It’s Friday, September 23rd, 2022…but before we begin…the lovely Shannon forwarded this video of the recently-demoted Don Lemon being schooled on the history of slavery:

Proving once again even a broken clock is occasionally right, Bill Maher expands on Lemon’s lesson:

Here’s the juice: Chattel slavery has existed throughout recorded history, infecting every culture on every continent, and still exists today in significant portions of Africa and Asia.  Even the sainted American Indians, their mythical bucolic existence before the arrival of pale-faced firewater traffickers notwithstanding, enslaved their conquered enemies.    

Anyone who claims otherwise is either ignorant of history, misinformed of the facts or pushing a divisive political agenda.

Now, here’s a somewhat abridged edition The Gouge!

First up, in yet another unforced embarrassment for the United States, having proved unable to manage a timely arrival to Elizabeth II’s funeral…

Joe Biden is forced to wait for seat after apparent late arrival at Queen’s funeral

US president and first lady had to wait as procession of George and Victoria Cross-holders went ahead of them


He may be the world’s most powerful man but the apparent late arrival of the US president, Joe Biden, and his wife, Jill, was not allowed to disrupt the finely tuned choreography of the late Queen’s funeral.

Rather than being ushered immediately to their seats on their arrival at Westminster Abbey, the first couple, aged 79 and 71, had to be gently told they would need to stand and wait as a procession of George and Victoria Cross-holders went ahead of them down the nave of the abbey.

Perhaps as a consequence of opting out of the buses taking other leaders from the assembly point at Royal Hospital Chelsea, the Bidens were also given seats 14 rows back in the south transept of the abbey…”

Or perhaps, as is far more likely, because the incredibly self-centered First Couple showed up 30 minutes late.  If history is any indicator, this demented deviant will be late to his own funeral, which we hope is very soo…never mind.

In a related item of utter national embarrassment involving the greatest threat, foreign or domestic, to America… 

What a corrupt, decrepit, old…

Speaking of Progressive putzes, NRO‘s Charlie Cooke makes a convincing argument…

Elizabeth Warren Is Trump in Professor’s Clothing

Rather than the academic expert she pretends to be, Warren is a demagogic, narcissistic browbeater.


Elizabeth Warren believes that she is treated differently than are many other American politicians because she is a woman. For once, Warren is correct: Were she a man, people would be far more likely to see her for who she actually is — which, once one gets past her pseudo-academic affect and poll-studied indignation, is Donald Trump in a Harvard professor’s pantsuit.

Warren is a little more refined than Trump — and, as a result, she is more transparent in her artifice. But the ingredients are the same. She is a bully who seeks office for its imprimatur. She is an egomaniac who responds well to praise. (In 2019, a simple endorsement was sufficient to get her to propose that “black trans and cis women, gender-nonconforming, and nonbinary people are the backbone of our democracy,” which is a sentence that nobody else has ever constructed, or will ever again construct, in English.) And, because she is a narcissist, she is incapable of admitting her mistakes — even when not doing so means adopting intellectual positions that would have made Prospero blush. At root, Warren is a shell, an opportunist, an actor. She was white, then she was Native American, then she was white again. She was a Republican, then she was a Democrat. She was against money in politics, until that money began to follow her, rather than her opponents, and, suddenly, she favored it. Her life story is malleable and Gatsbyesque, with the only consistent narrative being that she, Elizabeth Warren, is the hero of the age.

In truth, the only surprise here is that it has taken so long for Warren to expose herself for who she really is — not an expert, but a browbeater. And, as a browbeater, her favorite themes are uncannily similar to one Donald J. Trump’s. Ruminating upon Georgia’s 2018 gubernatorial election recently, Warren referred to the duly elected victor in that race as “the Republican who is sitting in Stacey Abrams’ chair.” Attempting to reopen a box that has long been closed, Warren continues to insist that “Michael Brown was murdered by a white police officer in Ferguson, Mo.” In the course of her many unhinged post-Dobbs rants, Warren has lamented that, in America, crisis-pregnancy centers “outnumber abortion clinics,” and declared that “we” — by which she apparently meant whichever part of the American government she next seeks to imbue with dictatorial powers — “need to shut them down here in Massachusetts, and we need to shut them down all around the country.” The Supreme Court displeases her? She calls for packing it. The filibuster is inconveniencing her? She calls for nuking it. Her preferred candidate didn’t win the Democratic primary? The race was “rigged.” As for free speech? That, apparently, is a right she should enjoy but others shouldn’t. Speaking directly to Amazon last year, Warren confirmed that her aim was “to break up Big Tech so you’re not powerful enough to heckle senators with snotty tweets.”

Sprinkle in a little random capitalization, add in some exclamation points, and append an incongruous “Thank you!” to their tails, and all of these statements could have been written by Donald Trump — who must presumably be kicking himself for not having thought to soften the edges of his boorishness by prepending the word “professor” to his name.

And since Charlie mentioned Stacey Abrams, just when we thought Progressives couldn’t plumb the depths of deception any deeper, this outsized sore loser who’s never missed a meal on the campaign trail…or any other day in her life…proves us wrong, as she now unconvincingly claims…

Six-Week Fetal Heartbeats ‘Manufactured’ to Help Men Control Women


Ignoring, of course, the well-over 30 million unborn women slaughtered by women under the tender auspices of Roe v. Wade.

Moving on, here’s a quintet of selections specially chosen for inquiring Conservative minds:

(1). Jim Geraghty details how, when Grandpa gets confused, the president’s words and his administration’s actual policies are no more than distant cousins, as Biden and his handlers appear oblivious to the fact if, as he told 60 Minutes, “The pandemic is over”, “a bunch of his administration’s policy and budgetary priorities — including the student-loan-forgiveness plan! — are based on the premise that the pandemic is not over.”

(2). Who knows?  If the Biden clown car repeats the same patent prevarication enough times…

…perhaps their dream will come true…but we wouldn’t bet on it.

(3). NRO‘s Dan McLaughlin records if Robert Cahaly of Trafalgar is right…again, Democrats could be in for a rough November across the map.

(4). The Morning Jolt relates Josh Barro’s total takedown of California’s clown who would be king:

“Gavin Newsom looks like the kind of guy who would have an affair with the wife of his close friend and campaign manager. Or who, when he was 39 and mayor of San Francisco, had a girlfriend who was too young to drink. Or who would dine with a group of 12 at The French Laundry just hours after warning Californians not to gather for the holidays due to COVID. Or who would marry Kimberly Guilfoyle. Or who would pose with Guilfoyle like this on Ann Getty’s rug. . . .

Of course, Newsom looks like that kind of guy because he is that guy. He did all those things!”

(5). Even as a lame duck, Liz Cheney’s proven she’s as useful to her constituents as a…

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s these from Balls Cotton…


…James Patrick…

…and Ed Hickey…

…as well as a couple keepers from The Patriot Post:

Finally, we’ll call it a wrap with an administrative note.  If September has been busy, our October is booked solid, with a golf trip the first week, our youngest son’s wedding the second, our 45th Naval Academy reunion the third and our niece’s nuptials the fourth.  All of which means, though we won’t cease transmitting, our offerings will be somewhat sporadic.


Video of the Day

Jesse Watters puts The Left’s incoherent response to Ron DeSantis’s brilliance into proper perspective.

Tales of The Darkside

Ya gotta love a guy who drives Progressives absolutely batsh*t crazy.

On the Lighter Side

McGloverable knocks it out of the park!
