It’s Monday, November 18th, 2013…but before we begin, submitted for your perusal, two cartoons which highlight the hypocrisy of The Obamao’s latest skirting of the truth:
Now, here’s The Gouge!
Leading off the Tuesday edition, it’s the “Free Speech for ME, Not for THEE!” segment, and a tale of two standards, courtesy of the ubiquitous hypocrisy of politically-correct Progressives. First up, Patriot Update‘s David Goetsch opines on FOX Sports‘ recent firing of former NFL player/ESPN announcer Craig James for comments made while campaigning for the U.S. Senate prior to even being hired:
“…A gay activist in an email told me, “It’s dead wrong what happened to you.” He said, “The gay community has got to stop bullying people who have a different opinion. We’ve got to respect their ability to hold what’s dear to their hearts. We want that same tolerance coming our way.”
Next, the WSJ‘s Jason Riley offers the other side of the coin, courtesy of a Progressive propaganda portal which, were it not for double-standards, wouldn’t have any:
MSNBC’s Double-Standards
MSNBC suspended Alec Baldwin and his talk show Friday after the actor uttered a gay slur during a confrontation with reporters. Mr. Baldwin later apologized, but by the network’s own standards maybe he deserves a promotion. Another MSNBC host, Al Sharpton, has also mad racist and homophobic remarks throughout his career. On the old Morton Downey Jr. talk show, Mr. Sharpton referred to an audience member as “a punk faggot” and then challenged him to a fight.
Mr. Sharpton is also fond of the N-word, it turns out. In his book “The Power of the Mayor: David Dinkins: 1990-1993,” author Chris McNickle writes that “Over the years, Reverend Al Sharpton had called [New York Mayor David Dinkins] an Uncle Tom and once referred to him as ‘that nigger whore turning tricks in City Hall.'”
None of this seems to have gotten in the way of MSNBC hiring Mr. Sharption or giving him his own television show. There he was Monday morning on MSNBC lecturing professional athletes on their choice of locker room insults. He equated using the N-word to using sexist or homophobic terms and said that people who use such language “should be fired.”
Yes, he really said that.
Speaking of lying, hypocritical Liberals whose only standards are double, courtesy of NRO, Jonah Goldberg details…
Obama in the dark
Dems have only themselves to blame for Obamacare quagmire.
Watching President Obama’s press conference Thursday, I almost started humming the old ditty “The Farmer in the Dell” because all I could think was: “The cheese stands alone.”
The president did his level best to explain that he was as in the dark as anybody about the problems with his signature legislation. He explained that he was not “informed directly” that the website was about as ready to run as a three-legged horse at the Preakness Stakes. Apparently, the old saw that the “buck stops” with the president never took into account the possibility that the buck could get lost in interoffice mail.
While all of the attention has been focused on the executive branch’s spectacular failure, it’s worth taking a moment to note that Obama was not the sole author of this disaster.
You can absolve Congress — Democrats and Republicans alike — of blame for the website’s dysfunction. The record is pretty clear that the White House froze them out of that process. That was why Democratic Sen. Max Baucus, an architect of the law, finally went public with his prediction of a “train wreck” — because he was sick of being kept out of the loop on the site’s progress.
In our system, Congress allocates money for stuff it wants and then lets the executive branch implement the law. If the president messes up, Congress gets to come in afterward to criticize and offer ways to clean up the mess.
But you can’t let Congress off the hook (let alone Baucus!) for the underlying driver of this calamity: the lie that “if you like your health plan, you can keep it. Period.” This is now beyond dispute, though there’s still some squabbling about the “L” word itself. It wasn’t a lie, Obama and his defenders insist, it was simply an “incorrect promise,” in the words of the New York Times. I somehow doubt that locution would provide much cover for an adulterer who tells his wife, “Honey, I didn’t break my wedding vows. That was just an incorrect promise.”
But whatever label you want to put on that untruth, Obama wasn’t alone in offering it. Moreover, even though the legislation may go by the moniker “Obamacare,” the fact is the president didn’t write the law. Congress did, specifically congressional Democrats, with virtually no Republican input.
Senate majority leader Harry Reid insisted that the Affordable Care Act “means making sure you can keep your family’s doctor or keep your health care plan, if you like it.” His number two, Senate majority whip Dick Durbin, said, “We are going to put in any legislation considered by the House and Senate the protection that you, as an individual, keep the health insurance you have, if that is what you want.” Senator Patty Murray, the chair of the Senate Budget Committee, said it too: “If you like what you have today, that will be what you have when this legislation is passed.” Democratic senators Chuck Schumer, Max Baucus, Jeanne Shaheen, Jay Rockefeller, Bob Casey, and many, many other Democrats spouted the same talking points.
Heck, Nancy Pelosi’s website still says that under Obamacare you can “Keep your doctor, and your current plan, if you like them.”
There’s a lot of chatter in Washington that Democrats on the Hill feel like they were lied to or misled by the White House. But if you understand how our Constitution works — and they should, given that they only took an oath to defend it — it’s Obama who should feel lied to. The law is really quite clear. It was so clear that the Congressional Budget Office — their own in-house think tank — said that millions would lose their health-care plans. Obama even said so with the Democratic leadership in the room.
More to the point, the law was intended to cause millions of people to lose their existing plans so they would enter the exchanges. Now the same people who literally wrote the law feel betrayed when the law does exactly what they intended. That’s like getting mad at a remote-control car when you crash it. Yes, the website’s failures make the panic more acute, but the fact remains that the Affordable Care Act is doing precisely what it’s supposed to do.
A great many Democrats voted for the Iraq war and then, when the war became unpopular, claimed they’d been lied to by President Bush. That was dishonorable enough. But at least the Democrats could claim they didn’t have all of the information. When it comes to the quagmire of Obamacare, the only liars they should be mad at are Democrats.
Then again, The Dear Misleader’s kind are accustomed to operating without the benefit of light; as Christ said in Luke 22:53, “When I was with you day after day in the temple, you did not lay hands on me. But this is your hour, and the power of darkness.”
In a related item, writing at The Washington Times, Joe Curl sees recent events as…
The beginning of the end for Barack Obama
Second-term presidents in the past 30 years have had some pretty embarrassing news conferences, full of frank admissions of failure, submissive spasms of shame and groveling, grieving apologies. Bill Clinton had to admit that he actually did have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky; George W. Bush finally thought of something he might have done wrong; his dad had to explain all those new taxes after his unequivocal pledge; and even Ronald Reagan ate crow over the Iran-Contra affair.
But there has never, ever, been a more pitiful presser than the one conducted last week by President Obama. In a nutshell, he said sure, everything’s a mess, but he just didn’t know. Introspective for the first time, he acknowledged he “fumbled the rollout” of Obamacare, said his “you can keep it” pledge “ended up not being accurate” and admitted that his “credibility” is in the dumper. And he tossed out this gem: “What we’re also discovering is that insurance is complicated to buy.” Ya think? (Spoken like a man who’s never had to do it, nor knows anything about it!)
This second-term unraveling has beset nearly all modern presidents. Like Mr. Clinton before him (whose second-term agenda was derailed by a stained little blue dress), George W. Bush’s ambitious plans, including an overhaul of entitlement programs, died suddenly after the Hurricane Katrina debacle. His own party abandoned him on immigration reform, and he was left counting the days until he could go home to his Texas ranch. Even the Republican nominee for president didn’t want him around.
Almost the exact scenario has played out with Mr. Obama — the president’s credibility is shot, gone. (But unlike Bush, this disaster is of Obama’s own making…and despite the MSM continuing to cheerlead, rather than condemn.) His plan to revamp immigration? Dead. As is the rest of his legislative wish list. And we’ll have to see whether Hillary Rodham Clinton wants him anywhere near the campaign trail in 2016.
Funny, it was Mrs. Clinton’s husband who played a big role in the meltdown. Slick Willie, with an eye on his wife’s coming run, tossed out the idea that the president should — shocker — honor his commitment that “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it.” That gave fellow Democrats the cover to bail on the embattled president — and they did, in droves.
Twenty hours after Mr. Obama’s depressing presser, 39 Democrats joined Republicans to support the “Keep Your Health Plan Act of 2013.” And just like that, No. 44 became a lame duck, eviscerated and emasculated. The shutdown? Ancient history. The fractured Republican Party? Gone with the wind.
Instead, the headlines are suddenly focused on dissension in the Democratic Party, in Mr. Obama’s Cabinet, and in Congress, where lawmakers are running for cover over Obamacare, abandoning the party’s standard-bearer to save their own political skins. In the blink of an eye, Mr. Obama’s approval rating plunged to 39 percent — exactly where George W. Bush found himself after weeks of dire Katrina coverage.
“When you take a look at history, when presidents in their second terms drop on credibility, trust and approval, they never come back from that,” former Bush campaign strategist Matthew Dowd said last week. “When we look back three years from now at the end of his presidency, we’re going to all say this was the tipping point of his relevancy.”
And the president knows it. In his funereal news conference, he sought to once again sow division and dissension — his go-to M.O. In a desperate gambit, he suggested that insurers re-offer the plans they have been canceling because of Obamacare. The intent: If Americans pay more for health care under his program now, it’s not his fault — it’s those heartless insurance companies! He hopes the discord will help in 2014.
But deep down, he knows it won’t. And by Sunday, the president was back on the golf course, in a thick fog, on a cold and drizzly day. This time, though, the outing didn’t have the aura of a powerful man taking a break from his powerful post. Instead, it felt more like a newly retired guy just looking to get out of the house for a bit.
Were this anyone other than The Obamao, we’d join Curl in writing his political obituary; but it’s not…
…so we won’t. We will, however, continue to hope…and pray…his forecast is dead-on balls accurate!
Meanwhile, in their increasingly frenzied defense of the indefensible, the Dims continue to double-down on dumb:
Democrat Rep: Insurance Cancellation Letters Should Have Just Said Things Are Getting Better
Representative Sheila Jackson Lee, a Texas Democrat, told National Review Online today that instead of sending out cancellation letters, insurance companies should have told their customers that their coverage was about to get better.
She said she wrote an amendment before the president’s announcement that would require insurance companies to “tell the truth.” “The cancellation notice was not the truth,” she says. “It should have been: ’We intend to or expect to modify your insurance.’”
She adds that cancellation is what happens “when you don’t pay your premium, or something has happened in the bad old days,” but that’s not what’s happening here. “A cancellation notice was the inappropriate document to send without notice,” she continues. “All they had to do is that, ‘This is a notice to say that we’re going to improve your insurance, not, in essence, eliminate your insurance.’”
Except that’s not the way the very legislation this dimmest of bulbs voted into law works! But rather than quibble over meaningless issues like truth and deliberate falsehood, we’ll save everyone a lot of time and angst and just declare ourselves…
…a racist!
Since we’re on the subject of the dullest pencils in the box, The Washington Times presents yet another reason Dimocrats deserve their sobriquet:
Legalizing illegal immigrants is the solution to Obamacare: Democrat
Rep. Jared Polis said Friday the key problem with health care right now is that illegal immigrants aren’t included in Obamacare, and said part of the solution is to pass a bill granting them citizenship rights.
The House is debating a GOP-written bill that would allow Americans to keep their health plans that have been canceled under Obamacare, but Mr. Polis, a Colorado Democrat, said the chamber should instead be looking at ways to make sure everyone in the country is covered by the Affordable Care Act — including illegal immigrants.
“American citizens are essentially being forced to pay for the health care costs of people who are here illegally every day, until we pass comprehensive immigration reform,” he said. “We’re wondering why rates are going up. … It’s no surprise. When somebody doesn’t have insurance, their costs are shifted onto other people that do.”
Yeah…tens of millions of illegals earning less than minimum wage, all instantly eligible for the Unaffordable Care Act’s low-income subsidies, should be instantaneously granted health insurance…
Yeah…that oughta do it!
And in International News of Note, courtesy again of NRO, Mark Steyn details anti-Semitism at its finest:
Now It All Makes Sense
As an addendum to my weekend column, Morsi’s guys finally figure out what happened:
Muslim Brotherhood Claims Interim Egyptian President Is Jewish
UPDATE: On the other hand, Egypt’s “liberal” papers have the real scoop: Morsi was a Zionist stooge.
In a fractious, bitterly divided land, it’s good to know that all people, Muslim Brothers and secular liberals alike, can come together and agree that those Jews are the real problem.
Liberals: the same the world over. But hey, there’s something to be said for consistency!
Next up, further proof increased funding doesn’t translate into superior performance:
LAX security officer bled for 33 minutes as help stood by, report says
An airport security officer lay helplessly bleeding after a gunman opened fire at Los Angeles International Airport as paramedics waited 150 yards away because police had not declared the terminal safe to enter, according to two law enforcement officials. It would be 33 minutes before Transportation Security Administration Officer Gerardo Hernandez, who was about 20 feet from an exit, would be wheeled out by police to an ambulance, said the officials, who were briefed on the investigation and spoke on condition of anonymity because the probe was still ongoing into the Nov. 1 shooting. (What…are the LA cops taking their cues from Team Tick-Tock?!?)
For all but five of those minutes, there was no threat from the suspected gunman — he had been shot and was in custody, they said.
While it’s not known when Hernandez died or if immediate medical attention could have saved his life, officials are examining what conversations took place between police and fire commanders to determine when it was safe enough to enter and whether paramedics could have gone into the terminal earlier, one of the officials said.
Formal conclusions may take months to reach, but what’s known raises the possibility that a lack of coordination between police and fire officials prevented speedy treatment for Hernandez and other victims.
Which will of course be attributed to budget cuts for First Responders initiated under Bush II!
On the Lighter Side…
Finally, we’ll call it a day with yet another sordid story ripped from the pages of the Crime Blotter, and one more reason, as if it were needed, for anyone, White, Brown, Red, Yellow or Black, to cross the street or at least be on high alert when encountering young Homies or Homettes:
Potentially Fatal ‘Knockout’ Game Targeting Strangers May Be Spreading
A terrifying new ‘game’ that’s already caused deaths in Syracuse, St. Louis and New Jersey is sweeping the nation, and it preys upon unsuspecting people walking the streets, anywhere. A recent report from New York-based CBS 2 shed light on the growing trend, displaying unsettling footage of teens participating in this game – which goes by the name ‘Knockout’ – and involves randomly targeting passersby, with the ultimate goal being to knock them out with one punch as they walk by.
One victim shown in the footage was 46-year-old Ralph Santiago of Hoboken, N.J., who was found dead with his neck broken and head lodged between iron fence posts, according to Video surveillance shows Santiago walking in an alleyway in broad daylight, and just as he’s about to pass a pack of teenagers, one launches the fatal, knockout blow.
And what’s the point? “For the fun of it,” one teen said in the video. “They just want to see if you got enough strength to knock somebody out,” said another.
Sooo…Homey jus’ be bored! Now where have we heard that before?!?
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