It’s Friday, November 8th, 2007…and here’s The Gouge!
First up on the last edition of the week, a quick assessment of the veracity of The Dear Misleader’s monotonously mendacious…”mispronouncements”:
As the great Stilton Jarlsberg notes in the latest installment of Hope n’ Change:
And if he repeatedly lied…and continues to lie…about this, how many other skeletons of palterings-past may reside in his closet?
Likely thousands of times more than these elderly opponents of the Unaffordable Care Act can count…
…at least while they’re otherwise engaged in thanking Der Obafuhrer for ruining what’s left of their lives. Hat tip to Sandy Martindale for the dissatisfied O-Bomb-a-care customers.
In a related item, Commentary Magazine‘s Peter Wehner, though still exhibiting the same inexplicable inability of many otherwise-intelligent Conservatives to call this President a liar, is beginning…just beginning, mind you…to bring himself to admit what the rest of us have known since 2006:
Barack Obama’s Multiplying Deceptions
It was, I think, the most brazenly mendacious claim an American president has told since Bill Clinton’s finger-wagging insistence that “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.”
I have in mind Barack Obama’s statement, made earlier this week, in which he said this: “Now, if you have or had one of these plans before the Affordable Care Act came into law and you really liked that plan, what we said was you can keep it if it hasn’t changed since the law passed.” (Emphasis added.)
That is not, in fact, what the president said. Not by a country mile.
What Mr. Obama actually said, dozens of times, is a variation of what he said during a speech to the American Medical Association on June 15, 2009: “That means that no matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health-care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health-care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.”
But Mr. Obama is not your ordinary, run-of-the-mill fabulist. It appears as if he’s in the process of becoming an inveterate one. He was, after all, building one untruth upon another. I say that because by now it’s obvious to nearly everyone, including liberals, that the president and his aides knew that when he made his initial claim that under the Affordable Care Act you will be able to keep your health-care plan “no matter what”–that you would keep it “period”–he knew the assertion was false. Yet he repeated it over and over again. (I’d urge you to watch this short video produced by New York magazine, which is a montage of Obama quotes claiming “you can keep your plan no matter what.”)
The last six weeks have been brutal ones for the Obama presidency. And I’m guessing that the damage that’s been inflicted will not be transitory. All the failures surrounding the Affordable Care Act–from the disastrous rollout of the federal health-care exchanges, to sticker shock surrounding premiums and deductibles, to the jolting realization that millions of people are now being forced out of health-care plans they like (with millions more to follow)–has likely left an indelible mark of incompetence on Mr. Obama. He looks like nothing so much as a community organizer who is totally overmatched by events. (“Looks” like?!?)
That would be injurious enough. But now you can add to the mix the shattering of Mr. Obama’s credibility; the belief among a growing number of his fellow citizens that he cannot be trusted, that he will corrupt words in order to advance his ways. Those character defects would be troubling enough in, say, a state senator. They are much more problematic to find in an American president. It’s all very discouraging.
Mary McCarthy once said of the playwright Lillian Hellman, “[E]very word she writes is a lie, including `and’ and `the.’” Mr. Obama isn’t at that point yet. But he’s closer than he thinks. And unless he puts an end to his multiplying deceptions, Barack Obama’s presidency will not only lie in ruins; his reputation will as well.
No Pete, he’s closer than you think. In fact, he’s there; and from what we can tell, has been there the better part of his life.
For more on The Obamao’s almost limitless capacity for dissimulation, we turn to this video montage forwarded by Bill Meisen:
Meanwhile, unless someone gets hit by a bus, deliberate dissimulation will headline the Dimocratic ticket in 2016:
Speaking of countries once-awash in wealth bankrupting themselves in the course of “spreading the wealth” (excepting of course that possessed by the political and cultural elites!), this just in from South of the Border:
…The country’s 1999 constitution guarantees free universal health care to Venezuelans, who sit on the world’s largest proven oil reserves. President Nicolas Maduro’s government insists it’s complying. Yet of the country’s 100 fully functioning public hospitals, nine in 10 have just 7 percent of the supplies they need, Natera said.
The other nearly 200 public hospitals that existed when Chavez took office were largely replaced by a system of walk-in clinics run by Cuban doctors that have won praise for delivering preventative care to the neediest but do not treat serious illnesses.
Coming soon to a country near you!
On the Lighter Side…
And as Carl Polizzi notes…
Finally, we’ll call it a week with yet two more signs The Apocalypse is Upon Us; first, courtesy of the always-pandering Progressive Party…
Senate OKs gay rights bill banning discrimination, measure heads to House
Six douches and a dyke!
The Senate approved a bill Thursday outlawing workplace discrimination against gay, bisexual and transgender Americans. The bill, which passed by a vote of 64-32, will now go to the Republican-controlled House where it faces an uphill battle and may not even come up for a vote. House Speaker John Boehner has said he opposes the legislation..
“It is time for Congress to pass a federal law that ensures all our citizens – regardless of where they live – can go to work unafraid to be who they are,” said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., who urged Boehner, R-Ohio, to reconsider his opposition.
The enthusiasm of the bill’s supporters was tempered by the reality that the Republican-led House, where conservatives have a firm grip on the agenda, is unlikely to even vote on the legislation. Boehner has maintained his longstanding opposition to the measure, arguing that it is unnecessary and certain to create costly, frivolous lawsuits for businesses.
And here we thought the Constitution already afforded every American such protection; that’s what we get for thinking…again!
Second, this week’s finalist for the title of Idiot on Parade:
ESPN Analyst: ‘Star Spangled Banner’ a ‘War Anthem,’ Shouldn’t Be Played Before Games
We vehemently disagree with what he said, but would defend to the death his right to say it. Okay, we’re well past that point; to be honest, we’d shoot him, along with the rest of his fellow travelers, on our way to the front!
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