It’s Monday, May 16th, 2022…but before we begin, America’s urban centers continue to reap the bitter harvest Progressives started sowing immediately upon the election of our nation’s first half-African American President:
What the headline doesn’t tell you, and what you only learn if you read the entire articles is that:
“Milwaukee was hit with a wave of violence Friday.By 9 p.m., police had already responded to five separate shootings across the city, which left a total of three people dead and two injured.“
Here’s the juice: We’re of the mind the Detroit Don had it right:
Turns out the anarchic elements populating America’s urban centers don’t require an excuse like the death of a career criminal from a drug overdose while in police custody to engage in rioting and mayhem.
In a related item, we cannot remember “government authorities”, most notably Merrick Garland, or Reuters ever immediately attributing a motive of racist violent extremism to Black mass-murderers, which of course didn’t prevent either Buffalo officials, the Attorney General or the Progressive propaganda outlet from jumping the gun a bit on the White shooter in Buffalo.
Now, here’s The Gouge!
First up, courtesy of the WSJ via Keith Calcotte, Barton Swaim explains…
“The preoccupation with “misinformation” and “disinformation” on the part of America’s enlightened influencers last month reached the level of comedy. The Department of Homeland Security chose a partisan scold, Nina Jankowicz, to head its new Disinformation Governance Board despite her history of promoting false stories and repudiating valid ones—the sort of scenario only a team of bumblers or a gifted satirist could produce.
Less funny but similarly paradoxical was Barack Obama’s April 21 address lamenting online disinformation, in which he propounded at least one easily disprovable assertion. Tech companies, the former president said, “should be working with, not always contrary to, those groups that are trying to prevent voter suppression [that] specifically has targeted black and brown communities.” There is no evidence of voter suppression in “black and brown communities” and plenty of evidence of the contrary, inasmuch as black and Latino voter participation reached record levels in the 2020 election.
One of the great ironies of American political life in the 2020s is that the people most exercised about the spread of false information are frequently peddlers of it. Their lack of self-understanding arises from the belief that the primary factor separating their side from the other side isn’t ideology, principle or moral vision but information—raw data requiring no interpretation and no argument over its importance. It is a hopelessly simpleminded worldview—no one apprehends reality without the aid of interpretive lenses. And it is a dangerous one.
The roots of this self-deceiving outlook are complicated but worth a brief look…”
Trust us when we tell you the article in full is well worth your time, yet we still would respectfully disagree with the author on one point, namely, while Barton admittedly gives the “new censors”, including The Obamao, the benefit of the doubt, attributing their material misrepresentations of the truth as sincere misinterpretations of facts based on their own experiences, we’re of the opinion they know they’re lying, and continue to do so in the willing service of their master.
Rather it’s just another son who resembles his father, in this case, the Father of Lies.
Swaim’s analysis ties in nicely with a conversation we had over the weekend with a G. Trevor, and which helps answer the question so many inquiring Conservative minds continue to ask: How people can continue to support the manifestly overmatched, utterly incompetent clown car which is the Biden Administration?!?
Seems Trevor had recently attended a niece’s wedding where the subject of Hunter’s laptop came up, at which point his incredibly un and ill-informed brother-in-law expressed total ignorance of the issue. Which should come as no surprise considering the brother-in-law’s only sources of “news” is CNN and MSLSD. This benighted boob is the living embodiment of one of Ronaldus Maximus’s most insightful statements:
Here’s a second shot of the juice: What was true then is incalculably more true today.
We turn now to a quintet of specially selected items certain to pique the interest of inquiring Conservative minds:
(4). Since we’re on the wholesale slaughter of the unborn, courtesy of, pollster Scott Rasmussen suggests to get a true sense of public opinion it’s necessary to ask polling questions without D.C. political jargon. For example when asked the right question, fully 65 percent of Americans believe “voters and their elected representatives” should decide the issue of abortion, versus a mere 18 percent who chose “judges and courts”.
As Arjun Singh notes of Dimocrats at NRO:
“…the party is deluded if it thinks abortion is a winning issue. Just look at the numbers. Merely 4 percent of voters, per a recent Economist/YouGov poll, consider abortion their top issue for November’s midterms. In the pre-election news cycle, there’s no escaping record-high inflation, massive illegal immigration, and a string of domestic- and foreign-policy defeats (e.g., BBB and the Afghanistan withdrawal) that have dropped Biden’s approval ratings down to about 38 percent. Even then, per a recent Harvard Harris poll, 56 percent of voters believe that abortion should be restricted in some form after 15 weeks of pregnancy. This is precisely what Mississippi’s abortion law at the heart of the Dobbs case would do, and that, per the leaked draft, the Supreme Court would have upheld. If these numbers hold, any campaign based on abortion rights will fall far short of what’s needed to turn the tide.“
(5). Courtesy of our old friends and classmates Breeze Gould and George Lawlor, FOX informs us three Wisconsin boys are facing sexual harassment charges over an incident in March when they purportedly used incorrect gender pronouns when referring to a fellow student who had announced a preference of “they” and “them”. To which we can only express, if you’ll pardon Colonel Slade’s French, a hale and hearty…
…to the parents, teacher and administrators involved.
Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:
Then there’s these from the great Geoffoir…
…and Balls Cotton:
Finally, we’ll call it a wrap with yet another sordid story straight from the pages of The Crime Blotter, and this just in from Vancouver, WA, where a…
“An Arby’s night manager in Washington State charged with possession of child pornography admitted to police that he had urinated in the fast food chain’s milkshake mix “at least twice,” police say.
The investigation began when police caught wind of a computer downloading child pornography near the Arby’s in Vancouver, Washington. Police connected the computer with Stephen Sharp, 29, a manager at the Arby’s. Sharp then confessed to downloading and distributing the pornography, according to Fox 35.
Police then obtained a warrant to search Sharp’s devices, where they found a video of him urinating into a container of Arby’s milkshake mix…
…Police are asking anyone who purchased a milkshake from the store recently and has a receipt to come forward. Sharp reportedly told police he is “almost sure” he threw the container away after urinating into it.“
Hey, when ya gotta go, ya gotta go!
Reports prior to working at Arby’s, Sharp was in charge of Big Mac special sauce preparation at a Vancouver, WA Mickey D’s remain unconfirmed.
Video of the Day
Tucker takes the 46* clown car to task for creating the inexcusable baby formula shortage.
Tales of The Darkside
Charlie Kirk calls social media what it is.
On the Intellectual Lightweight Side
We’d be willing to bet none of the intellectual lightweights Ami interviewed has ever bothered to read, let alone tried to understand the Constitution.
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