It’s Monday, August 8th, 2022…but before we begin, another sign the woke apocalypse is upon us, as an…

80-Year-Old Woman Is Banned From Community Pool After Complaining Man Watching Little Girls Undress In Shower Room


“…[Julie] Jaman told the city council, as can be seen here, “My experience after having my swim was hearing a man’s voice in the women’s dressing area and seeing a man in a woman’s swimsuit watching little girls pull down their bathing suits in order to use the toilets in the dressing room. I reacted by telling him to leave, and the consequence is that I have been banned from the pool.”

“There is no signage informing women the shower room is now all-gender and what that means, nor have parents been informed of what they can expect with these new policies,” she declared. “The Y has not provided any dressing shower room options for women who do not want to be exposed to men who identify as women. It is unconscionable that the YMCA would implement these new policies without clearly informing pool patrons and parents.”

She concluded, “The YMCA, the city, the police and sheriffs, the parents, the professionals who assist victims of voyeurism, peeping Toms, pedophilia and assault need to come together figure too out how to make the new policies work for all pool patrons, not just one group. How to keep children, who are less able to discriminate, safe. It is ironic that women who discriminate when a situation threatens their safety or their children — a message from our ancestors — are now accused of discrimination as if they have made someone else a victim.

Welcome to the Progressives’ brave, new world, a world with no morals, no prohibitions against the most depraved behavior; A world completely antithetical to the principles upon which the greatest country on the planet was founded.  A world in which, as this Bill Maher monologue demonstrates, insanity is the norm, and self-destructive behavior not only encouraged, but celebrated:

This segment from FOX featuring Joe Concha offers another aspect to the issue:

One would have thought the dramatically disparate impact the WuFlu had on overweight Americans would have conclusively demonstrated the dangers of obesity, but no; At least, not to Progressives far more interested in power than the health and well-being of ordinary citizens.

Here’s the juice: As we’ve detailed before, obesity is a particular problem with Americans “of color”, the very constituents…

…Progressive pretend to protect.  Any questions?!?

Now, here’s The Gouge!

First up, writing at NRO, Arthur Herman details…

America’s Taiwan Test

Forty years of failed U.S. policy have led to this precarious moment for the embattled island democracy. Thankfully, it’s never too late to change course.


Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan was a watershed event, and not just because it provoked an angry military response from Beijing that threatens to renew fears of a shooting war breaking out over that embattled island democracy. It also marked a point of no return for America’s 42-year-old policy of refusing to recognize our Taiwanese allies as an independent nation.

In deciding how to handle U.S.–Taiwan and U.S.–China relations going forward, we have to confront head-on the many major failures of American China policy since the passage of the Taiwan Relations Act in 1979. As China launches missiles into the Taiwan Strait and our relations with Beijing sour, it’s clear that a new era is upon us — and understanding how we got here is the key to knowing how we should proceed.

In the end, policy follows events, not vice versa. In 1996–7, Chinese leaders used the humiliation of two U.S. carrier groups cruising the Taiwan Strait with impunity to reassess their entire thinking about geopolitics and China’s place in the world. Today, we need a similar reassessment of our four decades of failed policy toward China and Taiwan. Thankfully, as the Chinese themselves have shown, it is never too late to change course.

In a related item, former SecDef Mark Esper said the U.S. needs to “update” its Taiwan policy, echoing our earlier comment, after 50 years, the “One China” policy pioneered by Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter has “outlived its usefulness.” Esper warns China wants to displace the U.S. as the world’s top power by the year 2049, and one step in meeting that challenge is updating policies toward Taiwan.  Esper added, “The fundamental tenets, I think, have been overcome by history. But more importantly, maybe, the Chinese are trying to change the status quo with regard to Taiwan through coercion. And I think that demands a firmer, more resolute response by the United States. But to do so, it begins with an updated policy.”

This at the same time the nation is essentially rudderless with an addled Chinese asset at the helm of the ship of state.

Meanwhile, as the ChiComs continue to amass military might against our allies in the Far East, back home, the forces of political correctness and wokeness continue their assault on America’s means to oppose Xi Jinping and his evil intentions, as Terence Pell relates at NRO:

Shut Up, the U.S. Air Force Explained

After a lawsuit, the service reverses a misguided effort to ban the public from criticizing its policies online.


Thanks to the efforts of a veteran pilot, the Air Force reversed a misguided effort to ban online criticism of its policies by members of the public. Justice Department lawyers have agreed that Air Force websites and pages won’t remove posts or ban users based on their point of view.

Richard Rynearson, a retired Air Force command pilot and field-grade officer, was banned from an official Air Force Facebook page because he criticized a post by Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force Joanne Bass. Mr. Rynearson believed that Air Force leadership was prioritizing cultural sensitivity issues to such a degree, it was corrupting the strength and character of the Air Force, and that our military leaders had become hostile to critics of these policy directions.

In November 2020, Sgt. Bass published a post on her official Facebook page encouraging readers to reflect on the things for which they were thankful. Mr. Rynearson replied that he was thankful that other branches of the military were concentrating on conducting warfare so that the Air Force could concentrate on “making sure we all feel good about ourselves” and that “nobody is offended or feels like a victim.”

Sgt. Bass objected to Mr. Rynearson’s comment and within hours deleted all his comments from the page and banned him from commenting further there. Mr. Rynearson tried to contact her office to have the ban rescinded. He alerted Sgt. Bass that blocking him from an official government Facebook page violated the First Amendment, but she didn’t respond. After repeated attempts to resolve the issue, Mr. Rynearson decided to pursue legal action…”

Sounds to us like the Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Farce got her feelings hurt.  Poor baby.

And when the Pentagon isn’t sacrificing combat readiness and effectiveness for feelings, as Maj. Gen. James Eifert, commanding general of the Florida National Guard notes at the WSJ, it’s enforcing completely outdated, unnecessary policies which reduce invaluable manpower at a time of record low recruitment:

The Vaccine Mandate Puts National Security at Risk

The Pentagon’s rigid Covid policy may lead to the discharge of 1,000 guardsmen I command.


I’ve never been more worried about the future of the U.S. armed forces than I am right now. I say that as a concerned citizen who has served for more than 40 years, the last three of which have been as the adjutant general of the Florida National Guard. One of the military’s most foundational duties is to recruit and retain men and women willing to defend their country. Unfortunately, current federal policy is rendering that goal unattainable.

Take the Defense Department’s rule that all service members receive a Covid vaccine. The Army secretary’s deadline for all reserve component soldiers to be vaccinated expired on June 30, leaving almost 40,000 National Guard members and 20,000 Army Reservists nationwide at risk of involuntary termination.

While the Pentagon suggests that military readiness is at risk with anything less than “maximum vaccination,” it’s vital that we consider the real consequences of enforcing its mandate. My Florida National Guard formations face the potential loss of about 1,000 unvaccinated guardsmen out of 12,000 total airmen and soldiers. That leaves us shorthanded as our state enters hurricane season, while more than 1,000 soldiers and airmen are also deployed on federal missions around the world.

Since March 2020, even before the vaccine, none of my military units have suffered any reductions in readiness as a direct result of the virus. The only loss in military readiness we’ve experienced has been the result of quarantine requirements, wholesale base lockdowns, travel restrictions and training cancellations.

Sound policy must be more beneficial than detrimental; the military’s Covid mandate decidedly isn’t. The benefits of vaccination are limited. Existing vaccines don’t prevent transmission of the dominant variants. And the virus has become less capable of rendering severe clinical outcomes, while effective treatments are now available for those who do get sick.

Even at its worst, Covid posed far less of a threat to young, healthy military cohorts than it did to other populations. There have been only 95 U.S. service-member deaths attributed to Covid from a total military population of 2.154 million. That’s a mortality rate of 0.004%—and a case-survival rate of 99.98%, based on the 421,807 infections the Pentagon has reported as of July 1. By contrast, the military’s suicide rate during 2020 was about seven times as great (0.027%). Any loss of life is regrettable—but shouldn’t our military be able to accomplish its missions while accepting a health risk this small?

I was a passionate proponent of vaccine mandates in the military when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention first reported high efficacy rates and low chances of adverse side effects. I wanted my guardsmen safe, and I wanted them to return quickly to a normal training environment. But the circumstances have changed. The vaccines’ efficacy appears to be shorter-lived than once thought, and adverse side effects have been more widely reported. As our knowledge of risk changes, shouldn’t our policy change with it?…”

Yes, it should.  But not in America’s thoroughly modern…


Moving on, here’s a septet of items specially selected for inquiring Conservative minds:

(1). Courtesy of AEI, former DIA lead analyst for al-Qaeda senior leadership Klon Kitchen takes us through how the CIA hunts monsters like Ayman al-Zawahiri, fleshing out the authorities, the process, and the technology of killing the al-Qaeda leader.

(2). We’re second to none in our support for an independent Taiwan, but when did it become the purview of the Speaker of the House to dictate foreign policy?

(3). Michael Brendan Dougherty wonders will Conservatives look back on the last two years and longer and recognize that DeSantis was their leader even while Trump was still in office?  We can’t say, but we’re greatly heartened by the results of our poll near the top right of the page.  And as for Liz Cheney…

…dad too!

(4). As NRO‘s Kevin Williamson correctly concludes, Washington’s endless appetite for the fruits of others’ labor notwithstanding, at some point, you HAVE paid enough taxes.

(5). Mars Wrigley has issued an apology to China because of an ad campaign for a limited edition candy bar which said it was only available in the “countries” of South Korea, Malaysia, and Taiwan.  Thus does the candy giant join the ranks of the hopelessly hypocritical, including, but by no means limited to, Apple, the NBA, LeBron James and he-man John Cena, whose off-camera courage extends only as far as his bank account: 

(6). View this video, then consider…

this is who’s teaching your children and/or grandchildren.

(7). She might well have instructed this product of Liberal indoctrination:

Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:

Then there’s these from Speed…

…and Balls:

Finally, we’ll call it a day with yet another story straight from the pages of The Crime Blotter, and this update on the Paulie P. charade:

The fix, ladies and gentlemen, is DEFinitely in!


Video of the Day

First, demonstrating how much network television we view, we didn’t know Jane Pauley was still on the air. Second, whatever she’s smokin’, must be some REAL good sh*t! “Human extinction”…right.

Tales of The Darkside

Chris Wray finds evidence senior FBI officials deliberately covered up damaging information on the Biden crime family “deeply troubling”. Biased bureaucrats like Wray are why it’s SO important for Republicans to take back Congress in November.

On the Lighter Side

Dick Cheney makes a hilariously desperate attempt to resuscitate his daughter’s flatlined political career.
