It’s Wednesday, February 22nd, 2023…but before we begin, in response to our Friday opening in which we suggested there hasn’t been a lynching in the U.S. since the murder of Michael Donald in 1981, The Daily Gouge‘s lynching expert, Rob Guy McKee, PhD, informed us Donald’s death was the last lynching of a Black man by Whites.  Contrary to our assertion, Dr. McKee pointed out there have been any number of domestic lynchings in the ensuing decades, including but not limited to Austin, TX in 2007, Philadelphia, PA in 2019 and Magna, UT in 2021.

But as contemporary Progressivism promotes the myth “people of color” cannot be racist, mob murders committed by Blacks and Hispanics cannot be termed lynchings, even when the victims are likewise Black or Hispanic. 

We stand corrected.

To learn more about modern-day lynchings, we highly recommend McKee’s book on the subject…

…accessible here.

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, since we’re on the subject, the great Victor Davis Hanson details…

The Toxic Racialist Obsessions of Joe Biden


Joe Biden ran on “unity,” which is critical in a multiracial America. He vowed to heal the divisions supposedly sown by Donald Trump. Instead, he is proving to be the most polarizing president in modern memory. Often his racialist rhetoric and condescension have proven demeaning to both blacks and whites. In a volatile multiracial democracy that demands tolerance and restraint, a highly unpopular Biden, for cheap political advantage, continually proves incendiary and reckless.

Last week Joe Biden snarked after watching a White House screening of Till:

Lynched for simply being black, nothing more. With white crowds, white families gathered to celebrate the spectacle, taking pictures of the bodies and mailing them as postcards. Hard to believe, but that’s what was done. And some people still want to do that. 

Exactly who are these “some people”? Who fits Biden’s innuendos of contemporary “some people” who, he alleges in 2023, still wish, as “white crowds, white families” of the past, to mail celebratory postcards after they lynch black people? The Ultra-MAGA villains of his recent Phantom of the Opera speech? Have his current targets ever echoed anything like Biden’s own racist past warning that busing would force people to “grow up in a racial jungle”?

What current data might support Biden’s absurd charges? Is Biden referring to federal interracial crime and hate crime statistics charting violent white propensities against blacks? None exist. In fact, they continually reveal that so-called whites are underrepresented as perpetrators in both categories, while overrepresented as victims in interracial crimes—dramatically so in the case of black-on-white violent crime.

In our sensationalist YouTube world, are we suffering an epidemic of Internet-fed, white-on-black incendiary crimes that might have prompted the president’s demagogic accusations? Not at all. Most of the most recent publicized interracial violence—a woman in a gym fighting off a would-be rapist, a bicyclist doctor stabbed to death in an intersection as his attacker spewed racial hatred, a 26-year-old mother lethally shot in the back in front of her children in a parking lot over a minor argument, a young boy violently choked on a bus, a small girl on a bus beaten repeatedly by two teenage boys—have involved black perpetrators and apparent white victims. So, what contemporary evidence or widely publicized anecdotes prompt Biden’s recent charges of “white rage”-fueled violence?

Yet simultaneously with his blanket and unsupported charges of racism, no president since Woodrow Wilson has offloaded more racialist verbiage than Joe Biden himself. In an eerie example of psychological projection, never has a president accused others of racism more, while freely revealing himself either to be a racist or non compos mentis, or both.

Stranger still, Biden’s latest accusation comes from a president who once eulogized the former racist, Exalted Cyclops, and segregationist Senator. Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.) as “one of my mentors” and lamented that “the Senate is a lesser place for his going.” That was no isolated fluke.

Somehow Biden has transferred his own checkered history of racial disparagement onto the white working class. Fact checkers assure us that when Joe Biden libeled Trump supporters as “chumps” and “dregs” he really meant the Ku Klux Klan or white nationalists who gravitate to Trump. But most took his blanket smears as they were intended. And they fit the larger patterns of his more recent “semi-fascism” smears, and indeed, the genre of tired leftwing demagoguery that earlier gave us Obama’s “clingers,” Hillary Clinton’s “deplorables” and “irredeemables,” or the smelly who stink up Walmart in the Peter Strzok-Lisa Page joint text trove: “Just went to a Southern Virginia Walmart. I could SMELL the Trump support.”

In occasional opportunistic moments, Biden transforms into “ol’ Joe Biden from Scranton” to accentuate his middle-class roots. But he has a repugnant propensity for using racial terms of condescension and disparagement and for projecting his own unease onto a supposedly racist white middle class and poor even as he seeks to win support from the very minority communities he has so often crudely characterized.

What is the concrete result of this now common Bidenesque schizophrenia?

Reflect for a moment. Consider the toxic plume that has polluted the skies over East Palestine, Ohio, a working-class small town that is 98 percent white, with a median income of $26,000, sits amid the Pennsylvania borderland. That very region once rejected in its 2008 primary Barack Obama—and in turn was blasted in stereotyped fashion by him: “And it’s not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

Ol’ Joe Biden from Scranton resonates that same contempt for the convenient target of the white poor and lower middle class. Rather than send in FEMA on day one of the toxic release with tents, mobile kitchens, and supplies and medical personnel to care for the evacuated, the federal government waited two weeks and then acted only when even the liberal media was confused by Biden’s deliberate neglect.

Amid the disaster, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, in his now tired boilerplate, was on record instead railing against supposed white hardhats who supposedly do not look like the communities in which they work. For a Biden or Buttigieg, the fish and animals dying from toxic air or water were insignificant artifacts, as were the complaints of burning lungs and allergic reactions to the black chemical cloud.

One wonders what would have been the immediate reaction of Biden and the federal government had a corporation decided to vent the contents of wrecked rail cars full of vinyl chloride and butyl acrylate and then to light up the escaping gas, birthing a toxic black plume over Martha’s Vineyard or Malibu, as opposed to East Palestine or, say,  South-Central L.A. or Ferguson, Missouri. Biden would have sent legions of aid workers in to ensure social justice for the marginalized and performance-art reassurance to his donor class.

Whether Biden spouts racial bombast to curry favor with his Democratic base or to project onto others his own habitual racist put downs is not quite clear. But Biden’s utter contempt for white poor and lower middle classes, who are were deemed not worthy of the prompt federal attention customarily accorded to others in times of disaster, is self-evidentOtherwise, Biden would have sent help immediately rather than smear “some people” as 21st-century lynchers.

Next, FOX informs us of another whirlwind reaped by those who’ve long sown the wind, as…

Austin police, 911 staffing levels questioned after street racers take over major intersection, injure cop

An Austin City Council member was reportedly on hold with 911 for 28 minutes after calling about the street racing takover


Street racers took over an intersection at South Lamar Boulevard and Barton Springs Road, drifting in the middle of the street and setting off fireworks as throngs of people looked on at the mayhem. One law enforcement officer was injured and several police cars were damaged in the fracas.

“Imagine for a moment that the incidents last night happened with large scale events going on,” Council member Mackenzie Kelly said Sunday, noting that she is “increasingly concerned about our police vacancies.” “The possibility of a catastrophic cascading failure due to lack of support from our police department puts the city, its residents, and visitors at risk of danger.”

Council Member Alison Alter told the Austin American-Statesman that she happened upon the street takeover and called 911, but ended up on hold for 28 minutes

The Austin Police Department’s emergency communications division has been dealing with a staffing crisis for several months, with the 911 call center lowering its minimum staffing requirements last August due to “unprecedented vacancy rates.” In October, the average hold time for 911 calls in Austin was two-and-a-half minutes. Only about two-thirds of 911 calls were answered within 15 seconds that month, far below the national standard of 90% in 15 seconds or less…”

As the Instagram video below shows, it’s complete and utter chaos brought about solely by Socialist politicians and their completely counterproductive policies.


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Then there’s this from The Patriot Post in which Douglas Andrews sums up…

The Incalculable Cost of Illegal Immigration

Some numbers surrounding Joe Biden’s border crime are quantifiable, but others are not.


One million, two million, 5.6 million. After a while, they’re just numbers.

Amid the outrage over Joe Biden’s deadly serious and fully intentional border catastrophe, we often get caught up in the sheer magnitude of the number of mostly unskilled illegal immigrants who have poured into our country since this president took office.

And let’s not forget the estimated 1.1 million “gotaways” who have escaped past the Border Patrol and into our country.

One number that’s much harder to quantify, though, is every bit as shocking: the monetary cost. Indeed, when was the last time you heard someone put a dollar amount on the cost that illegal immigration puts on the American taxpayer? The constant refrain from the open-borders crowd — that these poor souls are merely coming here to seek a better life — is meant to distract us from just that discussion. The Biden administration doesn’t want us talking about what The Heritage Foundation’s Erin Dwinell calls “the enormous toll on Americans that comes in the form of higher taxes, overloaded emergency rooms, increased crime in their communities, and overcrowded classrooms for their children.”

Thanks to Joe Biden, every state is now a border state. That’s because this administration is packing up and sending illegals all over the country, to every congressional district in the 50 states. As Dwinell continues: “Border communities have long been overwhelmed under these policies. The crisis now costs California $21.76 billion and Texas $8.88 billion annually in education, health care, law enforcement and criminal justice system costs, welfare expenditures, and more.” And on and on it goes.

Some costs, of course, are hidden and therefore incalculable. For example, what effect has this unchecked flood of illegal immigration had on our nation’s charitable giving? Does the Biden administration’s lawlessness inspire more charity or less? Columnist Athena Thorne thinks it’s the latter. She writes:

With the destabilizing influx of millions upon millions of illegal aliens into the country, with help from actors who have obvious anti-American intent and with no end in sight, I have lately given up supporting many of my local charities with my time or donations. I’m incredibly sad about this; it felt good to help needy neighbors. Now that there is a burgeoning population of foreign nationals with their hands out, however, I can’t bring myself to do it.

It’s hard to imagine Ms. Thorne is all alone in feeling this way.

Speaking of the incalculable, what price can be affixed to the change that the American fabric undergoes — over weeks and months and years and generations — when an influx of people unlike any in American history is forcibly distributed across the land by the Biden administration? Does our patriotism and our sense of Americanness grow stronger or weaker? Do we become more inclined to fight for our country or less so? More inclined to obey our nation’s laws or less so? More inclined to pay taxes or less so? More inclined to work or less so? More inclined to vote or less so?

Last October, the Washington, DC, city council passed the Local Resident Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2022, which, according to local reporting, would allow noncitizen residents to vote “as long as they meet all other D.C. voting requirements: they are 18 or older and they have lived in the District of Columbia for at least 30 days.” As columnist Katie Pavlich grimly notes, “‘Local residents’ include illegal immigrants and adversarial foreign spies.”

One political party is to blame for all this. And within that party, one man is most to blame: Joe Biden. And for it, he deserves to be impeached…”

Actually, he deserves a wee bit more than that, including being charged and tried for treason; But that’s another subject.

We for one know exactly how Athena Thorne feels, as prior to the scamdemic we worked with the homeless at a shelter in Baltimore run by Catholic Charities, a group which has been instrumental in assisting and relocating illegal aliens across the country.  Never again.  Relocate them back to their country of origin and provide them assistance there to your bleeding heart’s delight.

Meanwhile, Jim Freeman recounts even the Old Grey Hag has begun to grasp Biden’s fiscal fantasies have… 

It’s getting harder to ignore the ruinous destination of Bidenomics.


Last week this column noted media folk starting to realize that while it’s fun to cover federal spending and debt as a political drama, it’s really a story about math. A report from the Congressional Budget Office showing the marked deterioration of the nation’s financial prospects just since last spring seems to have focused a few minds.

Now little more than a week after publishing “budget chicanery” advocate Paul Krugman writing an entire column attacking Republicans and lauding the President on the issue of entitlement programs without EVER mentioning math, the opinion pages of the New York Times—yes, the Times—offer a healthy reality check.

Brian Riedl of the Manhattan Institute writes in the Times:

In his State of the Union speech this month, President Biden pledged to block any reductions in scheduled Social Security and Medicare benefits. He also promised that any tax increases would be limited to families that earn more than $400,000 — roughly the top-earning 2 percent of American families.

Together, these promises are almost certainly economically impossible.

Over the next three decades, the Social Security system is scheduled to pay benefits $21 trillion greater than its trust fund will collect in payroll taxes and related revenues. The Medicare system is projected to run a $48 trillion shortfall. These deficits are projected to, in turn, produce $47 trillion in interest payments to the national debt. That is a combined shortfall of $116 trillion, according to data from the Congressional Budget Office. (To inflation-adjust these figures, trim by roughly one-third.)

Mr. Reidl ably describes the demographic challenges of a system that has fewer and fewer workers supporting more and more retirees and notes:

The president’s implication that full benefits can be paid without raising taxes for 98 percent of families has no basis in mathematical reality…”

Here’s the juice on Joe’s mastery of mathematics:

For a related item of mathematical impossibility, we turn to today’s installment of the EnvironMental Moment, courtesy today of a forward from Nick in which Peter Zeihan opines why the reality of green energy future is MUCH more improbable than you think:

In other words…

And even if you could, which you can’t, as our energy correspondent Jeff Foutch notes, who on earth other than those bought and paid for by Xi Jinping…

would want to place the nation’s energy security in the hands of the ChiComs?!?

Moving on, here’s a septet of special selections certain to sate the curiosity of inquiring Conservative minds:

(1). The hypocritically situational nature of the MSM’s sudden abhorrence and disgust for lying politicians in the person of George Santos is exposed by their disparate treatment of a candidate and campaign which, as Jim Geraghty highlights, was based on lies from the beginning.

(2). Dan McLaughlin observes, by wading further into the Ukraine debate, Ron DeSantis is looking more and more presidential.

(3). The Morning Jolt relates how while many pundits and talking heads are really quick to emphasize that they think Biden is doing a terrific job,…

then they point out that our past and current decision-making is a formula for a long, slow Ukrainian defeat. That seems at least a little contradictoryPresident Biden wants to be perceived as Winston Churchill, but it is very hard to cultivate a Churchillian image when you’re habitually indecisive.

It’s worth hitting the link in blue above, if for no other reason than to learn ammunition currently comes with a 2-1/2 year lead time.  Yes, if Zelensky placed an order today, he’d take delivery in 30 months.

(4). Benny Johnson hits the nail squarely on the head:

(5). As Jim Geraghty accurately assesses, there’s FAR too much bull in Biden’s China shop:

The default setting of the messaging from the Biden administration is, “Everything we’re doing is going great, there is no valid criticism of our past or current decisions, and any evidence to the contrary is misinformation or disinformation.

The administration and its allies would like the public to believe that shooting down the Chinese spy balloon after it had crossed the continent represented a great counterintelligence success, and that was such a great success that it is a good idea to “continue to engage with China,” as President Biden put it in his remarks last week. As Vice President Harris declared before traveling to the Munich Security Conference, “The recent U.S. downing of a Chinese surveillance balloon over American waters should not have an impact on diplomatic relations between the two global superpowers.”

The balloon was a big enough threat for the Biden administration to boast about how it decisively responded to the floating menace, but not a big enough threat that the administration should reevaluate or alter any of its ongoing diplomacy with Beijing. That’s a really narrow range; what luck for the Biden administration that it managed to fit right in there!…”

Some may believe Biden is one of two things: Either (a) irredeemably dense and hopelessly inept, or (b) completely in the ChiComs’ control.  We believe its (c): Both (a) & (b).

(6). Charlie Cooke explores the inevitable endgame of the woke rewrites of classic literature:

“…I would like to know — in plain, comprehensible English — why Wodehouse’s publisher shouldn’t take out these descriptions and replace them with insipid garbage. What’s the limiting principle? Why not take this line:

She fitted into my biggest arm-chair as if it had been built round her by someone who knew they were wearing arm-chairs tight about the hips that season.

And make it, instead:

She fitted into my biggest arm-chair as if it had been built round her by someone who understood that people are obese for many legitimate reasons and that it’s kind to design furniture for all shapes.

Answers on a postcard, please.

(7). Even if his concerns were valid…which they’re not…it’s obviously never occurred to Bennie Thompson the American people value truth and transparency…

…over the security of members of Congress in general, and Bennie Thompson in particular.

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s these from The Patriot Post:


Video of the Day

John Stossel sheds the light of truth on one of our federal government’s dirty secrets.

Tales of The Darkside

Bernie Sanders, a man who’s never worked a hard day in his life, lies with a straight face about making money off his book tour. It’s almost as if Bernie doesn’t understand where the book companies get the money to pay his advances?!?

On the Bravest Side

After listening to Dick Winters account of adjusting to civilian life, we now understand why our dear Uncle Bobie honored us with tales of his time on Leyte and Okinawa. And honored we were to have been in the company of a member of what truly was one of the greatest generations.

