It’s Friday, October 28th, 2022…and here’s a wholly-unexpected edition of The Gouge!

We begin with the subject which prompted us to put this installment together, and Jim Geraghty’s assessment…

The Fetterman Charade Ends


Pennsylvanians will not have a problem with John Fetterman because he had a stroke. They will have a problem with John Fetterman because he, his wife, his campaign, and his party were not honest with the state’s voters about his true condition and recovery until it could no longer be hidden last night. As I wrote yesterday, “Delivering a version of your stump speech before an adoring crowd is different, and easier, than answering questions with time limits.”

When Pennsylvania Democrats insist that a candidate who suffered a life-threatening stroke in May is recovering well and “has no work restrictions and can work full duty in public office,” that candidate must look and sound fine to prove they’re telling the truth. Last night, in the lone debate in the Pennsylvania Senate race, John Fetterman looked and sounded very, very far from fine. But you can judge for yourself by watching the whole debate here.

What we’re seeing in Pennsylvania is uncomfortably close to the concept of Weekend at Bernie’s, which was funny because it was imaginary; a real-life attempt to fool people into believing a corpse is alive would be horrifyingly macabre. Remember, Fetterman had his stroke the Friday before the primary election, and his first statement, issued Sunday, declared that, “The good news is I’m feeling much better, and the doctors tell me I didn’t suffer any cognitive damage. I’m well on my way to a full recovery.” His campaign has been lying about how well his recovery was going the whole time…”

For two other opinions on what had to be the most horrendous debate performance we’ve ever personally witnessed, one that frankly should have ended here…

…we turn to Michael Brendan Dougherty

I did not think much of John Fetterman as a candidate, to say the least. But watching him debate Dr. Oz tonight excited my pity for him, and my anger for everyone around him — his partner, his campaign operation, the Democratic Party of Pennsylvania, and any national party figures who were aware of his condition before this debate.

John Fetterman should not have been on a debate stage tonight. He should be at home, recovering from his stroke. He looked and sounded like the victim of a stroke — unable to form coherent responses to questions asked of him, unsteady in reaching for his rehearsed lines. At times he reminded me of the way a petrified ten-year-old would speak in front of a classroom. And the debate moderators couldn’t help but begin talking to him as if he were that nervous ten-year-old. That is no reason for his shame — he suffered a serious medical incident. It’s to the shame of everyone else who has insisted on his continuing this campaign.

This should not become a scandal only if he loses the race. This is a scandal right now.

…and Charlie Cooke:

John Fetterman was a monumental disaster at this evening’s debate. I’ve never seen anything like it. He’s badly incapacitated, and those who are pretending otherwise must stop immediately. A lot of people — including Fetterman’s wife — owe public apologies to NBC’s Dasha Burns, who reported a couple of weeks ago that Fetterman could not understand her small talk, and was smeared and lambasted for her troubles.

Meanwhile, the same Dimocrats and MSM shills who lied about Fetterman’s condition in the first place continue to lie like the deceptive dogs they are:

And no, the candidate’s problems weren’t the fault of the captioning.

Here’s the juice: The last time a Fetterman was massacred this badly was December of 1866.  Unfortunately, it doesn’t matter what we think of Fetterman’s folly; It only matters what Pennsylvania voters think.

Next, courtesy of American Greatness via Balls Cotton, the great VDH asks and answers the question…

Will  ‘Democracy Die in Darkness’ After November?


“…We always knew that any president in his first midterm historically loses about 28 seats in the House and four Senate seats. Voters realize the prior promises of a presidential candidate are not the same as the actual policies of a president. It is one thing for a loud candidate to point out that an incumbent president is responsible for all that goes bad. But it is quite another two years later to be that “bad” president who bears out that truism. 

Hubris also plays a role for cocky majorities—whether Democrats printing $4 trillion to spread around even as the economy faced a dearth of supply and near-record labor nonparticipation, or Republicans in 2017 ending the state and local tax exemption that enraged independent swing voters in purple states.

When the generic party ballot favors the out party in a president’s first term and his polls hover at or below 40 percent, then a normal 20-30 seat loss can become a 40-60 seat tsunami. 

Moreover, in 2022, the Republicans start dead even in the Senate. They are only eight down in the House. So, their natural pickup will be force multiplied by the fact they will surge way ahead rather than coming from way back to achieve a modest majority.

Joe Biden is not just an obnoxious, off-putting, snarly, and enfeebled president. He is also captive of the most radically destructive, left-wing agenda in the White House since 1933. On energy, inflation, the border, debt, crime, racial relations, and foreign policy, the Left’s project has proven an utter disaster that has hollowed out the middle class and embarrassed the nation in under two years…”

All of which begs the question posed by the Morning JoltWhat exactly IS Biden getting told these days about the polls?  Or anything else for that matter!?

Since we’re on the subject of the most obnoxious, enfeebled president ever to besmirch the halls of the White House…

Seriously…when was last time Joe Biden was on a commercial airline flight, let alone sitting in economy?!?

Turning to International News of Note

North Korea warned of ‘unparalleled’ response from US, Japan, South Korea if it launches a 7th nuclear test


“…The warning comes not only after Pyongyang conducted a series of unannounced missile tests earlier this month, including a ballistic missile launched over Japan, but as the U.S. and its Asian allies fear it could be planning nuclear bomb testing for the first time since 2017, according to Reuters.

The government officials did not go into detail as to what measures they would take to respond to North Korea if it did conduct another nuclear test.

An “unparalleled response”…”unparalleled response”…like what?  This is yet another example of Progressive life imitating art, in this case, a classic scene from Animal House:

In a related item, writing at NRO, Doug Bandow explores the thorny but critical question…

How Do You Solve a Problem Like China?

Xi Jinping’s regime is the world’s worst human-rights abuser — but weakening its repressive grip on its citizens is no simple task.


“…Unfortunately, repression is essential to China’s political system. It is how CCP officials, from Xi on down, retain power, perquisites, wealth, status, and everything else that sets them apart from the rest of the Chinese population. Human-rights abuses go to the very nature of the CCP’s control. For most authoritarian regimes, self-preservation comes first, so they are unlikely to make fundamental political changes even under great foreign economic pressure. Beijing is unlikely to yield, except at the margins, despite sanctions.

With Xi’s consolidation of power, Beijing’s assault on the Chinese people’s freedom will continue. Indeed, Xi has become the new Mao, only more disciplined and determined to assert the PRC’s power abroad. Americans and other people of goodwill must respond firmly but thoughtfully, with a commitment to helping the Chinese people gain control over their nation’s future.

Speaking of the country that has Bidens’ balls in a vise, FOX is reporting Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson have provided the U.S. attorney leading the criminal investigation into Hunter Biden more than 200 pages of bank records related to his and the Biden family’s alleged “connections to the Chinese regime and persons connected to its military and intelligence elements“.

We can only hope they didn’t hand over the originals!

Moving on, here’s another sextet of special selections certain to pique the interest of inquiring Conservative minds:

(1). By denying the first Mexican-born Congresswoman membership in the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, House Dimocrats once again demonstrate a total disregard for any Latinas who, Myra Flores observed “don’t fit their narrative or ideology”.

(2). This young lady gives up hope for the future:

Wow!  A brief but refreshing breath of sanity in an otherwise increasingly crazy world.

(3). Did someone mention a brief breath of sanity?  Best of the Web tells us, having learned just how expensive progressive governance is, the Democrats who run San Francisco are now considering normalizing trade relations with the rest of the United States.  Imagine that: Actually tolerating opposing points of view!  Imagine what might be next:

We won’t hold our breath waiting for such a change in Sacramento.

(4). NRO‘s Madeleine Kearns suggests we should call the impairment of children’s sexual development for ideological reasons, i.e., “gender affirmation”, what it truly is: The West’s new and improved version female genital mutilation.

(5). Does Merrick Garland’s DOJ truly not have better things to do than launch an antitrust investigation involving Augusta National?  You know, something more pressing…like Hunter’s laptop?!?

(6). As the caption says…

…no wonder Elon Musk is firing 75% of these coddled snowflakes.

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Finally, we’ll call it a wrap with conclusive evidence if Progressives were serious about eliminating racism in America, they need to get the beam out of their own eyes…

…before removing the specks from others’, if such specks exist at all.


Video of the Day

Ben Shapiro explains why Biden entertaining a mentally-ill degenerate at the White House is so destructive to the nation’s moral values and international reputation.

Tales of The Darkside

John Stossel and Mike Rowe discuss why student load forgiveness is neither a morally nor practically correct course of action.

On the Lighter Side

As the video’s title suggests, this is what happens when you were never told “no” as a child! Honest to goodness, we’d have no problem with the police putting two behind the ear of this utterly useless piece of odorous excrement.
