On February 24, 2022,
in Uncategorized,
by magoo1310
It’s Wednesday, February 23rd, 2022…but before we begin, we were in agreement with the contents of this commentary from former FDA commissioner and current Pfizer board member Dr. Scott Gottlieb…
“…Steps that were critical in 2020 to reduce death and health care strain when we were overwhelmed are no longer justifiable.
…We’ll never go back to many of the tragic steps wehad to take in the spring of 2020 when we were overwhelmed by the first wave of the virus. Take the 45 days to slow the spread put in place by President Donald Trump to try and mitigate that devastating first wave. Reflecting on those extreme measures, it’s hard today to remember how bad it was back then because we haven’t anchored the debate in a consistent measure of danger and recovery.
The New York City healthcare system had all but collapsed.We used hospital ships and triage tents pitched in Central Park to try and manage a devastating cascade of disease and death. The White House rightly judged that if other American cities fell, the nation would be overwhelmed. At the time, one White House official told me that in such a circumstance, the federal government would be tapped out, and wouldn’t be able to give another city the “New York treatment.” It was a reference to the extraordinary support that New York received. The comment stuck with me…”
Several thoughts immediately came to mind: (i) Sorry, but what critical steps were taken in 2020 which significantly impacted either the spread or lethality of the WuFlu? Hells bells, school children have and have had a greater chance of being killed by lightning than COVID-19. And don’t forget the death toll attributed to the coronavirus has been, for reasons both political and pecuniary, greatly inflated; (ii) Wasn’t it “two weeks” to flatten the curve?; (iii) Regarding the use of hospital ships and triage tents in the Big Apple to “try and manage a devastating cascade of disease and death”, we recalled this article in the Navy Times:
“…By the time of Comfort’s departure, the approximately 1,200-person crew and 1,000-bed hospital had treated just 182 patients, of which approximately 70 percent had COVID-19, according to Capt. Patrick Amersbach, commanding officer of the Comfort’s Medical Treatment Facility.
Underutilization of added medical resources in New York City is not unique to the Comfort. Thousands of hospital beds made available in a converted convention center have gone largely unused after quick assembly by the Army Corps of Engineers.
The Javits Center, which was initially envisioned as a 2,500-bed field hospital for non-COVID patients, converted to coronavirus-only hospital shortly after going operational. Still, the highest number of patients treated at the convention center at one time topped out at close to 500…”
The USNS Mercy, Comfort’s sister ship which docked in the port of Los Angeles to offer similar overflow services, saw a whopping 77 patients during its six week stay; and, (iv) At the end of the scamdemic, it’s readily apparent to anyone with a lick of common sense, half a brain or isn’t promoting Progressive propaganda, none…NONE…of the policies and restrictions put in place by the government to restrict the spread of the WuFlu were worth…
…yet cost millions of honest, hard-working Americans trillions!
Now, here’s The Gouge!
First up, Townhall.com‘s Rebecca Downs asks and answers…
“A piece from Rachel Gutman on Sunday morning published in The Atlantic caused quite a bit of a stir, as she pointed out that “Mask Mandates Don’t Need to Make Sense.” Such was the original title, before it was quietly changed to read that “Mask Mandates Are Illogical. So What?” The subheadline offers “They only need to align with communities’ goals,” a point emphasized throughout the piece which illustrates how masks and mask mandates can be about control…”
“Can be” about control? How about are about control…all about control?!?
In yet another sign Progressive politicians dislike the peasants voicing their opinions…
“…The law has been exercised to remove vehicles from the city center and to cut off the financial resources of demonstrators. That has included freezing the bank accounts of those directly and marginally involved in the protest including some citizens who’ve donated sums in the ballpark of $50, as well as monitoring financial transactions. Now that convoy leaders and other participants have been arrested, and the encampments largely dismantled, Conservative MPs have criticized the Emergencies Act as unnecessary and an abuse of authority, the National Post reported.
As of Monday, Trudeau suggested the vote on the law in the chamber was effectively a vote of confidence in his administration, meaning that if the parliament had revoked the measure, his government would resign and an election would be called to replace it.
“I can’t imagine that anyone who votes ‘no’ tonight is doing anything other than indicating that they don’t trust the government to make incredibly momentous and important decisions at a very difficult time,” Trudeau said at a press conference Monday…”
Imagine anyone NOT trusting Justin Trudeau!!! BTW, what we find far more concerning than Justin Trudeau revealing himself as a fascist is the eagerness with which Canadian law enforcement has eagerly embraced his egregious edicts:
In a related clip from the opening monologue of Monday’s Special Report, Tucker truly nails it, accurately assessing this is what the collapse of democracy looks like.
All this as Boris Johnson has finally thrown in the towel. BTW, if you want to see how Google restricts the results of your searches, enter “Boris ends covid restrictions” and see how long it takes you to view the New York Post article we referenced.
For more on the breakdown of civilized society, we turn to the Sports Section, and this utterly inaccurate headline:
“Michigan men’s basketball coach Juwan Howard appeared to throw a punch at a Wisconsin assistant after arguing with head coach Greg Gard following a Badgers’ 77-63 victory on Sunday afternoon.
Howard pointed a finger at Gard before other coaches and players tried deescalating the situation. That’s when Howard appeared to take a swing at Wisconsin assistant Joe Krabbenhoft.
After the game, Howard reportedly didn’t apologize for anything that happened during the postgame handshake. Instead, he admitted that he was upset about the timeout called with 15 seconds left. Howard also said that Gard touched him during the postgame line, and he felt the need to defend himself…”
Soooo…just so we have this right: Gard, the Wisconsin coach, supposedly “touched” Howard…during a postgame confrontation Howard initiated over a timeout Gard called with 15 seconds left. So Howard, feeling the need to defend himself, expressed his feeling by hitting an assistant coach, who neither called the time out nor “touched” him? Hey, makes sense to us!
Here’s the juice: Had Howard been White, or had Gard thrown the punch, they’d be out of a job today.
Here’s a second shot of the juice: Howard’s perception that Gard’s action somehow constituted an affront to his sense of honor or his manhood is at the heart of the ghetto culture which is today literally shooting the Black community to pieces. As The Boss stated, Howard felt he had been dissed, and the only possible response to dissing is physical violence. Howard used his fist, others in less public settings a gun. The driving motivation, as recounted in the following video by the great Thomas Sowell, is the same:
Moving on, here’s a septet of selections certain to pique the interest of inquiring Conservative minds:
(1). Writing at The Washington Free Beacon, author Andrew Roberts tells us while the movie Munich starring Jeremy Irons as infamous appeaser Neville Chamberlain is well-written (based on Robert Harris’s bestselling 2017 thriller), lavishly produced (by Netflix) and fast-paced, like 1619, it’s an absolute historical travesty. As we’re in the midst of reading Churchill’s six volume series The Second World War, we can say with complete confidence Roberts is right.
(2). Since we’re on the subject of appeasers, ICYMI, Matt Vespa reports the invasion has begun, as Putin order his troops into the would-be “breakaway republics” Russia recognized Monday. But it’s okay; After all, they’re only minor…
(4). In a related item, NRO‘s David Harsanyi recounts on the issue of Putin, Biden has been relentlessly wrong: “As VP, he mocked Russia hawks, treated Putin as a partner, and helped Russia join the WTO. Then came his presidency.”
Which brings us, appropriately enough, to The Lighter Side:
Then there’s these from Major Jon…
…Ed Hickey…
…and the lovely Shannon:
Finally, we’ll call it a wrap with two especially sordid stories straight from the pages of The Crime Blotter, courtesy today a dynamic duo with particularly perverted proclivities:
Tennessee woman accused of raping at least 9 teenagers
You’ll forgive us for having the thought, but it occurred to us if these two had somehow hooked up, that poor lady would still be alive and these two free as a pair of abhorrently aberrant jaybirds.
Video of the Day
Tom Bakke forwarded this moving tribute to those willing to give their lives to preserve freedoms so many here at home and around the world so desperately want to take away.
Tales of The Darkside
Courtesy of the lovely Shannon, here’s why, while NASCAR itself matters not to us, the fans most always will.
On the Lighter Side
Joe Montana exemplifies the NFL when it was great…BEFORE it became Woke. And though Joe only won four championships, rather than seven, at least he didn’t cheat!
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