It’s Sunday, June 15th, 2014…and a very Happy Father’s Day to all of you. As for our own dear old Dad, Bear…
…we miss you!
Now, here’s The Gouge!
First up, courtesy of NRO, Victor Davis Hanson explains the reality of…
“…Cantor, fairly or not, was emblematic of the abject amorality of illegal immigration.
…As for new legal immigration reform, was it really going to be largely ethnically blind and based on meritocratic criteria, in which, say, a Nigerian with an electrical-engineering degree who has been waiting five years to enter the U.S. legally would be given preference over someone from Latin America without a high-school diploma but with a long history of crossing the border illegally? Voters doubt that.
Cantor and others have never answered candidly any of these questions, instead falling into the cheap rhetoric of demonizing those with legitimate inquiries. That he would trust Barack Obama to enforce any of the elements of comprehensive immigration reform that did not enhance Obama’s visions of increasing the number of liberal constituents who would vote for big-government programs is incomprehensible — after what we have seen with the present administration’s sabotage of immigration law and the pick-and-choose enforcement of Obamacare.
Voters in Virginia finally had enough with the big lie of illegal immigration…“
And it’s clear, at least based on his latest comments, like the rest of the GOP leadership, Cantor still doesn’t get it:
Yeah, not doubt. But…uh,…Eric, you were running as a Republican!
Since we’re on the subject of guys who are just beginning to learn the perils of straddling the fence, in this article from, Jonah Goldberg details how…
“…If you give the American people a choice between, on the one hand, doing nothing beyond tweeting slogans and lecturing the “international community” and, on the other, sending American troops into harm’s way in the Middle East (or Ukraine or the South China Sea), Americans are going to choose option A, and understandably so.
A better option would be a time machine. That way today’s President Obama could go back and give first-term Obama the benefit of his experience. He could tell him that foreign policy should define his talking points, not the other way around. With that foresight, maybe he would have done more to help democracy in Iran when the streets were full of protestors. Perhaps he wouldn’t have wasted so much time harassing Israel as if it were the cause of a centuries-old Sunni-Shia civil war. Or maybe he would have kept U.S. troops in Iraq to deter the rise of ISIS. Or maybe he would have followed through on his “red line” threats to Syria. Today’s Obama could tell first-term Obama that Mitt Romney was right about Russia, and that “Bin Laden is dead” isn’t a foreign policy, it’s a bumper sticker.
Defenders of the president often ask critics, “Well, what do you want to do?” I’ll be honest. I don’t know. We have no good options left. I certainly think we should provide assistance to the (corrupt and pathetic) Iraqi government to repel ISIS. (Obama turned down their requests for air support last month.) But I certainly don’t want boots on the ground.
What I want is that time machine.“
Forget the time machine; what we want, and what America truly needs, is a revote!
Meanwhile, BizPac Review‘s Tom Tillison reports on how the author of an unbroken string of policy failures, both foreign and domestic, is focused on rewriting his egregious errors:
As one wag tweeted:
.@markknoller He deserves a long weekend I’m sure ignoring what’s happening in Iraq is exhausting.
We’re tempted to say America would be so much better off if this fool would take a permanent vacation, but then…
…what would be the difference?!?
Moving on to another scandal of The Obamao’s making, here’s the WSJ‘s take on The Great Prevaricator’s version of Nixon’s mixing 16 minutes:
Lois “Rosemary” Lerner
The IRS—remember those jaunty folks?—announced Friday that it can’t find two years of emails from Lois Lerner to the Departments of Justice or Treasury. And none to the White House or Democrats on Capitol Hill. An agency spokesman blames a computer crash.
Never underestimate government incompetence, but how convenient. The former IRS Director of Exempt Organizations was at the center of the IRS targeting of conservative groups and still won’t testify before Congress. Now we’ll never know whose orders she was following, or what directions she was giving. If the Reagan White House had ever offered up this excuse, John Dingell would have held the entire government in contempt.
First, as our middle son Michael observed, particularly in view of all the various back-up systems the government uses, this is The Obamao’s version of “the dog ate my homework”. Or, put another way, yeah…
Second, the Journal needs to call this Administration what it is: an on-going criminal enterprise. They are way beyond the point of deserving the benefit of any doubt whatsoever as to their conduct and character.
Speaking of on-going criminal enterprises, courtesy of, here’s another one right out of Saul Alinsky’s playbook:
“…Not since the radio broadcasts that triggered Rwanda’s Tutsi massacres in 1994 has such false information been spread unchecked by authorities who might be able with just their words to make a difference. U.S. embassy websites still have no warnings to Central Americans about not sending children north, and until recently the U.S. embassy in Guatemala’s website prominently featured links to President Obama’s campaign website with his speech declaring to Guatemalans that “our immigration system is broken.”
So no wonder the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers, after 50,000 apprehensions of border crossers in south Texas, declared this week that “certainly we are not gullible enough to believe that thousands of unaccompanied minor Central American children came to America without the encouragement, aid and assistance of the United States government.”
Besides the valuable observations of veteran lawmen who know the patterns of the border and can spot anomalies, the evidence that the flood of illegals is an orchestrated event, and not spontaneous, is piling up…“
Overwhelm the system: right out of Rules for Radicals direct to The Dear Misleader’s brain.
And in the Environmental Moment, more evidence Progressivism is as much about tolerance as Islam is about peace:
“…Rossiter, a former Democratic congressional candidate, has impeccably liberal credentials. As the founder of Demilitarization for Democracy he has campaigned against US backed wars in Central America and Southern Africa, against US military support for dictators and against anti-personnel landmines. But none of this was enough to spare him the wrath of the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) when he wrote an OpEd in the Wall Street Journal describing man-made global warming as an “unproved science.”
Two days later, he was sacked by email. The IPS said: “We would like to inform you that we are terminating your position as an Associate Fellow of the Institute for Policy Studies…Unfortunately, we now feel that your views on key issues, including climate science, climate justice, and many aspects of US policy to Africa, diverge so significantly from ours.”
In the WSJ OpEd entitled Sacrificing Africa for Climate Change, Rossiter argued that Africans should benefit from the same mixed energy policy as Americans rather than being denied access to fossil fuels on spurious environmental grounds by green activists. He wrote: “The left wants to stop industrialization – even if the hypothesis of catastrophic, man-made global warming is false…“
Hells bells, if this guy doesn’t fit the definition of a dyed-in-the-wool Liberal…
…who does?!?
On the Lighter Side…
Finally, in the Sports Section…
“…Conference minister Rev. John Deckenback said changing the name won’t solve the problems of Native Americans, but it ”can send a strong message…”
Really? No, REALLY?!? What message does it send, John?!? NO FRIGGIN’ MESSAGE WHATSOEVER!!! All it does is allow you and those like you to feel good for having “done something”. Here’s the juice: changing the name of the Redskins will have zero impact on the plight of certain American Indians, will send no message whatsoever worth hearing…and you’re about as useful as tits on a boar.
But as with so much of modern Liberalism, Deckenback’s just another example of life imitating art:
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