicare Part D, acquiescing to the uncontrolled pork-barrell spending of Denny Hastert and Tom Delay…need we go on?  And just as his father’s backtrack on “Read my lips!” gave us 8 years of Bill Clinton, so did Dubya’s miscues usher in two terms under The Obamao.

Meanwhile, in a display of tone-deafness startling even for this bunch…

White House criticized for hosting young illegal immigrants amid ‘crisis’ over surge



The Obama administration is under fire for honoring a group of young adults who entered the U.S. illegally as “role models” in a Tuesday ceremony, amid a recent surge of children crossing the border that lawmakers say is becoming a “humanitarian crisis”…

One would think with those ears…


…even a dick head could hear better.

Next up, from the pages of the WSJ, Victoria Toensing, chief counsel for the Senate Intelligence Committee and deputy assistant attorney general in the Reagan administration, asks…

Doesn’t Hillary Clinton Know the Law?

She says she didn’t make security decisions on Benghazi. But that’s the secretary of state’s job.



“In her interview with ABC’s Diane Sawyer last week, Hillary Clinton said “I was not making security decisions” about Benghazi, claiming “it would be a mistake” for “a secretary of state” to “go through all 270 posts” and “decide what should be done.” And at a January 2013 Senate hearing, Mrs. Clinton said that security requests “did not come to me. I did not approve them. I did not deny them.”

Does the former secretary of state not know the law? By statute, she was required to make specific security decisions for defenseless consulates like Benghazi, and was not permitted to delegate them to anyone else.


The Secure Embassy Construction and Counterterrorism Act of 1999, or Secca, was passed in response to the near-simultaneous bombings of U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, on Aug. 7, 1998. Over 220 people were killed, including 12 Americans. Thousands were injured.

…To ensure accountability in the future, the review boards recommended “[f]irst and foremost, the Secretary . . . should take a personal and active role in carrying out the responsibility of ensuring the security of U.S. diplomatic personnel abroad” and “should personally review the security situation of embassy chanceries and other official premises.” And for new embassy buildings abroad, “all U.S. government agencies, with rare exceptions, should be located in the same compound.”…”

Talk about a ready-made attack ad for the GOP.

Turning now to the Sports Section, here’s a bit of news which must have Dan Snyder quaking in his Gucci loafers:

Harry Reid says he won’t attend Redskins game until team changes name



Reports every other professional sports team in the country is now trying to change their name to some variant of “Redskins” remain unconfirmed.

And finally, on the Lighter Side…

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